Hi there,
I hope you can help me.
I am a 32 year old female, I have been diagnosed with PCOS some years ago.
The hair on my face and body has been affecting me since puberty. I am not on medication since the side effects of birth control pills and the like are too severe for me (depression etc).
(Sidenote: I also have insulin resistance and tend to gain weight. I am on a diet and work out regularly to keep it under control and I try to get my previous weight back. I slacked of from the diet because of stress, but I am not letting that happen again, I gained about 10 kg in one year. Not worth it. Normal weight is 56-58 kg, currently I weigh 66 but intend to lose 8-10 kg. I am 167 cm. “tall”.)
I have tried so far:
- shaving on body. Stubbles after one day, visual hair from day 2. A complete shave takes 30-45 minutes.
- tweezing of facial fair. Its the method I use most of the time, shaving only when I get other treatments there, since that causes noticeable stubble.
- professional waxing of legs, about 5 times. Hair started to grow back in like 5 days, but not all of it, so was more manageable with a quick shave. Lots of painful ingrown hairs, I won’t do that again.
- professional IPL removal (various beauty centres, dermatologist etc…) 8 treatments on legs + bikini line + lower stomach, 5 on face. Planned to get underarms done after seeing results, but never came this far. Hair grew back slower, but I didn’t see much of a difference in the long run. This was 5/6 years ago.
- at home IPL removal (Philips Lumea) about 50 treatments on legs + bikini line + lower stomach + underarms + face. Hair grew back slower, but I didn’t see much of a difference in the long run. This was 2/3 years ago.
-at home laser hair removal, only on my face (Tria by Beurer LAS 50 Haarentfernungslaser Precision) For the course of 2 months I did a treatment every other day. It is not recommended, nor does it work. But I was and desperate.
During the last couple of years I repeatedly let body hair grow out, since I am too sick and tired of constantly removing it. I have now ridiculously patchy lower leg hair. I focus my energy for removing hair on my face, because that is sooo noticeable. I also find it quite stupid that woman must remove all body hair in order to be “normal”. But then again, I would love to feel pretty again… I think that would mean either all hairs on legs, underarms etc removed (permanently please…), or just super fine blonde hair would be awesome.
Could you please help me finding the right method of hair removal for me?
I have blue eyes, ashy medium brown hair (was blonde as a child), my body hair looks wirey and quite dark on my legs, underarms depend on lightning very much, stubble on face seem dark at first sight, but as I pull them out, the root looks blonde/reddish (mustache area).