Has anyone ever heard of...

The Caruso International school of Electrolysis in Toronto? I want to go to her for electrolysis treatment, it says she was trained by Meharg. But she uses blend? It’s soooo slow, but she said it should take 6 months for me to see an improvement, which is good, but it’s just soooo slow =(
Also she said blend is more effective then thermoylsis, but people have had treatments successfully with thermoylsis. Is it true, does it take longer?

If ANYONE can post recommendations for Toronto electrologists that would be great!! I’ve been looking at posts from the past on this site I FOUND NOTHING!


I have been working on female client for exactly one year. She came to me with a thick beard of white, black, clear, gray and red hair. She had very coarse hair on her neck, sides, upper lip, billy goat and chin. I saw her this afternoon and the hairs are so very sparse and thin. We have been on an every six weeks schedule, since January. Appointments last between 60-90 minutes and I am removing less than 500 hairs for ALL those areas. Guess what? This was all completed with THERMOLYSIS. How? The better engineered epilators of today, like the Apilus Platinum, offer a couple thermolysis modes that are highly destructive to the hair follicle, maybe even more so than blend. I used a mode called SYNCHRO on her straight,coarse, anagen hairs first and then switched to another mode called PicoFlash later on. When I ran into an area where the hairs were curvy, I used a thermolysis mode called MultiPlex. A modernly equipped electrologist today finds that thermolysis fulfills all her/his needs for any hair structure thanks to the R+D people who develop and improve our epilators. We can remove hair faster with these modes than we can with blend electrolysis. PEOPLE WANT THE HAIR OFF FAST. If your electrologist does not have this kind of set up and training, then blend would serve you best. I adore the blend method, but Synchro thermolysis, MultiPlex thermolysis and PicoFlash thermolysis are the tools I choose to use mostly for ALL hiar structures. These terms relate to the manufacturer, Dectro. Other companies have their special, catchy names, too. Someone else can explain what they use if they want to!

Toronto electrologists??? Come on everyone, please help out if you can!


Here is one I know offhand. They use the same scope as James does, and they may have upgraded to an Apilus Platinum by now.

Thanks VickieCNY, but I’ve been to bishop, and although she uses good equipment, her skill level is not the greatest. She’s VERY SLOW, she doesn’t have lots of time to fit you in, and she pauses every 10 minutes during an hour session. (Goes to the bathroom, answers the phone, moves her microscope a million times) I woulnd’t mind this but she doesn’t give me that extra time she’s wasting. Also, after going to her for almost two months, the hairs weren’t even coming back differently, they looked EXACTLY the same… and also she would miss a lot of DARK hairs.

Ugh, I can’t find anyone in Toronto that is skilled, and uses thermolysis =( Please people recommendations!! It would help so much!!

Thermolysis is as effective as blend, but requires skill to perform it correctly and effectively. She may not be comfortable doing it.

Personally, I found that my electrologist had to use blend on my areolas where hair was curly and deep, but she didn’t have issues killing hair on all other areas with thermolysis.

For any electrologist that has MultiPlex thermolysis on the Apilus, it is meant for deep curvy hairs as found on the areola areas. It does a great job, just as blend does. If I didn’t have this thermolysis options, I would choose one of the blend modes. The main thing is inserting a large probe to the bottom of the follicle and delivering the correct amount of energy for the correct amount of time. When the hair slides out with full bulb, then it is cooked.


Hi desperate18

im from toronto too and i’ve started going to this salon called 'European Skin Care spa in mississauga. its in streetsville actually. you can check out their website.


i dont know too much about how good they are…ive only had 2 treatments as ive just recently started. but they seem to have a lot of experience in electrolysis.

if anybody has any reviews or experiences to do with this clinic i would love to hear about them!

Thanks newbie11 Mississauga is a little far for me. But I will check them out, I would prefer toronto, as in Downtown. Or even greater toronto area, like vaughan.

Desperate, please see these arms. One of them was treated with thermolysis (Multiplex) in December 2009 (4 hours total). The photo was taken in April 2010.
Dee is absolutely right, the blend could not improve the results of the thermolysis.


Once when I was first contemplating getting electrolysis on my face I called up someone in Toronto and was quoted a total cost
of $35,000.

Since I knew virtually nothing about electrolysis at the time that put me off, and when I had to do something about the facial hair or else, I tried laser and from there electrolysis.

The total I spent on both laser and electrolysis was much less
than that $35,000 which was quoted and I am happy with the results. In retrospect I’m glad I didn’t go to that first place.

I’ve already told the story of how my current electrologist was the only one out of half a dozen who actually returned my call asking about hair removal.


I had forgotten that part, Alicia.

Your current electrologist is the lucky one for returning your call. I’m sure it is her pride and privilege to have you as a client.


Hi again, Alicia!!

I did not know that part of your history.
I also think that your electrologist has been the real successful in this venture. A customer who wishes to speak during the session, shows absolute confidence in your electrologist. Some clients believe that oral communication interferes with the speed of our work. To my knowledge, sound waves do not interfere with the electrical current. As it interferes, in which time is on the table, pass so quickly. The music, oh! that sounds good the beat of the automatic system of our machine, but never exceed the pleasure offered by the rhythm of an old song by the Beatles. :wink:

Hola de nuevo, querida Alicia!!

Yo no conocía esa parte de tu historia.
Yo también pienso que tu electrólogo ha sido el verdadero afortunado en esta aventura. Una cliente que desea conversar durante la sesión, demuestra una confianza absoluta en su electrólogo. Algunas clientes creen que la comunicación oral interfiere en la velocidad de nuestro trabajo. Que yo sepa, las ondas sonoras no interfieren con la corriente eléctrica. En lo que sí interfiere, es en que el tiempo pasado en la camilla, pase tan rápidamente. La música, oh! que bien suena el compás del sistema automático de nuestra máquina, pero nunca superará el placer que ofrece el ritmo de una vieja canción de los Beatles. :confused:

Hi desperate! I am also from Toronto! Which electrologists have you gone to? I have gone to a few different ones as well, and I have not been happy with the results. Hopefully we can combine our experiences and find the best one. :slight_smile:

I’ve been going to one for now, but I’m looking for someone who does thermoylsis, who has a great success rate (i.e 100%) lol

I’ll let you know what I find…where have you gone, or are you just starting to look?

Hey syg,

What has your electrolysis experience been like? How many treatments of over much time? area? anything? No detail is too small.

I am just doing my upper lip because I have a few dark hairs, but I was planning on doing more if it worked. I have been doing it for about 6 months now every couple of weeks. I started at some place in Yorkville and now I am at the Advanced Institute of Electrolysis on Bay St. The lady is nice but I don’t think she knows what she’s doing. Sometimes she zaps a follicle and pulls out the wrong hair and then she’ll zap the same place twice because the hair is still there. I would like to go someplace else but I don’t really know where’s best.

Omg I went there too, I don’t know who you have, but the lady I had was plucking out EVERY hair. That was more painful than the zap!

I’m looking for recommendations, but NO ONE on here seems to have them in Toronto. I looked in past searches, and found NOTHING!! I went as far back as 5 years!! UGH! So aggravated =(

People who talk about their experience didn’t write the clinic or name of the person they were talking about! so it becomes impossible to find a referral =(

Please anyone who has had electrolysis or is still doing it and has had success with their electrologist please REFER (TORONTO, CANADA).

Thanks all! =)

I can’t remember her name… she is an older lady. Gah. I knew her overplucking was abnormal…

I know how you feel though. I wish that someone could just recommend a good place. :frowning: I am from a smaller city with only one place for electrolysis, but I figured Toronto was big enough to have a decent variety.

BTW have you been to either of the places at 99 Yorkville?

Are you up for traveling perhaps?

These names are listed on Laura’s Playground for Canada:


Susan Nurse, CPE
Advanced Electrolysis
2-65 Dundas St. E.
Belleville, Ontario Canada K8N 1B9
Phone : (613) 966-8691
Email : susannurse@sympatico.ca
Website : http://www.advancedelectrolysis.ca
“I am sensitive and accepting of transitioning clients and I will provide the best possible service.”

Lisa McCallum, CPE, LT
Certified Professional Electrologist / Laser Technician
Enlighten Laser & Electrolysis at Jasmine’s Hair & Esthetics (Nova Scotia)
860 Highway 2
Elmsdale , NS, Canada B2S 1M1
Phone : (902) 883-7934
Cell : (902) 751-1457
2nd Email : rmlm@ns.sympatico.ca
“I am more than willing to treat any client who is in need of my services. I offer electrolysis, laser hair removal and other laser esthetics with the Sciton BBL (skin tightening, photorejuvenation, acne treatment, treatment for spider veins, leg veins, age spots, sun spots and other benign pigmented lesions). My office is about 25 minutes outside of Halifax, NS.”

Rhonda Barriage
Beauty Works Day Spa
615 Sidney Street
Belleville, Ontario Canada K8P 4A7
Phone : (613) 966-5211
Fax : (613) 966-5211
Email : rhonda@beautyworksdayspa.com
Will treat Transgendered persons.

Durham Laser Hair Removal
Laser or Electrolysis
60 Liberty Street
Bowmanville, Ontario, Canada
Phone : (905) 728-4258
Cell : (905) 442-0579 (Ask for Anna)
Accepts Transgendered Clients

[color:#6600CC]Lucie Desrochers, CPE
D3 Electrology 2000
Electrolysis and Laser
1161-4th Concession
West Dundas, Ontario
L0R 2H2 Canada
Phone : (905) 628-0010
Email : luciejdesrochers@sympatico.ca
Website : http://www.transelectrolysis.ca/
Accepts Transgendered clients[/color]

All About You Studio And Spa
1160 Ogilvie Road
Ottawa, Ontario K1J 8V1
Phone : (613) 746-0600
Esthetics, and Laser
(Recommended by Beth the Mod)
Accepts Transgendered Clients

Jacquelyn’s Electrolysis & Waxing
11 Moorcroft Court
Nepean, Ontario, Canada
Phone : (613) 820-9000
Accepts TG Clients. By Appointment Only. Recommended by one of her clients with the following comment : “The electrologist I have been using for years. She is absolutely outstanding.”

Carmella Hammond
CPHI©, CPE, Laser Technician
North London Electrolysis and Laser
5 Wildflower Place
London, ON N5Y 5M4
Phone : 519 859 5068
Email : electrolysislady@hotmail.com
Website : http://www.northlondonelect.com

The best thing one can do in their locale is try out several electrologist and get some short treatments after asking some questions. You just have to investigate and use your best instincts. Same for any other profession where you are looking for someone good that you can mesh with.