Has anyone ever heard of...

Those places are actually kind of far for me to travel weekly. I’m looking for downtown Toronto, North York, Midtown, etc. even Mississauga would suffice. Anywhere more than an 1 hour away is tooooo far.

But thanks for helping =)


I don’t know anything about her, but you could check her out.
Apparently she is above the Wellesley subway station.



PS- I found this review of her.:

A TS with a lot of experience posted on 01/20/2010:
I went to Sarah for about 4 months to finish my face. She does not have hte best client skills, you are not going to make a professional-friend and it will not be the most comfortable - but when it comes to hair removal she is a total professional: when she zaps it, its gone. She will not under-treat just to keep her clients happy (a common strategy).

If you are serious and want to get this over and done with then Sarah is the way to go.

Yeah… those other places are really far. Buffalo would be a closer option. lol I think I will try out Sarah Shrigley. Thanks for the link. I’ll let you know how it goes. :slight_smile:

I called her yesterday and she doesn’t have any appointments open until August.

Syggelekokle: I should have warned you, I called Sarah last summer, and waited for an appointment in October, I forgot about the appointment, and called her the day before because I had an exam that day. She said oh next appointment I can give you is March. I’m like ok I’d like to start now :s how does she do weekly appointments for people if she’s so backed up :S and also she was very rude, i wanted to ask her some info before making an appt, and she kept saying “check my website” like you can’t spare 5 min to explain…ugh, hate people like that.

Desperate18, I can understand your disappointment.

But I can also understand the attitude of Sarah. If it is not an emergency, cancel an appointment the previous day is show little respect for the time of your electrologist and, what is worse, at the list of customers waiting for a cancellation, in time to be notified.

In most cases, our lack of diplomacy, is caused by the frustration that makes us unable to meet as many people as we wanted. Maybe if the day had 48 hours could treat twice as customers and we could spend a few minutes to inform the phone, maybe if we do not spend time in sleep … because the time to eat so long ago that we use in work.

I once had a person decide the day before her multi-hour appointment that she was not coming to see me. Somehow she managed to tell a mutual friend of ours this information, but did not bother to tell me that she was not coming until an hour after her appointment was scheduled to be concluded. :mad:

Had she told me when she made the decision or even the night before (though technically in violation of the 24 hour notice rule) I could have attempted to reschedule the time, or even made plans to go home and spend time with my family, or watch a movie for that matter. This is not the first time she has done this.

Now she wonders why I won’t make appointments with her unless she prepays them in advance.

James, I also have to consider seriously follow your behavior.

In my case when the client asks me why they should wait for a next appointment, I tell him that his turn will come when there is the next cancellation (if she or he takes the trouble to call to cancel on time). :wink:

Ahh, scary smiley face James.

I’ll make sure to be there on time on the 28th. :grin:

Also desperate, why is more than 1 hour too far?:confused:

What’s a few extra hours of driving compared to being hair free for the rest of your life? I drove 6 hours to get treatment from James (which by the way he’s right near you, about 3 hours away).

Also, I don’t think you need to go weekly. I’m currently only going once a month for treatments.


I really didn’t know too much about Sarah, but its hard to believe that she is unable to book any appointments till far in the future. I’m sure she could squeeze a consultation in sometime sooner if she really tried.

I think the important thing as a client is to get ones foot in the door so to speak and then if you like the treatments you are getting and the electrologist and you get along well, then book at least two appointments ahead and keep them.

I have showed up to my electrologists office on several occasions where her previous appointment didn’t show up and hadn’t called either, so it can sometimes be a matter of relying on each other and being able to trust one and other.

I’m thinking that Sarah needs to realize how the kind of attitude that has been described here isn’t endearing her to
any potential clients.

PS- I’ve spent over 280 hours with my electrologist to date. If you are spending a lot of time with someone in close quarters then you need to be able to get along and have some degree of compatability. If you don’t like spending time with a particular electrologist, perhaps because of personality conflicts or whatever then you are better off finding another one rather than being in an uncomfortable situation. Just my two cents. Well mybe two and a half.

Hey guys, I’m in Toronto as well and will eventually be looking for an electrologist. Just confused a little, well not really but I mean with laser, it’s such a new technology and there’s so many devices out there, that you really do need to do your homework since you might be being treated with IPL and so on. Electrolysis seems to be pretty standard, there’s newer machines of course, but you have your 3 or whatever it is different types of technologies. If someone’s been doing electrolysis for say even 5 years, is it really that common or possible that it wouldn’t work? I mean to me if they insert the probe fire the hair and it slides out easily, would it not be treated? Of course you don’t want someone that does 1 hair a minute, but I just mean is there really as much risk as there is with laser?

The neat thing about electrolysis is that it is a proven technology, and getting decent treatment is something one can find if one puts the time and effort into the search for a good practitioner.

Pretty much no. Electrolysis is way more reliable than laser. In my experience, if they have good insertions and the hair slides out, it worked. Maybe a few of the stronger hairs will grow back (weaker and thinner), but for the most part you should be able to tell during the treatment if it worked on 90% of the hairs (well, some electrologists don’t try to kill telogen hairs, so that’s the possible exception).

The biggest thing is to make sure they treat you in a way that doesn’t leave marks on your skin. And of course, speed is important to everyone too.

So: If insertions are good, hair slides out, and you heal properly, then the treatment pretty much worked like a charm. :slight_smile:

I agree with MPK.

Since I’ve been on these forums, the only people who I have heard complain that treatment doesn’t seem to be working are those who feel plucking. This usually goes hand in hand with otherwise bad treatment that leaves unnecessary marks etc.

When I had my test patch with my electrologist in the beginning, I did not feel insertions, I did not feel the hairs being taken out with the tweezers and other than some temporary redness my skin went back to normal (this was Blend). I continued to have short treatments initially to make sure it stayed this way. Since I was having a small area of coarse hairs treated, it didn’t take long to realise they were being effected permanently.

You just need to do your research and know what to look out for.

From what I have read here, it’s quite possible that there are electrologists with many years of “experience” who do terrible work. So don’t let years of experience sway you.

There are electrologists doing electrolysis for 20 years who are not good and don’t kill hair permanently. There are people here who post about those experiences. Someone can be doing it for 20 years and plucking the hair, i.e. not doing insertions properly. There are posts here from people who’ve experienced this and we have to remind them it’s the electroogist’s fault and not electrolysis itseld that doesn’t work.

I understand cancelling and appointment a day before is a no no, but first it was a consult, that I waited for, for about 3 months, so ya I forgot about it obviously. I had it written down and everything, but once school started I was crazy busy and it wasn’t the first thing on my mind. Luckily I saw it though and called her the morning before the appointment, and she wasn’t happy, but I apologized cause I felt reallllyyy bad. I ALWAYS make it appointments, and if I can’t I’ll call at least 3 or 4 days in advance.

But anyways, like if she makes appointments for consults for 3-4 months later, she should at least call to remind people or send emails or something! Who the heck can remember an appointment that far in advance without constantly checking to see if they have an appointment lol

But regardless I didnt want to wait that long just for a consult. And also she only worked 3 days a week!! Can you imagine how treatments would be. I’d probably see her once a month lol (exaggeration!)

No, for me is not so obvious that someone who has a problem with excess hair can forget the appointment. Why do you need a call from your electrologist if you have the hairs grow to remember every day?

One of my clients that I forgot to call to confirm an appointment outside my regular schedule, a few days ago told me: “You do not remember me, and I even dream about you?”
This woman is 66 years and has spent every day of the last 50 years plucking with tweezers. His treatment of Electrolysis began about three months and the first act she does to wake up every morning, is to move his hands over his face to see that the nightmare is over. Think she’ll forget an appointment? Flatly, no.

I’ve taken a look at the website of Sarah and frankly, that has impressed me favorably.
If I were you, call back Sarah to request rescheduling. Explain how difficult it is to find an efficient electrologist and the need that you have to experience that 90% of success ( in first clearance) that it offers on its website.
If you still do not get your prayers awaken in her a little empathy, then forget it. She does not deserve to belong to the group of Electrologist.

It wasn’t that I don’t care enough that I just “forgot”, it is more like I have a million things going on in my life as a student, and YES the hair consumes my life! So for you to compare me to a 66 year old person, well to me that tells me right there that they have all the time in the world (no offense to any elderly person) but it really aggravates me that someone has the audacity to suggest “I don’t care”. When in fact it is quite the opposite, during her 3 month wait time for a consult, I went to 5 different electrologist, have spent tuition money I shouldn’t have, and have had some scars from people that really don’t know what they are doing. So I have been through a lot with this hair removal.
I have spent thousands of dollars on lasers, electrolysis, waxing, sugaring, threading, you name it, I’ve done it.

I’m looking to get RID of this hair, because it hurts me emotionally that I’m not “feminine” enough to wear or be the person I want to be. As shallow or superficial as it sounds, it’s the truth. I want this hair gone, because I just want to be “normal”. I can’t be who I am and feel confident when there’s constantly this issue I have to deal with.

So this is why I’m on this forum constantly, waiting and hoping that SOMEONE can help, not just by your wonderful advice or little suggestions, but a referral, by someone who is or has completed their journey with 100% satisfaction. If there is someone from Toronto out there, PLEASE, I beg of you, help me out, and anyone else from Toronto that may come here in future times.

Sorry for the long post, but really I needed to say all that. =$

I disagree. My favorite electrologist always called me to remind me about the appt the day before. I never needed a reminder, but it was a nice gesture and she was able to do it despite being very busy. Most of the time, she would just leave a message and that was fine. Doctors do that all the time. It helps both the business and the client. That way, the business can get heads up if something comes up and not count on the client not forgetting for whatever reason. Things happen.

Desperate, in any profession, there are good and some bad professional. The more you have to wait for an electrologist you attend, you will have more security that is efficient.

LAgirl, doctors do not call their patients personally, this is done by his assistants.
I would not trust much in a doctor who has time to remember the appointment to their patients. Instead, I would greatly appreciate it gave me his home number if I need urgent professional services.