Hi, everyone! What an incredibly informative forum you have going here. I’m a 31 year old Caucasian female with significant dark, coarse hair growth on my chin and neck areas (some cheek hair as well). I have always plucked and shaved constantly and did go through a short series of laser treatments years ago (not very successful there). I have now decided it’s time to invest in, and commit myself to electrolysis. I’ve stopped plucking- damn, has it been tough! I live in Pittsburgh, PA and have an appointment tomorrow with a local CPE certified practitioner with 30 years of experience. She seemed very open and friendly on the phone. They use the “blend” method. I’m really hoping to have some success with this-- I would love to be able to let my hubby touch my face whenever he wants to! Anyways, my question is this. I haven’t shaved in 24 hours (it’ll be 48 by the time the appointment rolls around) because she said the hairs needed to be “long enough to grab with a tweezer.” I’ve done a lot of reading on this forum and know that there are all kinds of tweezing scams, etc. I don’t think that’s what is going on here, but I wanted to make sure before I drop a ton of money. Do hairs have to be that long in order to treat them? Also, after 48 hours I should have pretty significant stubble- how much can/should I expect her to do during the first appointment? Any answers, tips or advice would be well appreciated. Thanks SO much!
P.S. Mr. Walker, if this doesn’t work out, do you have a completely packed schedule for March? I’d be willing to drive to Buffalo!