Feeling some hope! 35 hours into this hair removal

Why is that? It seems more electro’s do it laid back, where LASER is in a shop.

James you work out of your home correct? My electrologist’s office is very chill. Homie with good tunes.

I had two hours of treatment today, and she told me to stop in any time this week for some clean up.

i took pics fifteen minutes after and Im posting them, to me it looks like over treatment but I do not get pus or scabs, just these red spots.

Any ideas…its always a lil tender for a bit too. I have wash it about every hour when im done with WH and aloe it afterwards, Ill wash it with noxzema b4 bed and dab on tea tree and aloe it.

Ill post twenty four hour pics tomorrow.

But other then the red heads I am happy with it.

I would like to see a better picture quality with no makeup 24-48 hours later. This looks rough as I see it, but then again, the picture quality is not so good.

Ill get that up on here. Its hard coz my cam is not high quality and my sons is but he does not delete vids and pics and it loads them everytime all the time the same 300 vids and pics!!!

Ill take one tomorrow evening tho, and through out the week, I do think it looks rough too. I know my electro is older and her machine is about 7 years old, but there is lil pain when she does it and typically the red heads are gone in about 5 days, and she treats me well, and my doc said none of it looks like anything that will scar. Ill get it up tho.

Thanks Dee for taking the time to read and look, I am also limited, she is the only electro for about 80 miles and I cant afford to travel. When ever I have issues she is good at addressing them with me and is with me on I want clearance every session! It never gets those bumps on my chin or cheeks, just my neck. HMMMMM~ =) TY

I think she is doing the best she can with what she has. I don’t have any problems with what I am seeing so far. If you want to decrease the healing time, start supplementing with Vitamins A, C, E, and D-3. You can also buy powdered vitamin C and add it to the aloe you are using. It is best, however that you mix up only what you are about to use, instead of pouring it in the aloe bottle and using it that way. Vitamin C loses stregnth with exposure to heat, light, and in the case of its reacting with the aloe, time would become a factor as well.

As for me, I have a somewhat strange set up. After haveing so many problems with people being bigoted about my clientel, I bought a mixed use commercial property that has a retail front, and an apartment in the back. This allows out of town clients who are of a mind to, the opportunity to stay on the premises when they are getting work done. Now, since I am at the office property more often than not, if I am in town, I could more easily be said to live there than my house, but I am sure there are many people who can relate to that. I also stay over with the clients when they are in town, so during those times, I sleep there as well. Funny thing is, one week, I had so many out of towners that I ended up with some at my house, and some at the office.

Anyway, In many cases, the electrolysis person is the sole authority on what can and can’t be done, while more L.A.S.E.R. people have many fingers in their pies, but even the ones I know who own it all don’t seem to be willing to cut you any more slack than when they had no ability to do so. I know one person who owns all her equipment outright, owns the high rise building she operates out of (now that is funny, the doctors are paying rent to the Electrolysis & L.A.S.E.R. lady) and her policy is still “NO TICKY NO WASHY!”

Because of this site I have become more aware of what goes into my body as well, I have been taking my supplement daily with an extra shot of B and C, but never thought of putting it in the aloe, the C that is. Like some EMERG-en-C?

thanks for explaining your set up to me, it is interesting to me how ppl do business.

My electrologists spot is downstairs in an old office building that houses many different businesses, hers is on the corner and two sides are done in glass block, frosted of course, she did tell me when she started out she had both offices next to each other and she used the other one to nap or stretch or hang out, between clients, now being close to retirement she sets her schedule up differently, she said.

I agree with doing the best she can with what she has. If anyone out there is interested in small town life, hours from the biggest city, hippies, recycling, living green, poverty and lots of homelessness, LOL, we are going to need a new electrologist up here in nor cal soon! LOL

=) Thanks for the replies.

Can you guys come to the UK to treat us?

I don’t know if it’s a bad picture, but it looks like you have a lot more side effects than you should from normal treatment. Make sure you’re not getting overtreated.

Send over a ticket and get equipment for us to use once we get over there ($7,000 worth of damage to my stuff on one trip has ended my air travel with my equipment.)

I can get you loads of customers : ) Can that be an alternative?

Sure, as long as they pre-pay :grin:


day three…


It looks like you’re being somewhat overtreated. I would be careful so that you are not left with scarring. Your skin should be completely healed before you go in for your next treatment. It should look like nothing was ever done.

My electologist turned down the machine today and I am so much clearer! I think there was some over treatment but I really dont see anything i think will scar, no pitting no discoloration. Just taking it as it comes!

Thank you tho for the input! Ill keep ya posted =)

I finally got my hands on some tend skin! My electologist ordered it for me. I will start using it this week. WHY do I have such bad ingrowns! I NEVER had this problem so bad when i shaved! How is it that the hair can break through and then wooops be gone and then UH OH HUGE red bump!

6 months into it and I am so much less hairy! I just want to be done, LOL. I want my skin to clear up! I am starting to get peach fuzz on my neck and chin from not shaving, it will be interesting to see how it grows in! Watch me have to trim it with a number two guard on my hair clippers! As long as they are not thick and BLACK Im cool!

Any suggestions on how to get good pics of the treated area? I feel like I have tried a lot of angles and lights and my son has a fairly decent camera and its just not gettin the essence of my outcome or the issue before treatment!

=) Happy Hair Removal!!!

It sounds like the higher setting may have been burning off some of the hairs below the skin’s surface. Of course, I am just “Monday Morning Armchair Quarterbacking” here. I have not worked on you, have not seen you, and don’t know what your particular practitioner is doing.

i think it was set on to high of a setting, so but what your saying is hairs can get burned off under the surface and BE or NOT be DEAD, and just sit there and fester or what? They go away and come back?

I am tryin to get good pics but im having a hard time and not getting any advice on how to capture in good light and etc.

=) I wish i could see ya and have ya work on me for a few days! That would make my year!

If the treatment is too high, and or the insertion is a little off, the hair can be burn off. When this happens, the hair is either dead, and trapped under the skin’s surface, ore it is alive and trapped under the skin’s surface. If it is dead, you have to wait until it is lifted up to the surface via the skin’s shedding process. If it is still alive, you will have a good chance of developing an ingrown hair, as the hair keeps growing, but dooesn’t have a pointed tip to push through the skin above it, and the skin may h ave collapsed above it with the treatment energy.

As for seeing me, where are you located in California? You may be near to where I will be soon.

oh you could make my nite saying you were coming to nor cal!
The thing is ppl call SF nor cal and I am actually 230 miles NORTH of SF, about an hour from the OR border! Now tell me where do you plan on going? I might make a trip, are you traveling with equipment??

I know what you mean about the “Northern California” idea. I once visited California, and since the train system seemed to easily service the area, I made plans to see friends in both LA and Santa Barbara. All I will say about my train trip is “My kindome for an 800 page book!” "grin:

My current plans will have me close to california, but unless something changes I won’t be crossing over into the golden state. Although I will say that I really wish that I could just bum around the west coast from Northern Washington down to the Southern Edge of California. I would get to visit so many friends that I have not seen in years.

I am told that if I ever spend any serious time there, I would abandone all and live in San Deigo (which is funny, because it was a city that I fantasized about living in as a kid).

My cheek looked like that after my last appointment. WHY is it so hard to find an electrologist who knows what they’re doing? It turns out also that my electrologist was probably just plucking my coarse hairs for the past 2 months.