this is of the left side, the last pic is of the right side.
The red bumps are much less today.
It will be clear by friday and healthy by Monday when i do it all over again!
this is of the left side, the last pic is of the right side.
The red bumps are much less today.
It will be clear by friday and healthy by Monday when i do it all over again!
Can you remind us whether you’re on spiro or anything else for hormonal issues? Did you get tested?
I have been tested and im all good, i have been diagnosed with PCOS, whenever i have had pain and they have done an ultrasound within a week my period starts and when i go back in for another ultra the ovaries are clear. I took meds i forget the name now, something they perscribe often, something they also give to ppl who are diabetic, i took them for about three months, lost twenty pounds coz i could not eat and when i did it went straight through me.
My testosterone was very high about 10 years ago, after giving birth to three sons, not that that had anything to do with it. I just had a full work up about two months ago and everything was fine. My testosterone was actually on the low average side and everything else was normal.
My sisters are hairy, not as bad as me, my mom is less hairy now then in her younger days, not as much facial, more leg and arm. She is native and Russian. Very dark hair and dark skin.
Sometimes there is no rhyme or reason ppl are just more hairy then others. (my sister did electro about 15 years ago on her neck for about 6 months, couldnt deal with pain and cost).
OH and YES, i take a water pill and mini pill and was on BP meds for about a year.
BUT when i started meds, i was already hairy!
Many people are discovering that this isn’t the case anymore. If every electrologist would upgrade their tools and re-train, they would actually be able to move along at a good clip to get the hair of fast, with very tolerable sensation levels and nice healing outcome. That translates into a feeling of hope and well-being for the depressed client and then cost becomes secondary. Cost depends on one’s view as to what “expensive” means? Ask the PCOS lady that had a beard if $2,000 was too expensive to have her beard removed PERMANENTLY over a period of 12-18 months?
I am the PCOS lady with a full beard! And cost is nothing to me at this point. (although its not being paid so much out of my pocket)A grand in and almost five months and over 40 hours and I wouldnt change it for the world. Unless it was my grand, if not for my mom I wouldnt be where I am at with my treatment.
My sister who did some electro and was not able to tolerate the pain, well she still shaves regularly, but its ok with her. She has accepted it. She could afford it now, but her idea of way back when was how bad it hurt. I tell her its not bad, and she says NOPE im ok with my hair. To each is own.
I see hairy woman more and more, some are like whatever, and some go to any length to hide it. Removal is not for everyone. Just as spending hundreds to get our nails and hair done, some might think its rediculous.Some I suppose just accept it and move on. If people werent so ignorant and if there was not such a frenzy of media showing us how we SHOULD look, i think the world would be more accepting. But its not for me to judge anyone, I have hair, my best friend has a huge birth mark covering half her face and neck, ppl stare, ppl whisper, but we are all ppl and hairy or not, love me or not, I am still me!
But for me taking this electolysis route is amazing. I wish I would have done it years ago, but i could not afford it, easy as that. Single mom of three with one dead beat dad who works her tail off now, and if it wasnt for help from my family, yes TWO Gs would be TOO MUCH! But I am blessed with family who can help me out, and I no longer have to suffer the way I was, and suffer i did.
When all is said and done I will be the same me just without a hairy face.
But i will always think that two thousand is a lot of money! That much money feeds my kids for three months, and they couldnt live without food. But ppl can live with hair. Maybe this is why insurance doesnt help, even if you are sick, my aunt had a tumore in her pituatary gland and got very hairy!!! as hairy as me, they paid for her surgery but not for the aftermath or hair removal. I have had cat scans!!! The tumor would have killed her and she had a stroke and years of PT, but the hair wouldnt have, its all in how we see ourselves. I will stick to the thought of I dont care what the next person thinks, but this is a journey of my emotions, and how i see myself.
You have two special women in your life, your Mother and your electrologist. Two thousand dollars is a lot of money for most of us. I just threw that number out, but I really don’t know how much this will end up costing you in the long run. Every case is different, but that is probably a good estimate. Many people come up with very creative ways to pay for electrolysis when they have no disposable income. The motivation for these folks is unbelievable, but they get the mission accomplished. Keep thanking your Mother for her help. She has made this a lot easier for you, indeed.
Forty hours of electro definitely puts you in good position and you should be feeling happy and hopeful at this point for sure! Congratulations! This is a wonderful story to hear about. Thanks for sharing your perspective with us.
I have an appointment today and I am home a bit early to numb my lip! I only have like 10 hairs i can see but i like it nice and numb!
So I get kind of concerned, my skin on my neck is so blotchy. Bit its not like that where I have had more work, say my chin and sideburns. Its more like on either side of my “eves” apple. It is the area i always had the most ingrowns while i was shaving everyday, and now I still get ingrowns there, but its also blotchy! So on top of being the hairyest spot its got redness and ingrowns! I shave maybe once a week, but it scares me coz my skin will be rough for days after my electro and i hate to irritate it.
It seems that when i witch hazel it gets blotchier! I am a worry wart, and my electologist always says its healing well, but going so frequently i dont see how anything can fully heal in 3-6 days! But I dont want to go further inbetween treatment coz I will get so far behind, i am having a new growth cycle and its fustrating! I was very depressed this weekend coz I had a HS reunion and did not go coz I could not or choose not to shave, so I made my choice, and its on me, but it got me down a little.
OK here I go!
If someone knows about blotchyness, is that a word, i make words up, let me know. My skin is very fair and I get blotchy when i excercise or in the heat too! But UGH its ugly!
You shouldn’t treat any areas that still haven’t healed from a previous treatment. You can go in for treatments often, but you should be careful not to overtreat any one area.
Ingrowns and digging them out can cause discolorations. Once you are done with electrolysis and don’t have to touch the area anymore, things will start improving and looking much better.
Witch hazel is not doing anything. You’re just seeing aftereffects of treatment. It would probably be worse without it.
Are you using tea tree oil at night? You should.
It sounds like you have sensitive skin.
Don’t feel bad about shaving. It’s the best way to remove the hair while you’re getting treatments.
Well I am done with that for a few days while i do aftercare and feel a lil uncomfy! Figures I got called out to the mountains today where it will hopefully just be in the 80s the heat is no fun after electro!
So ya know I was lookin at my tummy last nite, i have had no work done around my button and the skin around it is blotchy too! Maybe it is just years of shaving and years of ingrowns?
But YES i will stick with noxzema twice a day witch hazel several times a day and my tea tree and aloe at nite. The tee tree is strong, should i use it every night or just the first few days??
I am learning as I go along here. And as my electologist pointed out yesterday, we re all different so what works for one person might not work for another.
At least I got a full clearance yesterday. It took two hours! But there it is! I still see a few stragglers but they are ok, I wont look at them. =)
I am so stoked, the regrowth on my face and neck is so minimal. And I have healed up so nicley with he aid of the ALOE for consumption! I made a booboo and left the bottle on my vanity all day yesterday…shall i toss it?
by the looks of my new growth I think I should get a clearance in less than an hour tomorrow. This is so unreal! I could have never imagined not having to shave my face! It was so routine and what i had grown use to.
When I first started treatment Sundays were a day I did not leave the house, I was to embarassed of the hair growth, now its not even noticable! I can go out with my hair in a pony and feel like everyone else. I looked in the mirror this morning when i woke up and talk about joy, I cried. I am emotional today this is truely the least hairy day I have had in 15 years! There is no looking back and I just keep thinking of wearing a spighetti tank next summer with my hair pulled up and feeling good about showing off my face and neck!
Good luck to everyone this week with removal and keeping focused!
If you left it out all day, the strength has reduced, but it should not be spoiled. When it spoils it starts to grow mold.
Stories like yours, where one makes such a positive change in someone’s life is what keeps many of us in this business even when the monetary benefits are not enough to keep us in caviar and champagne.
Any electrologist reading this would be gently smiling because we observe clients like you everyday. When the end comes, the butterfly emerges and happily flies away. If that isn’t real motivation to keep doing the work we do, then I don’t know what is! You had a successful outcome and I’m glad you are sharing this with hairtell. People really need to hear about what can be accomplished. Electrolysis does change lives.
Can you do me a favor? Please go to your signature. Please add the information as to when you started electrolysis. If you have an idea of the cost involved, that would be so helpful to those who are afraid to seek electrolysis care because they think it is to expensive (whatever that means?). Cost matters, but many say a couple thousand dollars, give or take, is worth the payback of emotions you are writing about today.
My story may be different then most. Ppl maybe be jealous and think, NOT FAIR! As I have stated befpre my mom has paid the bulk of my electrolysis so far. I have had over fourty hours of work, closer to fifty.
My electrologist is now being patient and waiting for my tax return in February of 2010 to get the rest of her money, minus just 60$ per month that I will pay her as we go along.
I knew that once I started this I would be in it for the long haul, my mom jump started the treatment with paying $1000 dollars for me, and I dug a little into my savings.
My electrologist is a doll, she sits pretty high on a pedestal in my eyes working out a money deal. I even bartered a bit with her and may do so more in the future.
I have much work to do, and have treatment today, BUT the light at the end of the tunnel is shining so BRIGHT =)
Is electrolysis painful? I’ve been considering doing it for a while now…but am too chicken!! I’m just that afraid of needles. I’ve been using Bellabe (which I bought from and it’s like a tweezer that removes a small area of hair at a time. I really like it and it keeps my skin soft & smooth for days at a time.
I wouldnt say it is painful, you can feel it however. Its not unbearable and not much different then tweezing although it takes a lot longer. I have a high pain thresh hold so I am not one to really say, have had four kids, no pain meds, and lots of tattoos and piercings. So its whatever, the RESULT is way better though and in a few years I will not have to worry about all this excess hair! =)
Right side
left side…
This is before treatment today, notice the shadown under my skin, is that just mass eruption ready to happen! Could it be permanet damage? My skin is very dry this week. I also have some makeup on in this pic as I am on my lunch break and have a meeting i have to attend after lunch.
I would love some input.
I want to post pics of every day this week, after treatment and before.
=) Thanks
Thank you for your quick reply. I make my kids go for flu shots, but I won’t go for a flu shot myself cos’ I’m that afraid of needles. I have to go for a blood draw every year, and the nurses know me by now and will be standing by to catch me in case I collapse. So, I think I will stick to my Bellabe.
you do whatever makes you comfortable. Over waxing and threading from what i hear damages follicles makes them distorted and makes electro more difficult, that is just what i hear though.
Have a great day!
Lovely Vibe1Luv, may I point out that while I have known of MANY electrologists working out a deal like the one you describe, I have NEVER heard of a L.A.S.E.R. place taking anything other than cash, check or charge for the full amount up front, or full amount for work performed on that day, at the conclusion of treatment.
StyleGal, I would be more afraid of the side effects of the vaccines than the needles.