It is hard because it is hard to find good education in this industry, and even then, it is often biased. Not many people get a broad scope of information from different directions, and therefore have the ability to do many things, and think outside of the box. Sorry.
Ya know ppl call medicine a science, i look at it this way, its an art, same as electrolysis. It really is an art. I mean I dont do it or anything but there are so many factors that can turn it any directions, and our skin is an art kind of, and its always taking on different mediums. Some weeks you may be oily, then dry, then PERFECT. So many factors to look at, lighting type of hair, all this stuff!
James for example could make Joanes treatment go perfectly, it could look great and she could be pleased, then he could work on sue and she could just be completely different skin type hair type and not do the correct aftercare and say HE SUCKS!!! Just an EXAMPLE!
So many factors, and even with education, just like practicing medicine there is so much continued learning to do, and sometimes and USUALLY ppl become the canvas by which an electtrologist or doc or nurse learns. Its the same with a cosmotologist you can go to beauty school but if you dont study along the way you arent going to get to far, giving hair cut a, b or c to every client!
Props to all the electrologists doing this everyday never knowing quiet what they are in for and NEVER being 100% certain the client will be pleased, big risk, and i am glad that so far for most that i hear of or from the reward is greater. It is a service I have needed forever and although i have my ups and down with treatment, I didnt shave my neck or face today and tend skin workin wonders on my ingrowns and i see peach fuzz, never seen it in YEARS! Instead of being prickley from my cheeks to the shallow in my throat i am fuzzy!!! HEEHEE Its kinda sexy…LOL
I couldn’t agree with you more Vibe1Luv~.
There are many ways to come at a problem, and while people want things to be dogmantic, usually there are many correct answers to a problem. You can help lower cholesterol and do good for your heart with Ginger root and Vitamin E, or you can take Lipitor.
We as practitioners are in a position where even when we are working at the peak of our capacity, the non-compliance of the client can thwart our best work.
So I decided to try something new! I used tend skin and did not shave my side burn area and down the sides of my neck sense last i went to electro! AHHHHH, It is not super dense or thick but LONG and some are BLACK! But the ingrowns are better! WAYYYY Better! I however feel so unattractive! I am taking the morning off and going in for a few hours of treatment!
I am kind of uptight with it, as I usually have my morning ritual of coffee and email and am not having coffee. But pumpin up the water and trying to hydrate. And I am sure I will lay down and have to use the restroom.
I have been gettin very nervous before trreatment in the last month, but have been more anxious over all with work and kids back in school.
I hope the lower setting again keeps my skin lookin better!
Happy permanent hair removal today to all!!!
A two hour clearance! I love it! I have another appt on monday so we shall see what pops up between now and then.
The tend skin was amazing! Can someone tell me tho how they suggest it to be used, it says twice a day morning and nite til area is clear, then once daily after hair removal! What do i do now??? Put it on tonight as part of my after care??? I never really thought about it this week coz i had not had treatment since the previous MONDAY!
thanks a bunch >=)
I have an appointment this afternoon for electro and have been hydrating up and lettin them grow. TendSkin BTW is amazing i swear you can see hairs pop out from under the skin before your eyes!
It will be interesting to see how this clearance goes. And she is going to use her cataphoresis (is that the name) machine thingie on me afterwards and we will see if this makes a difference with my healing!
I am very positive today about my results. I am feeling way more confident and looking forward to another year of electolysis at least! Then maybe five more years of other work done on my body, hair removal work, on the areas that are not visible! SHEESH! What a commitment!
Happy removal Monday!!!
OMG i got a fast clearance and then she used the cataphoresis, boy did that feel good! AND AND AND my neck has never looked so NOT red and no bumps and its only been an hour! The tend skin, the lower settings and the cata thingie has done amazing things for this journey! It took time to find the right path for my skin but i think we are on it! And to think it took almost two months for a clearance and now i got one in a little over an hour!!!
SOO SOO SOO HAPPY this evening!
I got another clearance last nite and my upper lip cleared too. The left side of my face has a lot more growth and so she of course spent more time on that side, its crazy the things you find out about your hairy face when you dont shave it. I thought there was more visible hair on the left becuase of how my mirror sits on my vanity. LOL
It is all so remarkable! I am almost at the 6 month mark and Altho it feels like I have been doing this forever and my life has been so up and down sense I started I would not change electro for anything! I am so glad I got the help and made the choice to do this. I wish I would have ten years ago. No woman should have to live with unwanted hair on her face. My GFs are trying to get us to dress up for halloween and it was suggested a king and is haremen, they asked me to be the king said you could color in a beard!! I was all NO WAY coming this far I will never put on a fake beard or grow a real one again! I think Ill be a fairy!!! LOL
Happy hair removal. Oh and I so strongly suggested tend skin to anyone with unwanted ingrowns, i now use that daily and only use tea tree twice a week directly after treatment! =)
Hi Susanknows,
can you recommend the great electro in toronto