Feeling some hope! 35 hours into this hair removal

I got another clearance today, took an hour and a half. I am kinda not to comfortable right now. I got done at 630, and i dont have pain, just very bad itchyness. It is very muggy outside and i dont live in a climate that we need ac, but i would so turn it on if i had it.

you know i notice that my skin where i have electro done is so much rougher, in general, all the treated area, dryer and just not as smooth as it was, all normal i am sure. Now keep in mind that i have done over 40 hours since may so perhaps its just been alot of trama to the skin. I am at the point where i can go a week between treatments being as i have had those first few clearances. It is so irritating the hairs that come up between treatments tho! AHHH, they get ingrown and it seems it is harder for them to break through the skin as apposed to how my hair grew prior to electro. But i always use to have a five oclosk shadow at noon and tons of stubble, NO MORE =)

So professionaly if a client comes to you with a painful ingrown that you can see under the surface, do you break the skin and remove it?

My electrolysis has done this with two very painful ingrowns, one a few weeks ago and one today, what a relief to have that out of there, and have the bump clear up, but I am curious what you all do for these situations, i never get a scab from her doing it, although i know in the past prior to my treatments if i dug at an ingrown it BLED! Whats procedure?

Thanks Bets~~

You don’t want to scratch. Use an Aloe Cortisone if you feel itchy.

Your “Electro” can see where the ingrown is, and has experience taking them out, so don’t worry about it.

Use your tea tree oil overnight, and aloe vera during the day and you should be ok.

(Of course, many people have skin issues because they need to increase their body’s vitamin A stores. For this, Retinyl Palmatate is best, as the body may not be converting beta carotene.)

My itch is much better this morning…

but i don’t think i ever got an answer as what you all suggest as a base with tea tree oil, or do you mean straight from the bottle, it seems very harsh.

It can be used straight from the bottle in small dabs, but you can use it in carrier base like jojoba oil. Jojoba doesn’t clog pores. I like to use tea tree oil on most clients after a treatment and then I use aloe vera gel over top of the tea tree oil. All depends on skin type.

Is it better to use liquid foundation or to use a powder. Today I have a hair appointment, and its nice to look good when you get your hair DID!!! I really would love to put a powder concealer where I had work yesterday, as it is still discolored.
Its only been 19 hours tho! Will I be totally hatin it later?

I am partial to mineral make-up, but not being a user (honest, regardless of what you may have heard) I have no experience with the products to be able to tell you from experience. (Ladies, lend a hand here.)

I don’t wear makeup, but all my daughters love mineral makeup.

I never wore foundation until i started the electrolysis. Perhaps some spot usage in the past to try and cover up an ingrown, now I use it way more frequently! UGH! Not every day but if i have a meeting at work I will put it on. I don’t like it and my kids say I don’t need it, but i feel that i do.

I do have some of the pure mineral lose powder foundation. And some good clinique liquid. I [paid more thinking it would be better for my skin.

Is the fact that I have done fourty plus hours on my chin lip cheeks neck jaw sideburns, my man like beard, in about three months, is this bad? Everyone says you will see the difference in about 6 months, of course I see it now! If I didnt I dont think Id be going still. But there has been weeks where i did 6 hours in one week. Three hours in two days. Are we over killing this?? If I can handle it and so can my skin will it be okay? I have not had a regrowth that even closely resembles the growth I had in the begining.

I put on the powder for my hair appointment and washed it off within three hours. My skin is fine today. The tea tree oil is making it less rough, or i think that is what it is. Im still new to the process.

If only I had her permission, I would be posting the picture of the lady from this year who had so much hair that her first clearance required 7 hours in PicoFlash to clear. She is down to 3hours per clearance, once every 8 weeks now.

I think you are doing fine. Your skin will do its best healing when all this is over. In the meantime, the tea tree oil and aloe vera will keep you looking normal enough.

I like your site and seeing the before and after.

I wish I could get a james treatment when im back east this fall.

Do you have any links for before and after pics? It gives me much hope. Some that I see I think I wish I was only that hairy! Others make me go wow! I have only seen a few including the ones on your site. It might be a good post, a lot of links so ppl can see how treatment works, and the outcome.

Thank you! Off to work! Going to be difficult after 5 days off! SIGH!!!

You hang in there! Severe cases can deplete the hope of the client, therefore, any electrologist that “specializes” in those challenging hair removal cases knows that she/he needs to periodically reassure the client in that first six months of aggressive therapy. It is hard, but an skilled electrologist knows what looks good and can see progress before the client recognizes that this is getting better. You seem to already know that you are moving forward. Stay patient.

Can you repeat what modality of electrolysis you are receiving? Equipment used? Anything else? Putting that in your signature would be so helpful.

Thanks for updating your journal.


James, you never fail to make me laugh :slight_smile:

The mineral makeup is ok, evens out skin tone nicely and is very comfortable but it doesn’t cover well, as a medium or heavy concealer would (and I can tell you from experience wearing a heavy concealer all over your face is no fun!)

My electrologist tells me each time i see her, more then I see my parents, that i am coming along.

Today I made the mistake of looking in my mag mirror and got a little fustrated! It looks so ugly compared to what i saw then i was shaving, but then again now that i think about it i was not big on ever looking, it over whelmed me!

We are most critical of ourselves, and all my close friends and family say you cant even tell my skin is broke out, that my skin looks the same, altho my cosmotologist did coment yesterday that it is cool i dont have prickley side burns anymore!!! YAY!!! They have finally started to grow and i dont shave there anymore so they make a normal hair line now, and when i pull my hair up i love the little whispies! I really think when all is said and done i will chop my hair all off and show off my beautiful neck! =)

Patience is a virtue!!

Thanks for the compliments.

Before and After pics are hard to come by in this industry. So few clients every give permission for them to be used. Some only give permission for them to be used in the physical office of the practitioner, and not in advertisements or web sites. All I can say is that we are lucky that we have the few that we have to show.

It would be a pleasure to meet you if we are ever in the same city at the same time.

I can understand about the pictures. I dont really like mine, i know i am cute but they are yucky! It really is hard to get a shot yourself too! But I have, altho i have mangaged to keep distinguishing marks out of the pic.

So I can just post them up here with a photobucket link huh!?

My denial and embarassment is wearing down so I am sure I will get some pics up here soon.

What cities do you frequent???

My hair, that is becoming less and less, is having a harder and harder time breaking the skin!!! They are not so much ingrown, altho I have two ingrowns, but you can see the black hair laying flat under the skin and they are tender!

What to do! It seems with every treatment i get more ingrowns. I wanna loofah like I do my dry feet this time of year! But I have the idea that would be bad, altho I am healed up from my last treatment on Monday. But I go in tomorrow for treatment. Leave it deal and let my electrologist get at them??

Are the visible hairs growing under the skin and look like little veins, sprouting from a red/bumpy follicle? Can you show us a picture?

the hairs were under the skin, they were not red, they just looked like blue vein under there!
But I had two hours + done yesterday and they are gone. I really think I need to stay away from the MAG mirror!!! I do freak myself out and I want to touch!
The clearance yesterday took a long time, but I am getting so use to the process i felt myself drifting off!!! What is that?? It is great!!!
I knew or I THINK that i have a new cycle of hair coming in, coz before treatment yesterday I was as hairy as I had been in weeks. Its been over three months sense I started maybe it was a new round of hairs maybe not? But either way she had all afternoon, after my appt free and worked on me until 7! Now I have the few sporadic hairs here and there and that is no trouble!

When I put tea tree on and witch hazeled last nite the cotton didnt get all caught up on stubble! I am feeling so much relief and HOPE!!!

I am concerned with how much more money this is going to cost me, and get this, my electologist and I discussed this yesterday, I told her I can only afford maybe a hundred a month and I know this will not keep me on my routine, she said Bets you do what you can, you have a standing appt with me on Mondays at 430 and I will not stop until you are done, money is not an issue when I deal with you at this point, she said you are such a trooper and your problem is one of the biggest Ive ever had to deal with and if you dont move or decide your done, Im in it for the long haul money or not! I let her know when i get my tax return that was my purchase and she said great, pay me then!

I feel a huge weight lifted off my shoulders and wish you were all so lucky! =)

Happy Hair removing!

I would recommend throwing out your magnification mirror. It’s not a good way to judge how things look since you don’t see in it what others see looking at you in regular life.

Your electrologist will get the ingrowns out. Looks like she did. So don’t worry too much.

this is what my face looks like 2 hours after treatment.
I am not sure this link will work but if it does, the red bumps are where i have treatment, I have lots of hair! DARK and course!

Lets see if it works.
If so ill upload more after work.