eyebrows plucking ???

I have a tendency to pluck my eyebrows using my fingers. Will this cause the regrowth hair to be thicker , thinner or no regrowth at all ?

I don’t understand when some say that plucking chin or upper lip hair cause the hair to grow thicker and darker while not in the eyebrows. What is the difference ? Can somebody tell me why ?

Plucking eyebrows repeatedly can result in thinner hair or no growth of certain hairs if scar tissue develops. The eyebrow tissue area is very delicate, unlike the brute chin area. Scar tissue has no blood supply, thus, hair won’t grow. Many women have over tweezed their brows so much and incorrectly that now they can’t grow any eyebrows. I get so frustrated and a little terrified when a client asks me to do her eyebrows and when I look at them closely, I have NOTHING TO WORK WITH. They have tweezed the top arches away. They have tweezed away the ends and they have taken the beginning of their brows to the middle of their brow.

The chin area is different. The blood supply is better and the better blood supply bathes the area with male hormone, resulting in super-sized hairs in SOME women.

You bring up a very important subject that I am not sure has ever been resolved with good studies. Do any of our colleagues here on hairtell or beyond, know of any studies that prove that repeated tweezing or waxing on the face can cause hair to grow sturdier or is this an observational conclusions only?
Where’s the proof?

Thanks that was informative but I still don’t get it. There is blood supply for eyebrows as well. I read some people experienced darker and thicker regrowth in their eyebrows after plucking but I am not sure if this is true or just there imagination ?

Do you have any articles regarding this ? I will really help me.

The problem at the time of making such a study is to determine the true cause of the thickening in the caliber of the hair. How can we be sure that the cause was not the pass of the time? People tend to believe that we are responsible for all changes that occur in our body. Nothing is further from the truth. One of the myths that circulate in my culture (and probably beyond here) is to think that if you pluck one of the first gray hairs that appear in your head, you will see 7 more. Any explanation is better than accepting the fact that this is a sign of aging.

In any case, every time you pluck a hair, you are resetting the cycle of the follicle. The follicle is affected because you are altering its natural course. Have you seen that sometimes a small drop of blood appears on the surface of the skin when you extract it to your hair? Well, somehow you’re doing a tiny lesion in the wall of the follicle. This damage is not enough to stop production of the hair, but it is sufficient to stimulate blood circulation, and our skin sends help to repair the damage generated. This will cause the biostimulator effect and the hair acquires thick.
Anything that produces a mild injury, but repeated in hair-bearing skin, will produce a stimulation in the area surrounding the wound.
Many studies have demonstrated this phenomenon. And although they did not exist, the electrologist has ample evidence in his/her case file, with being just a little observer.

Thanks but your explanation is for eyebrows as well ? or just the hair in general ? because that can’t be right for let say head hair ? or maybe it’s different from place to place ?

Also, what about people who had accidents that resulted in scars where hair won’t grow anymore and they would have bald spot. sure they see blood but the hair is like destroyed.

anyone ?

Yes, if the wound is deep enough to destroy the hair follicles, you will have bald spots, but the skin around the wound remain healthy follicles, these are the ones that can be activated with the extra blood supply to the area.

Try not much digging in the skin for hair that has not yet appeared on the surface, the repeated rubbing with metal tweezers can be harmful. If time allows me, tomorrow I will show the damage done by the tweezers on the skin.

Look at the damage that years of plucking with tweezers caused the skin of the upper lip of this woman:

And now look, Electrolysis results one year after completing treatment. Is not it a MIRACLE?

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The picture of the damaged skin is pretty severe. Thankfully, most clients seeking hair removal for their upper lip don’t present with so much damage. This lady was really doing something wrong. Removing the source of the problem, hair, truly solves the rough texture and hyperpigmentwtion problem. Good work, Jossie!

Fantastic job Josefa!

Pictures like this makes me so happy :slight_smile:

A very dramatic example of the trauma that tweezing inflicts on some skins. Great photography Josefa.

Thanks Christine, Dee and Boy. I think if people really knew the injury caused by tweezers, raise serious, throw it away forever.

OK thanks , but my question was what you said, does it apply for eyebrows as well ?

This is the answer I gave above:

"Plucking eyebrows repeatedly can result in thinner hair or no growth of certain hairs if scar tissue develops. The eyebrow tissue area is very delicate, unlike the brute chin area. Scar tissue has no blood supply, thus, hair won’t grow. Many women have over tweezed their brows so much and incorrectly that now they can’t grow any eyebrows. "

ok but how come scar tissue develop in the eyebrow area just by plucking ?

Normal response to undue trauma to the blood supply and tissue on this delicate skin can occur to the hair follicle unit. Scar tissue is a normal response and this scar tissue can block the blood supply that nourishes the hair. The growth of eyebrows depends on the blood supply to the frontal bone area of the forehead. Some people do not have a sufficient blood supply to feed the eyebrow hairs so after a good amount of tweezing over time, these hairs may not ever grow back. Let’s not forget, that thyroid disorders can affect hair growth on the eyebrows as well.

To my knowledge, there is no documented evidence that concludes repeated ripping out of hair from any area can cause hair to grow stronger, HOWEVER…we do understand the responsive nature of the skin. The skin responds to violent ripping out of the hair that is suppose to be its protector. The skin screams and scurries to repair the hair follicle when the hair is ripped out because it is loosing its protector. The skin “knows” when it is injured and reacts by building a stronger hair that cannot be easily removed. We see this when women come to the electrologist complaining that the wax doesn’t work on the thicker hairs anymore. They don’t realize that the body surrounded the hair follicle with scar tissue that hasn’t interfered with the blood supply, and has made it much, much stronger. The opposite can also happen where the scar tissue does interfere with the blood supply, thus hair doesn’t grow anymore.

Not every explanation has a peer reviewed study to back it up, so this is as good as I can explain things. This hair stuff is not always cut and dry, so confusion sets in. I hope you are not confused anymore.

Thanks. I understand now but there is another question in mind. You said the skin is very thin around the eyebrows and repeated plucking in this area cause the hair to grow thinner or not grow at all. Why is it hard for the electrologist to do the eyebrows if previous plucking where done before by the clients ? I mean the hair precisely in this area according to you doesn’t grow thicker or deeper. Can I have an explanation for this ?

Eyebrows can be a conundrum. Sometimes people over-tweeze and then they can’t grow normal brows; other times people tweeze and tweeze and the next day they have bushy eyebrows. Brows aren’t thought to be affected by testosterone (but they can be affected by thyroid) so we can’t blame it on that! Genetics, maybe?

As with upper lips - sometimes repeated waxing will diminish the hair to little or nothing - sometimes repeated waxing/tweezing makes it go away. shrug Not answering your question to your satisfaction, I’m sure…

Eyebrows are one of the most delicate to work. There are several reasons for an electrologist feel no particular interest in working in this area. The skin around the eyelid is very thin (hence the transparency that lets you see the blood vessels through it). The deep hair treatment where the skin is so thin it can be risky if the practitioner is not very careful.

Another reason, when the eyebrows have been plucked for years, there is much new growth or false regrowth because at first, you’ll have a new batch of hair each week. These cases require an appointment schedule established early enough to not get frustrated when the appointment book is complete and the reservation is not made, ie, a weekly appointment during the first month of about 30 minutes, 1 appointment every two weeks during the second month, and a monthly appointment for the next three months. This should cover the needs of the client, and keep the tweezers as far as possible.

Believe me, it’s true liberation. The grayish skin disappears and the area returns to its original color. The eyebrows always remain the ideal design. :slight_smile:

I read somewhere that eyebrows are not androgen related. Is this right ?

Maybe this is the reason it regrows thinner each time you pluck them and sometimes they don’t grow at all.

I remember my father used to have thick eyebrows and now you can barely see them ! This happens to my mother as well but she used to pluck. But why my father ? he has never touched them !