Since I’m a guy, I’m directing this to other guys on the forums, but the ladies are welcome to post too.
I’m a very hairy guy. My upper body is covered in hair, really. Back, shoulders, abdomen and chest. I started developing back and chest hair during my teenage years, and the hair had spread to the shoulders by the time I was 20.
I’m also an amateur rugby player. I used to work out a lot, religiously. However, as my hair problems took its toll on my confidence and self-esteem, I began skipping sessions at the gym. I didn’t see a point in improving my body when I took my shirt off, looked myself in the mirror and saw myself as nothing short of hideous.
This also affected my ability to date girls. I’m a moderately good looking guy and I have lots of friends. However, I simply stopped dating girls in my early 20’s, because I simply couldn’t get over the fact I was excessively hairy. I felt (and still feel, to be quite honest) ugly, inferior and unattractive. I know there are non-shallow people out there, but being constantly bombarded by media stereotypes and jokes made an already too shy for his own sake guy too self-conscious to try and meet those non-shallow girls who wouldn’t care about excessive body hair, scars, excessive acne, excessive number of noses or whatever.
So, this has been me for the past four years. It has affected my life as a sportsman, as a person and as a man. I tried therapy, I tried forgetting about it, but it’s been no use. I measure myself against my friends and I can’t find a reason why any woman would pick me over them. They’re fit, like me. They’re nice people, like me. They’re smart and fun, too. But they’re not covered in black hair.
Does anybody else feel like this? How did you guys manage to get over your own insecurities about your (supposed) unattractiveness and find girlfriends and wives? Ladies, feel free to post your opinions, too. Getting to please you girls is kinda the point, anyway!
Sorry if this long-winded rant sounded whiny, I needed to vent. I have nobody to talk to about it and I’ve felt like this for so long I can’t remember how it feels to be comfortable with my own body.