Pretty much 
Well, I went to my first appointment today. She IS really fast (well I guess, I don’t have anyone else to compare to, haha!)… I wore an arm band which was damp. She would go into a follicle, put the pedal down and go, but it was pretty muhc streamlined - like she’d do it as soon as the needle was in and go to the next, except for a couple of darker hairs. Post treatment was red. I only wanted three hairs on my upper lip done but she did about 6, it looked pretty bad but the swelling went down within the hour. I also went to work after the hour and none of the kids commented on my face being red at all, which is a good sign - kids will not shy at saying anything, haha.
I had a ten minute appointment, next time I’ll go for 20 minutes. I also want to find the other electrolysis place down that way, but I’m happy to be getting treatments at the same time, since for me the only bad thing is to wait… money is not really an issue since I’m a student… I’ve been living under the poverty line since I moved out of home three years ago, but have still managed to save and also travel overseas… I guess I just have really good spending habits
So, for me, my aim is to be hairfree (or close as possible) by the time I complete my teaching degree halfway through next year 
She told me she’d done about a tenth of the hair in the area in the 10 minutes. This was the hair under my chin. I also aim to ask her to start on the hair on my chest since I want to be able to wear bathers in summer.
All I have now is a bit of crusting formed around the areas, and a few white heads forming. She put some heavily scented cream stuff on me after finishing, I have no idea what it was, but I put witchhazel on the area around half an hour after the appointment and again just then, around 5 hours after the appointment. I’ll treat the area with tea tree oil tonight and reassess in the morning.
She was pretty nice about timing - when her timer went off she still treated about 20 or so more hairs, and after that when we were talking she realised she hadn’t done any of the upper lip hairs and went back and quickly did those as well, so very nice.
The other thing was, she commented when I first came in that I didn’t have much hair, and I got the impression that she didn’t think I’d need much, but after that ten minute session she commented that while the hair lies flat its quite long and there’s a lot of it. I might ask her next time how long she thinks I’ll need to be getting electrolysis.
But… the pain was not too bad (though she commented that I was really good with it). It felt like… hot needles being poked into the skin