Electrolysis for hairs in mole?

That’s really the only way … just quit until Hairtell gets their crap together. BTW, where did “everybody” go. Where is Dee Dee? We now have a voluminous pontificator with a major attitude who has now taken over. This is going to kill Hairtell … “over-and-out.”

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Enough is enough! For several months you have been inserting yourself into every topic, giving ill advice on electrolysis while you have zero knowledge on electrolysis. You have been asked multiple times by SEVERAL seasoned, professional electrologists to stop giving advice to others. It’s doing more harm than good. Instead of respecting Hairtell community and the experts who volunteer their time, you insist on ruining it for everyone. And with your arrogance, you’re driving the last experts from here. No one here has an obligation to waste their time deciphering your terrible English and your bombardment of misinformation every week. You want to learn electrolysis then pick up a book and go to an electrology school. If you want to give out advice out of thin air and from your personal terrible experiences, create a blog somewhere, but stop ruining this forum.


Scorpy, back to you. Put simply, a willing electrologist will remove those hairs easily and permanently. If you lived closed to me, I would do it for you. Would take about three minutes. I’m glad you found an electrologist willing to do this.


So I don’t know how my thread here devolved into this arguing and people taking exits. Please guys don’t take exits, I need help.

@Bono About insurance, I understand yes. I’m still trying to find an electrologist. And I understand it’s not a one-time treatment. I’ve never tweezed these 3 hairs before.

@Deedra Actually, I didn’t find an electrologist yet. I found one that the receptionist said they do hair removal from moles, and said the person who does it would call me. That was 2 days ago. I called them yesterday, no answer. I called them today, no answer.

I called a few other places. Two other places didn’t pick up :frowning:

One place told me they don’t do electrolysis on moles, because even if the mole is benign, after electrolysis it could become dangerous, so they advised me to not do electrolysis on a mole.

Another place said the person who does the electrolysis would call me. I sent them a photo of the mole on Viber, and they will call me back. But it’s not looking good. I think they’ll also probably tell me that they don’t do electrolysis on moles.

So yeah, I don’t know if I’ll find someone willing to do this :frowning:

I think you dont readed , what you wrote. Or me.

i wrote :

I wanted to write something like this… with tweezing /waxing.
I talked with my Electrologist about it once, but even she wasnt sure about.Like Before the First Apointment , Wax/Tweeze the Hairs like 4-7 weeks before. And than start it.

You Wrote that

You recommended that a guy with a few hairs in his mole TWEEZE the hairs. You recommend tweezing hairs a few weeks prior to electrolysis.

Naturally , if the Apointment is Soon like in Day/S /Week/s,1 Month or 1 1/2 Months. He Shouldnt do it. Its a Very Bad idea.

If you dont read it and write Things i never wrote , you lead Missinformation

If him Bother the Hairs anyway and the Apointment would be EARLIEST in let Say 2 Months . He could Tweeze this 3 Hairs . In this 2 Months , the hairs should be growned back .

Ok guys. I got an answer from one more place, they said they don’t do electrolysis on mole hair.

But I found one place where they do it. They charge $2 per minute. Ok, fine. I sent the pictures of the mole. And I sent the paper my dermatologist gave me after examining my mole, and confirmed that it’s benign.

So I guess I can only get this done there. As I’ve found no other place that would touch a mole.

I’ll try to go next week. Because this is in the capital city, about 4 hours away. But I need to go to the capital anyway to go to the dentist (my city is just kinda primitive when it comes to medicine), so I’ll arrange to go to the dentist and also go to the electrologist, and knock 2 birds with 1 stone :slight_smile:

I’ll inform how it goes.

One more question if I may. Do you have any recommendations about applying anything on the area after the electrolysis? Like vaseline, or vitamin E, or something? Maybe to keep it hidden from the sun?

I don’t know if the electrologist will have any advice for me regarding after care. So please advise guys.


Check with your electrologist and see what they advise. Can’t you just cover it with your clothes? You really don’t need anything. Just wash it with soap and water. I’m glad someone will do this for you. It is always good to have it examined and be told it is harmless. If three hairs are present today, that doesn’t mean that is all the hair you have in the mole because of those pesky hair growth cycles.

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Yes of course, I will ask the electrologist what they advise for after care. But there’s probably nothing really. I mean, it’s not like we have to help the fair follicles heal or anything, right? And yes, the winter is almost here, so the mole on my shoulder will surely not be exposed to any sun any time soon :smiley:

The electrologist told me that it will require multiple visits. I said that I know. Although, from my reading, if the hair follicle is hit properly then 1 visit should be enough. 1 treatment per hair follicle should be enough. However, I understand that it’s impossible to know if you’re killing the entire hair follicle, so it may require multiple visits. I’m prepared for that.

This is my attempt at perfection, because my perfect solution is to get rid of the hairs, and keep my mole. Electrolysis will remove those hairs, sooner or later. Whether it’s 3 visits or 13 visits, eventually they’ll be gone. And when they’re gone, or if I notice any weirdness in the mole itself, I’ll go get it checked at the dermatologist again. And if I’m told it’s turned cancerous or something, I’ll get the mole removed.

That’s the plan anyway. Fingers crossed the electrologist I’m going to is good, and that my body reacts to the treatment well.

By the way, since I’ll be going for this, I’ll also get a few hairs from between my eyebrows and from above my cheeks done. Those hairs are unnecessary. I’d love to not have to tweeze them out or shave them every few weeks hehe :slight_smile:

If you plan to have eyebrows treated also, stop all plucking and shaving for now. Plucking and shaving slows hair growth which means you’ll be traveling longer to your electrologist for treatments.

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You will not believe my luck. Just a few days ago I went to an aesthetician for the first time in my life, and she took out so much of my eyebrows, that I look a bit like an Egyptian pharaoh right now haha. Like my eyebrows are drawn on.

I’m 32 years old, and I do this days before figuring out electrolysis and what I’d like to do with it. It’s unbelievable. It’s like if you keep an old box or something, and you throw it away a day before you need it for the first time ever.

But it’s okay. I’ll have to go for the mole multiple times for sure. These are deep and dark hairs, and I imagine not all 3 of them are gonna be permanently gone after the first treatment. And so when I go there next week, all I’ll do are these 3 mole hairs. But then when I go there again a few weeks later, then I’ll be able to do the rest of them too.

I do feel kinda bad to go just for 3 mole hairs. Like, it’s not very profitable for the woman doing the treatment, and it is a tricky thing she will do for me, almost like doing me a favor. Maybe I figure out something else to do too, just so I can pay a bit more, and make it worth her while.

Thanks for the advice :slight_smile:

It is highly probable that the three hairs you can see now will be one and done, with one treatment, but that doesn’t mean that you don’t have more hair in your mole that hasn’t cycled to the top of the skin yet.

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That’s so true. At that time I had several moles removed by the dermatologist. On the neck are grown from 3 birthmarks, hair. With one I was lucky, where the birthmark was cut out. Apparently, the hair roots were removed. The birthmark was a growing out, so a kind of knobble. At one in the middle of the neck, between the shoulder blades. That grows out 1 hair. Since already 3 x needle epilatin packed on it and 2x laser (alexandrite).

Since still grows still 1 hair every 4 weeks approx. On the left side of the neck, where one was also removed. Grow 2 hairs also out. Since I have the machine (needle epilation). Since already 3x the hair removed, still grow back.

Ok Jules…ENOUGH! We have rules against personal attacks here. I’m honestly quite pissed I’ve had to come back in here and deal with this this morning, I’m away dealing with severe medical issues and not up to playing referee. , and I KNOW that you have been spoken to about these posts by the boards owner.I’m silencing you account for a period of 3 weeks . If I have to come back in here to deal with this from you , or if I am requested to by the boards management, it will be permanent!
Edit: at the users request, the suspension has been made permanent.



If you are open enough to tell us the area that you live in, there’s a chance we may know an electrologist in your area who can help with this. Electrolysis on moles is a “no brainer” and I do it all the time, but in some places ( UK for example) electrologists are prohibited from working on moles without medical consent.Due to this, and the fact we arent quite big enough to have electrologists in every corner of the world, I cant make any promises, but if you are in North America chances are very good some one here can point you in the right direction.

To Everyone else: Please Dont go. I’m afraid due to some issues with myself and my family ( severe uncontrolled epilepsy in my son, and a very likely kidney infection for myself) I’m really not here very much right now, and…it’s going to be a while .Dee is a dear, and if she could I am betting would be more helpful, but I dont really think she has firm enough knowledge of the boards software to deal with this or other issues for anything that requires silencing or banning a user. Further, she like I am constrained from doing this to users who are genuinely following the rules of the board. At the end of the day jules was, in her own broken way, actually following the rules for the most part and discussing hair removal, and as much as that sucks for all of us, there isnt a lot I can do when she is following the rules and using the board as was its intended, supporting consumers of hair removal. Hate the misinformation, challenge it with correct information, but a consumer cant be blamed for presenting their opinion .This obviously changes the moment said consumer starts calling professionals children and openly attacking them on this board.Such is hairtells rules. So for the time being, if something like this is going on and it’s becoming a genuine problem, message me and I will get an update in my email and try to come by and sort the problem out.Or flag the post.

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Hey Seana,

Actually, I live in the Balkans. Let’s say one of these countries - Croatia/Serbia/Bosnia. So I doubt you have someone here, but thank you so much :slight_smile:

I have good news though. I made an appointment with an electrologist on Tuesday. Since I’ll be going to the capital city, I made a dentist appointment in the morning, and electrolysis in the afternoon. It’s gonna be a loooong day.

But we did it. Just as long as she doesn’t refuse to do the electrolysis in the last moment for some reason, we should be set. I’m very excited :slight_smile:

I’ll report on what happens. Fingers crossed.

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Hey guys,

I got the hairs removed a few days ago. It wasn’t painful at all. And after she did the hairs, she applied something on the area, and told me to keep it out of the sun.

Here is how it looked before:

And how it looks now:

So that’s it. If the hairs start growing out of the mole again, I’ll have to go get it done again. And if it doesn’t, then we’re done here.

But just to be on the safe side, at some point I’ll go get the mole checked by a dermatologist again. Not any time soon, but at some point I will. Just to be fully on the safe side :slight_smile:

So what do you guys think? How does it look?

p.s I have to say, the aesthetician that did my electrolysis is just the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen :smiley:

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Post a photo … not the mole … the aestheticism!

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I’m just going to say, moles are virtually hair factories. Do expect you will see more. That said, younow know how easy it is to dispactch them. This isnt g oin to be a huge job, but it may seem like it’s not working for a while simply because moles can produce a LOT of hair.

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You don’t like my mole, @Bono? You hurt me deeply :smiling_face_with_tear:

I would love to share her photo, but I don’t think that’s appropriate.

I would share the salon’s Instagram profile, to give them a little shoutout for helping me out. And she has videos on there explaining things. But I’m not sure if that’s allowed by the forum here, because many forums don’t allow outgoing links and stuff like that. And I don’t want to risk getting a warning or something.

Right, yeah. I understand.

No matter how many hairs the mole produces, we’ll get them all removed. And if the mole ever gets nasty with me, the cancer word or something like that, I’ll get it removed.

But I will say, I felt almost nothing during and after my electrolysis. No pain, no itching, no changes on the mole, nothing whatsoever. So I’m feeling good.

I actually may have to stop telling people that I did this. Everyone tries to convince me that it’s dangerous. That I’m taking advice from the internet, and I should listen to doctors. Bla bla yada yada. It’s annoying.