Electrolysis for hairs in mole?

It’s been asked on the forum before, but I also want to ask.

I’m 32 years old. I have a mole on my left shoulder which I’ve had all my life. About 2 years ago 3 hairs started growing out of the mole. I got the mole checked by a dermatologist last week, and she said that it looks fine. No cancer risk. She also said the mole is very deep, because I’ve had it since birth. She advised against using radiofrequency to remove the mole. She advised I get it removed surgically.

I don’t mind the mole, but I do mind the hair that grows out of the mole. I called 2 places that do electrolysis in my country, and both said that they won’t touch a mole (they didn’t see a picture of my mole).

If I can’t get the hairs permanently removed, then I’ll have to get the mole surgically removed. I’d rather hit it with electrolysis and kill the hair follicles, and in that way remove the hairs that grow there, and keep my mole.

Can electrolysis be used to permanently remove those 3 hairs?

Thank you

Yours is always a difficult and controversial question. In nearly all cases, the “hairy nevus,” that you have, will not develop cancer. Moles that are flat and hairless are more worrisome. Also, surgically removing the mole will create a decent-size scar depending on the technique used for removal … but, with your skin type it should not be noticeable in a year or so.

DO NOT let her “core” the mole out with her punch graft instrument. This leaves a hole and looks worse than the mole.Think “bullet hole!” If you can find a plastic surgeon to remove it … well, that’s a whole different result and creates nearly invisible scar.

Problem is that most insurance companies, that provide liability coverage to electrologists, will not cover the removal of hairs from a mole. I don’t think electrologists will take the risk and, of course, “there’s no money in it!”

Why not have the dermatologist remove the hairs with her hyfrecator? She already has the appropriate needle and the HF device. Although it will be “messier” than if an electrologist performs the treatment, at least you’ll get the hairs removed … and no scar. And, she can give you a little Lidocaine so the treatment will be totally painless.

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Hey Bono,

Thank you so much for the reply. This is driving me crazy.

Regarding insurance, I don’t have any insurance. I don’t want any insurance. I pay cash. I’d give permission and sign anything I need to sign to get this fixed, preferably without removing the mole.

Okay, so if I decide (or am forced to) to have the mole removed, I should do it at a plastic surgeon. Got it.

I looked up hyfrecator on Youtube, and there’s a video of a guy removing skin tags with it. But I don’t see how hair can be removed with it. Did you mention a hyfrecator as a means to get the hair removed, or as a means to get the mole removed?

I’m looking at electrolysis in order to have these hairs permanently removed, without removing the entire mole.

So in the end, you’re saying I can get these hairs removed with electrolysis, I just need to find an electrologist who would be willing to do it. Is that it?

Scorpy , it does Everyone , its not a Big deal to remove Hairs from a Mole .
You have kinda luck. It exist outgrowing Moles/Birthmarkes , they are not this flat on the skin , like yours. And out of them grow hairs. I had this, before i went to dermatologist to remove them on my neck/shoulder/back.

And you can let remove the Mole/Birthmark by Dermatologist too.

But this Scar thing , there is a chance you get scars but its very High 50-50%.
On my Back i had a big Outgrowing Mole/Birthmark , i have there a Scar.As my Dermatologist removed it. But honestly , i dont care about it. Because its on my Back. I dont see it , the birthmark bothered me more. I had on my neck 2 One. By One it leaved a scar, but the other one not. Even on the Arm i had one , there is no scar too.

But it exist some methods to remove them, i choosed the fasted method. To cut them out of the skin.

But it exist a Method , there is the chance to leave scars , lowest.Called : Desertification. But need longer.

You can also watch online, there are devices on amazon and ebay and so on. That you can buy a device that can pierce your birthmark and dan gives the nen electropulse. This makes it deserted. Also with outgrown moles something seen. There is a thread packed around the birthmark, which is constricted, that the blood supply is minimized / cut. If this leaves dan for weeks/months, the birthmark will eventually fall off on its own.

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Hey M_K, thanks for the reply.

I googled for “Desertification”, and “Desertification hair” and other such variations, but I got nothing. I got deserts haha. Maybe it’s called something else?

Frankly, I would rather not mess with it myself. I thought about trying Apple Cider Vinegar and other natural solutions being shared online. But then, if I can just get the hair removed, I don’t need to get the mole removed.

I’ve had this mole all my life. It’s tiny, it’s exactly in the middle of my shoulder. I kinda like it actually. But the hair that grows out of it, that I don’t like. And that’s what I would like to remove.

I know, i can just cut the hair, once a week or something. But I don’t wanna keep cutting these 3 hairs every week. It’s just another unnecessary thing to do, and think about, and forget to do.

So I’d like to remove these 3 hairs permanently. And if that’s not possible, then I guess I’ll have to get the entire mole removed, and replace it with a scar :frowning:

But I think what @Bono is saying is that I can get these hairs removed with electrolysis. I’ve also seen a few other members on this forum say that you can do it. And I also saw some websites online that said that you can do it. So I’m hopeful I can get this done with electrolysis.

Hopefully Bono and maybe a few more members will reply again and give me a bit more guidance :slight_smile:

I googled for “Desertification”, and “Desertification hair” and other such variations, but I got nothing. I got deserts haha. Maybe it’s called something else?

You cant Desertification the Hair .

In German Here in Germany it called Veröden, but its for the Birthmark/mole . It exist some Oils and Stuff , that remove over time the mole/birthmark. It need than Weeks/Months within its full removed.

And its Proparly not just 3 Hairs, just 3 Visible Hairs.
Because the Haircyles switch.

i guess to remove this Hairs , you need MINIMUM 8 -9 Months (+).

if its really Just these 3 Hairs, not more and you got no Electrolygist in your near, you could check by Amazon a DIY Electrolysis machine Clean & Easy Electrolysis , its not a good one even not medical.But for remove few hairs like you have its fine. But to remove legs…hands…belly…chest …facial hairs…eyebrows and so far, i cant recommand it. Its cheap … very slow you need to remove 1 hair 1-2 minutes. Only if you can reach the hairs without problems , i mean if its possible for you to get /go inside the hair folicle , i would say try it out. But i think its better , by this to let remove it professional… But this hairs to remove them need <1-2 Minutes… not this long.

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Good news. I may have found an electrologist who will be willing to do it for me. I called a place where they do electrolysis, and the woman told me that they do remove hairs from moles like that.

But the woman that does the mole hair removals, she works in the afternoon, so they will call me back in the afternoon.

I will explain that I’ve read online that electrolysis on mole hair can be done. And also that I’ve gotten a dermoscopy done and that the mole is not dangerous. And I’ll also offer to send her a picture of my mole, so that she can see what we’re dealing with.

If she is willing to do it, I’ll have to go to the capital city. Like 4 hours away. But it’s fine, I’ll go. I have to try this, because it’s the solution that I find most appealing.

And in the end, if I do the electrolysis, and at some point during or after the procedure the mole acts up in any way, I’ll go to the dermatologist again. And if the diagnosis changes from benign to cancerous, I’ll get the mole removed.

Fingers crossed the electrologist I found agrees to do it :slight_smile:

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I Cross fingers for you.

But I would advise you if you have any minor problem zone. Or something where you can save yourself time, than do that with your birthmark. I mean go there for 1-2 minutes, maybe not so worthwhile. I don’t know what it looks like with your hair situation, in general. But if you have a typical male problem, with 30+. Have nose hair or ear hair or finger / hand hair bother you or you have hair on the foot. Could let that happen. At least 1 of them.

So you could go for it for < 1 Hour.

Belly…Chest…Back (if you are hairy)…Facial hairs need to long.

Even eyebrows , could be a option, i mean not remove them , but make them looking better .

or a other problem of male peoples /men uppercheeks , also a usual problem.

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“Regarding insurance, I don’t have any insurance. I don’t want any insurance. I pay cash. I’d give permission and sign anything I need to sign to get this fixed, preferably without removing the mole.”

Read what I originally wrote! … The insurance I’m talking about is NOT YOUR insurance … it’s the insurance an electrologist buys for her own liability protection. If, for example, something goes wrong with her electrolysis treatment … and you sue … she has no insurance to protect herself.

“Did you mention a hyfrecator as a means to get the hair removed, or as a means to get the mole removed?” Read what I originally said! … but to clarify … The hyfrecator is a standard piece of equipment that all dermatologists have and, indeed, it can be used to remove just the hairs. Your dermatologist would not even try removing a large mole with a hyfrecator. If you want the mole removed … it must be surgically removed … best by a plastic surgeon who will take the time and not just use a punch graft instrument.

If this were me, I’d keep trying to find an electrologist who will do the treatment. If no luck, then dermatologist with hyfrecator. If no luck … plastic surgeon to remove the whole thing. For treatment results it would be: 1) electrologist, 2) hyfrecator, 3) surgical removal.


Just remember this is NOT a on-time treatment. You will need 3 - 5 treatments (especially if you’ve been tweezing). I’m going to allow your electrologist to explain this to you.


I wanted to write something like this… with tweezing /waxing.

I talked with my Electrologist about it once, but even she wasnt sure about.

Like Before the First Apointment , Wax/Tweeze the Hairs like 4-7 weeks before. And than start it.

This is terrible advice; and your worst suggestion so far.

Please get some literature on electrolysis and hair removal and study the subject. As a 45-year electrology veteran, writer of 3 textbooks on the subject and having lectured in many countries … this suggestion is beyond belief.

One “fatal flaw” of Hairtell is that it places actual experts and those with little to no knowledge on the same footing. I find that aspect frustrating, and probably why there are very few experts on the subject that post on this site.


Why is it ?. *Explain it *

I mean , it cant be a Worse suggestion.

Because 1 Reason.

I mean, if Anyone Tweeze/ Wax/Use Epilation machine /Sugaring / or something else now for let tell Years .
And than the one , have the Idea , Hey i start electrolysis in like 2 Months.
The One stop than do Tweeizing/Sugar/EpilatioN/Waxing Before the first Apointment i mean within the hairs come back and start with it.

Even Cosmedic Studios here write Litterarly . On all Websites you can get *Stop Waxing / Epilation/Tweezing MINIMUM 6 -8 Weeks before the First Electrolysis Apointment. Yes of course, between you dont do it too.between the Apointments.

So all Cosmedic Studios , give Bad advice too ?.

But for 3 hairs… Waxing/Use epilation machine /sugaring and so far is Useless . Tweezing or do it with fingers fast ,if they are long enough works too.

And yes i know… The Problem you will tell with *Ingrown hairs * can happen because of Waxing.But because of few hairs, like he have , you dont wax /use epilation machine /or do sugaring or something similar anyway . Not worth.

Just a Example : https://www.haarfreiheit-wiesbaden.de/nadelepilation/

From the Website (Original German):

Zu beachten ist

Vor der Behandlung

Die Elektroepilation setzt eine gewisse Mindestlänge der Haare voraus, damit die Behandlung stattfindet kann. Diese liegt bei 2-3 mm. Hintergrund dessen ist, dass nur so der betreffende Haarkanal überhaupt gefunden werden kann und das Haar danach mit einer Pinzette herausgezogen werden kann.

Verzichten Sie daher 4 Wochen vor Beginn der Behandlung auf Wachsen oder Epilieren, denn dieses führt dazu, dass das Haar gerade über einen Zeitraum von circa 30 Tagen nicht mehr vorhanden ist, dann aber bedauerlicherweise wieder nachwächst.

Wie bei der Photoepilation auch gilt es bei der Elektroepilation den Wachstumszyklus der Haare zu beachten. Auch hier muss sich jedes Haar in der aktiven Phase befinden, damit eine Behandlung effektiv durchgeführt werden kann. Da nicht alle Haare gleichzeitig in der aktiven Phase sind, so sind auch mehrere Behandlungen notwendig.

Translation English

Please note:
Before treatment

Electrolysis requires a certain minimum length of the hair so that the treatment can take place. This is 2-3 mm. The background to this is that this is the only way to find the hair channel in question at all and the hair can then be pulled out with tweezers.
Therefore, refrain from waxing or epilating 4 weeks before the start of the treatment, because this leads to the fact that the hair is no longer present for a period of about 30 days, but then unfortunately grows back.

As with photoepilation, electrolysis must pay attention to the growth cycle of the hair. Again, each hair must be in the active phase so that a treatment can be carried out effectively. Since not all hairs are in the active phase at the same time, several treatments are necessary.

i could post minimum 20-50 different websites, who have this on the website And they do Electrolysis for MINIMUM Years. And Also Yes , it have not all on the Website. But if anyone did it , before the first treatment, i mean Weeks /1-2 months before , its like this. You cant change it anyway.

Even on Youtube *2 Electrolygsits * (I better dont tell names, but i guess this 2 one are not Here in the forum, and no its not You : Bono. Told Bullshit , what is Wrong. They Sayed *Tweezing /Waxing * And Increase Hairgrowth. I asked this in a Doctor Forum , i mean where Real Doctors are : They Sayed its nonsense.

Also it can happen you tweeze even by Treatment a Hair , for Mistake.My Electrologyist it happen sometimes too even by 2pass they say like 10% will be Maybe not treated right.

Even i asked this my Dermatologist , told me exactly the Same.

This is a good time me to EXIT and take a long break as did Seana. Have fun!

Thx you =).

This happens when you can’t stand criticism. Especially if it is refuted by people who do the same job.

You have to be able to plug into a forum. Be capable of criticism. Or also notice that you are not always right. I am a trained IT specialist, I learned this professionally. I passed my training with top marks. As well as in computer science forums, I am sometimes taught better. Even my father has been a baker for over 40 years and my brother also learned it at another company. My father is a master baker and my Older brother , the Same as well but did trainee /work in other company. My Brother know even much things better than my Dad.

Thats the life , come clear with critic.

You are a master of the trade with electrolysis. But also to say , you probably know more about the skin stuff than most electrologists. As well as probably more than one medical student who is in semester X/Y. But also less than a dermatologist / professor / doctor who specializes in it. As well as you have more knowledge or the doctors / professors than me or most people on this planet.

But if theoretically there were a doctor / professor who knows it better than anyone here. Would you or I and everyone else probably have to take criticism often.

Experts exit when bad advice is dispensed which has the potential to harm rather than help.

You dont get me.
I posted a Website , where *Electrologists * Say the Opposite what Bono mean.( it exist 50-100 websites in Germany who say , what i mean) and in the world exist, proparly more than hundreds/thousands you say the same.
You should keep the ball flat

Yes Bono is Expert in Electrologysis. And i dont know , what he did be side it , in reallife all more, i can´t tell.
He also knows a lot, more than I do most on this planet about skin. You could say Bono is advanced or very advance on the skin area. Put i wouldnt say a Expert. Experts in this Skin /Body /Health Thing are not here , they work for any Medicine clinic, or have a own Praxis.

Have their own facility for teaching/treating such as doctors or professors etc.

This know-it-all attitude is just annoying. I want to think in 98-99%or 98,XX -99,9X% of the cases, what Bono writes here he is probably right. I mean generally in forum. But even experts make mistakes from time to time, or don’t know everything: You see that again and again, all over the world.

The same with doctors. Someone has a disease that is very unknown. Go to the first doctor, who can not determine. Go to the 2nd Not either, not to the 3rd either. And you go to the 4th and he finds out what the person has. Heard so many times. And i have with Skin things a bit more Experience than a Average person. But less than a Medicical Student , Doctor,Professor ,Bono and trained Electrologist or Biologist and so far.

As I always say, you can ask people here what is normal. So what an electrologist sees daily, what is common in treatment. But if something does not disappear after months or pain remains or something else, you should see a doctor.

Also you cant change it Anyway… i mean how i wrote , if a Person Waxed/did Epilation/Tweezed/Sugaring/used a Home IPL machine or did Laser sessions , where the hairsa came back or something else. You can´t change it, and if you did Waxing/tweezing/Sugaring/Epilation 4-6/7 weeks or any costumer , i mean before the first Electrolysis apointment . Its so , you can´t change it anyway.

As Electrologist, if a Costumer would say you ,the one Waxed let say Yesterday , You would also Say wait 4-6 weeks, within the hairs come back, let them grow 2-3mm or more. And than we make the apointmen.

I DO NOT WANT TO GET YOU! You are ruining the spirit and purpose of this forum by polluting it with misinformation that has the potential to harm rather than help. I will be taking a very long break from Hairtell. Goodbye to all.


You are not used to forums.
If you would go in a Other forum, what is your Hobby . Not Electrolysis /Skin /Hairs , you have to deal with critic and all too.Even in medical forums, doctors are taught better by other doctors. Or said that they may be wrong. I thought here are adults.

Some behave here like in kindergarten.

“I wanted to write something like this… with tweezing /waxing. I talked with my Electrologist about it once, but even she wasnt sure about. Like Before the First Apointment , Wax/Tweeze the Hairs like 4-7 weeks before. And than start it.”

You recommended that a guy with a few hairs in his mole TWEEZE the hairs. You recommend tweezing hairs a few weeks prior to electrolysis.

You are destroying this board with misinformation … and I’m staying away.

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