Electrolysis Business for sale

I’m having to stop. Unfortunately something in my personal life has come up, and I’m not able to continue my business and I need the money for legal fees to help my children. I have a good clientele , offices that have been completely renovated in the last year with 2 treatment rooms bathroom and kitchen waiting area, autoclave, spore testing set up. Many smalls. an apilus Xcell pro epilator. Training is possible.
Pricing is 25000 CDN for the business itself, and I’m selling the epilator for 10000 cdn. IT is one year old, and under manufacturer warranty.


I think You should find a way to continue.

Just a year ago it looked as if i had to close my business. I did not, and i’m still there, even in that place.

I have been thinking that with so many more trans girls transitioning in the last few years that demand for electrolysis is robust.

Is this not the case? I realise for most, laser is often a first choice.

I see 2pass clinic in Belgium now has three electrologists, though their advantage is that they offer 4 days of 8 hours each, with intravenous pain medication.

oh there are lots of customers/ clients. Unfortnately my business has come at the cost of my family, and so I’m having to stop for personal reasons. As I dont think it will sell in time to be useful, there’s a good chance I could be in beate’s position later. That said, no matter the success of the business, the cost to me personally isnt worth it.It probably cost me one of my children forever, and that is a cost I cannot bear.

Sad to hear about your situation Seana. It took you so many years to get to where you are at now with electolysis business to have to give it all up now.
I hope you will be able to return to electrolysis world as you have so much talent and experience to help others.

Hi Seana. You have been generous in sharing your technique development. You have worked on developing your skills. I wish you the best of luck. I hope you can figure it all out and come out successful in all areas.

I’m trying Arlene, but this is not an easy time. You’re right, but at the moment, my heart just isnt in it. I’m going through the motions.Everything I worked for, aside from heping others with their hair removal, was for me and my family. Unfortunately, I no longer have half my family with me.My mom used to have a saying " Jack of all trades, master of none. " and it amounts to if you try and take on too much, you will excel at none of the things you set out to accomplish. It describes me the last 6 or so months to a T, trying to do too much, and pretty much making every mistake possible because of it.

For my own mental health, I am slowly phasing out my electrolysis practice. Rising costs and adverse working conditions where an increasing number of clients are erratic, uncooperative, and unmanageable has soured my enthusiasm. It’s just not fun anymore. The late cancellations and no-shows because a client doesn’t want to drive in the rain, their “schedule has changed” or they would rather do something else has taken its toll. It’s just not worth the financial and psychological aggravation. Like Seana, my heart isn’t in it.

NO,don’t quit!

After more than 40-years of doing electrolysis … I still love it. I look forward to it and, actually, I would do it for free (if it ever got to it).

Here’s the key: you MUST carefully select clients. After only a few years, you already know which clients are going to give you 99% of the grief. You are not running a charity; and there is no rule that you have to be some sort of “Mother Teresa” (and even she wasn’t!)

If you wish, I will innumerate the “red flags” that I’ve discovered over the years. However, right now, I only have seven clients, all with a ton of hair, GREAT attitude, fun to be around, all interesting and talented, no problem with finances and never a complaint.

My schedule is totally full, and all is great. Just remember that you do have the right to say “no.” Start learning how to say it … and make YOURSELF happy too!

I mean, you got into this work so you could set your own “style?” So, take the reins, and do it!

For the last year, I have been very selective in taking on new clients. After 38 years, I know many of the red flags, some of which show up on the first phone call. Yesterday I had a long conversation with Jane Riddle. She is retired from electrology, and recently had knee replacement surgery - and you can guess the reason: 12-hour days and pushing a foot pedal for 50 years. Based on personal experience, her recommendation is to have a firm no-show and cancellation policy including a fee for missed appointments. In her case, she charged the full amount for the time missed and collected it at the time of the next treatment. She had little cards printed up with the agreement for clients to sign. She said it dramatically reduced the problems. In the early 1990s, I worked for an electrology practice in Atlanta. We called clients the day before and reminded them of their appointment. It worked. I guess I have become lazy and expect clients to regulate themselves, but it doesn’t work that way in the real world. So, armed with a bit of encouragement and new business policy, I plan to keep going.

“Cutting 'em some slack.” No “firm policy” for me!

On the “no show & cancellation policy;” my own take is that …it all depends! Here’s what I mean.

I have a client with a minuscule amount of facial hair. The maximum I’m going to earn from this client will be about $250. The client wants immediate appointments, often cancels at the time of the appointment and has missed several appointments.

Another client is terrific on all counts: grateful, happy and successful. The client has been late a couple times (missed one appointment), but apologetic; and I understand the situation. So far, this client has spent more than $12,000 on electrology.

So, which client do you think should be charged for missing appointments or being late?

My point is that I do not have a strict policy … it depends on who is giving me the grief. And remember, very graciously dismissing a troublesome client is, in my opinion, appropriate. In most cases, those causing you most of your anguish are VERY FEW clients. Just weed 'em out and be happy!

I started the weeding out process several months ago when I first noticed the domino effect and I can tell it helped. I freaked out over this whole issue to a great degree because it pushed me into a moderately serious financial crisis that remains ongoing. I’ve had great advice from electrologists willing to share their personal experiences on this issue. I appreciate the feedback.

I would never encourage anyone to enter into a business unless they have the support of a partner who can provide the health insurance and weekly income.

With us, one week might be good enough to cover our overhead, the next week might not.

It is very gratifying to be able to help end the distress caused by unwanted hair. Every time I clear a face, I am reminded, as a former bearded lady, that I have some purpose in life.

If you are able to work from home, lucky you. That cuts down on expenses and then perhaps you might not have to give up your business completely. Is it even possible to do the work part-time, see fewer people and only keep the clients who are responsible?

Well the inability to work from my home,is the reason for my high office rental costs. I’m already “all in” for about $15000 in renovations when I opened shop and the approximately $1400 office rent. It’s too big a space for me, but was what was available at the time when I needed to open right quick like or stop doing electrology . Those were my options. I chose to rent the office, but that plus hydro, insurance costs , hot water heater, spore testing supplies purchases etc means I have to make $2000-$2400 a month before earning a single dollar to support my family.

Yes, there are some months I can count that money will NOT be coming in, those being December and January, and oddly enough, July and august. I have to come up with enough excess the better months to cover the shortfalls in those months and I’m not doing it. The return of my various students helps a bit in September.

Then, you have what happened to me this year. You see I’m not just an electrologist and businesswoman , I’m also a parent with sole custody of 2 children on the autism spectrum, one, severely so. I literally spent so much time working for nothing to bring home that I couldnt afford proper child care, and, my severely autistic child taken from me for 3 months. I had to hire lawyers ( $3500) and show his care in order to get him back. I stood a very good change of losing him permanently. My children, are hands down the most precious thing in the world to me. I will be a custodial parent to the developmentally disabled for the rest of my natural life no matter how old I get. This is my expected life outcome.

Will I close it at this point? I’ve gotten through the “crunch” with some help from my partner. Despite the challenges I think I have bettered my sales figures over last year, and I dont have $15k in renovation costs to subtract . I can survive. And when it comes right down to it, my professional practice has become my pride and Joy. I have a good bunch of very loyal clients who have made significant progress on schedule toward their goals.

At present I am considering uprooting, most probably to Vancouver Island ( Nanaimo or Victoria). But because of further custody issues with my youngest, am having to put off those plans, possibly for up to 7 years. If that happens ( which it looks like it might) I’m on the lookout for a less expensive office space that more closely suits my needs. It would also put me established here too long to back out and establish the practice elsewhere.
And that is the thing, I really dont like the City of ottawa.I want to leave. I want to leave soon. And one way or another that is exactly what I am going to do.

As for the no show, late, or non-paying clients, I can comisserate. I had to fire one of my clients on Saturday for exactly these reasons. However having specific, enforced policies on payment, no show late or missed appointments is to your benefit.Dont lose a moments sleep over it either.

When self employed one has to remember who it is FOR. It is not the clients who your business is for, it is for you to earn an income ( no matter how small) . Your “cost of doing business” that is the threshold you must reach before you earn anything, has to be proportional to the reward. If all of what you are making is only paying for the cost of doing business, that is no good and eventually you will close, as I may have to at some point.

I have low overhead since I work from home, however, the vast majority of my clients do not take their treatments seriously enough to follow through or even show up for scheduled appointments. I get excellent results, on par with some of the electrologists that post on this forum. Another problem is that business is slow. Even with low overhead, I feel like I am spinning my wheels for a business that just isn’t there. Yet I keep going for reasons I do not fully understand.

Well, I have one suggestion: Use your REAL name; not “FlyingProbe.”

I know we have exchanged emails, but because you don’t use your real name here … or show details of where you are located (e.g., a website) … I forget who you are; and so do potential clients.

At the moment, more than half of my clients are from Hairtell. Let people know who you are. What’s the secret?

It’s like they say about advertising: “Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you’re doing, but nobody else does.” (I like that one.)

Every electrologist I have spoken with on this issue has encouraged me to continue, along with great advice, however, I have crunched the numbers and the outcome is not good. My electrolysis practice is officially a charity organization!

Michael, I will be sending you a private email on this issue. I want to keep it off Hairtell.

The Flying Probe,
That’s the difference beteen “low overhead” and “working from home”

I hate to say it, but the business presence does make a difference to how you are percieved and treated by potential clients. I would not have half the clients that I do, if I did not have a proper office.


Well, that’s not the issue here. I am struggling and fighting the forces against me in a medium-sized city with a depressed local economy. I don’t have the advantage of living in a large metro area. I could rent office space in a palace, but if the phone never rings, what’s the point?