Desperate to kill some hair

My Electrologist

She use a Sinus Blend Machine.

She use this and she use this and told me , she use it , to Open Pores.

And she is also a Professional Electroloygist Proofed one

She do it as Job +Cosmedic studio.

Im no Professsional Electrologist /Not even know /do it as Job. Can just tell what she told me and what i feeled as different. It definitly did something by treatments. Was more comfy for me.

How some Experience with Electrolysis /Hairremoval , can tell some things (limited) but not all .

You’re confusing anaphoresis and cataphoresis … I would refer you to the many textbooks out there that stridently refute you assertion (and your electrologist’s too). Besides, pores do not “open and close” like little port holes. These are myths of the Beauty Industry … ask any dermatologist.

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Yes you are right .

Was mixing something together than *AnaPhoriesis * not Cataphoresis.

I believe it you , what you wrote.

i can just tell by treatment , usual even if it shouldnt be usual because inside where hair grow out are no nerves. At least it say online lecture.

But i feel by treatments from professional if the needle go inside (sometimes) , but after this Anaphoresis , i doesnt feeled it. Feeled more comfy. Just can tell my own experience.

Interesting side point to this conversation. I apparently have the most valuable useless tool for Apilus Xcell sitting in the same box it’s been in for all 7 years of my ownership. A few years ago the FDA declared it unlawful to perform cataphoresis and in fact banned the import of electrolysis machines which had this feature.So all the Xcell units that dectro sent to the US had included a “light therapy” wand instead of the cataphoresis wands that my canadian version of the Xcell came with. This had something to do with it being possible to cause drugs to be absorbed into the skin via the cataphorsis process. This made those wands, apparently somewhat desireable to some of the US folks ( always want what ya cant have, am I right?) Anyway I have never once felt the need to do cataphoresis… I suppose those wands will stay on my shelf for another 40 years and still not ever be used for anything!

I have been fed so many s**t sandwiches by the beauty/health industry, the first place I go on any topic is NCBI Pub Med… There is zero useful research that has been done on cataphoresis. Most of the industry is snake oil and that’s my opinion on this too.
The only things I really believe in are electrolysis, Retin-A (tretinoin), and Product #7. There is solid research behind them that can’t be argued. I also believe in nutrition and being active, but that is not profitable, so you hear far to little about it.

Me too … worthless “fluff.” Some time, if you have the inclination, attend that massive “Beauty Expo” in Las Vegas. P T. Barnum at it’s best.

Have Maybe a Idea more for You Maygan.

I saw that in a older thread of here of a guy.

Hairtell Thread

and i dont Mean Galvanic or the Sterex machine.

I have a high quality digital microscopic viewer on an adjustable arm which displays the video on my big screen, making the whole process very easy for proper insertion.

You can get these by Amazon (for example) for <100-200 USD with 4K Resolution.

i think you live in canada so here a Link:

this seems to be good:

in feedbacks is this picture , i mean this is exactly what we need/want

Also my Professional Electrologist did it , if she Saw Growing Hairs, i mean the who was growing just, but not long enough she treated them also . But i think in theory , if you dont double treat the hairs even you cant, tweeze them. I think it should be like by Laser. By Laser you Shave the Hairs , before treatment . Let lase them and after 2-3 Weeks after the treatment , the Epidermis renew , so the dead Hairs will fall out after a while, Automatically. Think could be the same here.
Have a Wonderful Weekend Maygan

Feel free to try this on yourself. I wouldn’t want to work with a camera that gives you no depth perception. Leaving putrefying dead tissue under the surface of your skin is a bacteria farm. I can’t believe a professional would do that.

Yes of course, no professional would do it.

But no Professional have to deal with things like we have to do.

Like using Beauty Mirror with zoom or 2 . Or Use clips for some areas and so far.

I think if you use some like this and have it kind 40-50 cm away from your skin and you do it not this fast its fine.

There is an old saying: Necessity is the mother of invention

So if it not work other… like each areas , you cant see You have to use/do things , that could work even if its not perfect.

And also you can do the zoom more usual , like you need it, noit this deep like <10 x zoom.

But it was more a thougth for cheek/throat area fo overlip/chin/unterlip even for easy reachable areas , its not necessary at all.