It’s a common error in logic that we all do, i.e., going from a “specific” to a “general.” I see this persistently on this bog. Well, everywhere too. It gets my few remaining hormones all fired up!
Statements such as “Well, everyone in London knows that the (fill in the blank) method is not as effective.” “The (fill in the blank) method is less painful.” “The (fill in the blank) method is much faster — I’d only go there.” If I had any hair left (it’s all been removed by electrolysis), I’d be pulling it out. Okay, I have ONE hair left on my back.
Years ago, when I was doing a lot of work in Europe, nobody believed I was American! In a few of my earlier classes, people were listening hard to detect my “accent.” I had a Frenchman talk to me on a street in Antwerp. I told him I don’t speak French and was American. He said: “You are a liar; you are French, and you should not be ashamed of your nationality.” Madonna Mia!
What the Europeans told me? I was too thin, too well-dressed (I never wore athletic shoes), too thoughtful (?), and too soft-spoken! YIKES!! I don’t know, maybe this was a compliment? Americans, (like Germans), are universally disliked by — well — everybody! (And, that’s a preconceived notion too! See?)
For the Europeans who thought they knew what Americans were like, I would say … all 300 million of us? Well, which Americans: The American natives? The Creoles in Louisiana? The farmer in Iowa? The drag-queen in Hollywood? The investment banker in New York City? The Hawaiian cowboy on the Big Island?
The point is: preconceived notions are not very scientific — or accurate. If you have one or two experiences with (fill in the blank) you cannot therefore generalize and make sweeping “factual statements.” Well, you can, but the statement is only your limited experience — not fact.
In the field of hair removal there is little empirical scientific data. Is there any at all? And, that’s why blogs like this saunter on and on. The frustration for me, personally, is that I would welcome being part of an actual study. I have several friends in Santa Barbara using lasers and I have repeatedly challenged them — no takers! I would be happy to go “head to head” with various (any) electrolysis methods too. So far, no takers.
And, that’s my morning perspective. But think about it: if you have only scant experience you cannot castigate or make serious comments on, well, anything. Can you? Opinions based on limited first-hand or second-hand experience? Where’s the data?
Note: I’m often told that a study on various methods is impossible because there are too many variables. I don’t buy that at all! Just factor in the variables. Anything can be studied scientifically — it’s a process not a destination.