Converse Fallacy or Hasty Generalizations

I have had some injections and fell asleep for two hours of upper lip work. But the personal of the dentist started to become upset because i went there just in order to get lidocain infiltration for my trans related treatment… so i learnd to live with the pain, also for two hours (i already knew that i could stand it for more than one hour).

BTW, EMLA on the upper lip appears to beo a bit difficult because it cannot kept correctly under occlusion. Any better idea which we or better (formally) our clients can apply?

Back to the idea with the meetings/workshops: the annual meeting of the DVEE is open for guests. Ok, sufficient knwoledge of German is a prerequisite. Josefa? James? Michael? Geri?

Count me in on this one. Numbing is not usually needed with the better epilators.
If one really needs numbing, emla or lmx can help take the edge off as long as it is applied correctly for the right amount of time. If it is occluded, plastic wrap can be cut to size and laid over top. LMX should be applied to clean skin, but you don’t want to wipe off the natural oils with antiseptic right before applying. Is that what other practitioners tell their clients?

Mein Deutsche ist sehr schrecklich. :frowning:

(only three semesters at university, over 30 years ago.)

Vermutlich besser als mein Französisch…

Hi Beate,
when is this meeting going to be held?
I am going to be in Germany the first week of August to welcome a new niece into this world. If its not too far, I might extend my stay…
Ich spreche Deutsch night so schlecht… ich denke… ich verstehe besser… lol

Hi Geri,

the next meeting will be next year in spring.