I’m 15 years old. I will be turning 16 this summer. All my life I’ve been hairy, so I’ve pretty much ruled out that I could have polycystic ovarian syndrome, or anything else. I’m pretty much just hairy, just because. All my life, I’ve felt ugly and horrible, from a very young age, I have had horrible self esteem and and no confidence whatsoever. It has caused me to not want to go out in public, and to not want to be around people. I still remember being teased. Everyday when I was in 4th grade, these two kids would tease me telling me I was hairy. I hated it. I wanted to cry everytime it happened, and I would cry, all the time.
I’m super duper hairy, and being a girl, it’s not easy at all. Especially when you see other girls everyday who are pretty much hair free. I hate it.
I have hair on pretty much every part of my body. On my back, abdomen, chest, chin, shoulders, arms, legs, knuckles, toes, face, neck, underarms, hips, bikini area, and even my butt. I pretty much have faint hairs on my forehead and nose, but still rather noticeable. My sideburns are especially horrible and the hair on my neck is horrible. I wish it weren’t like this. I didn’t want this, and don’t understand why I’m like this. It’s super disgusting. And I feel like I can never be myself. I have no friends because I choose not to be social because of this problem. I think many people might judge me too. I am missing out on the whole highschool experience because of this. All I want is to be normal. I just want to be able to live. I don’t want to miss out on life. Because of it I’ve pretty much come to the conclusion that I will neevr get married or have kids, or even date. I’m too disgusting.
I don’t know what to do. I thought about laser, but I’m afraid it won’t work.
Plus, I have acne on my back, face, neck, and chest. Can laser be done on areas with acne? I have a few pimples, scars from pimples, over those areas. But mostly I have blackheads and white heads, not your typical white head though. It’s not a pimple with a head that you are ready to pop. It’s like inside my skin and you can see white dots, and they don’t pop, if you try they just get irritated. And they are like white balls beneath the skins surface. How will I be able to get laser with that in my skin?
Someone please help me, I can’t take this anymore. I don’t think I can live like this for any longer.
I want to be over with this by the time I get to college, so I can be a new ‘me’.
What can I do?