Hi unhappygirl,
First off, where do you live more specifically?
Yes, my electrologist in London is very good. She will not scar you at at all. As I said somewhere before, there are now 6 hairtell users other than myself who see her.
I think you could make short work of it too. Blend on the breasts where the hair is coarser and thermolysis on the area with finer hairs. I had 25mins of thermolysis between my breasts a few weeks ago and she is really fast with it; she cleared a lot of the hairs. I could have easily gone on for another 30mins. The next day I developed about 10-15 pin point scabs on some of the follicles… this is an expected reaction. With good aftercare, they drop off after a few days leaving clear skin, and they did.
Blend only leaves the skin red and a little swollen for an hour or few (mine goes down within the hour).
If you could go to her for some longer session, I’m sure she could do a lot of work and then you wouldn’t have to go so often, meaning less money on travelling.
In Dorking there is an electrologist, who a HairTell member “Pokka” sees. She mainly uses blend though.
There is an electrologist, Sonia, in Gravesend. No one has visited her yet but she posts here. I am thinking of checking her out just so we can have another electrologist to recommend.
There is also the BIAE directory, you may find someone closer to. In which case, go for a consult!
Please do read around for what you should be looking for i.e. Insertions of the needle shouldn’t be felt, although the current probably will be; the hairs should slide out and shouldn’t feel plucked; hygiene issues; reaction from the two types of electrolysis, etc
As MPK has said, please do report back.