I’m so scared! Okay, I’m a female in my mid 20’s. I dont think this is a hormonal problem as my younger sister has the same thing (just not as much because shes younger) this is ruining my life, its making me feel suicidal :s. I get alot of attention and I’m told I’m a very attractive woman, but I cant allow myself to get close to another man because of how hairy I am! I shave, pluck etc (I now know you shouldnt pluck after reading these forums) I feel I’m missing out on life, just things like wearing a bikini on holiday or letting guys near me, I dont think I’ll ever get married or have kids if I dont sort this out.
Anyway, would it be possible to remove this much hair??
Here are the pics, please dont be cruel (I usually shave all of it off)
My bust (not sure if I’m allowed to post this here, sorry if its not allowed) see the dots everywhere? Theres little fine dots all over my breasts, some have fine hair coming out, some have thick corse hair (which I pluck) and some seem to have hair underneath waiting to come out)
Again, my bust, showing going up towards my shoulder, theres fine hair all the way up and wouldnt need it all removed, I’d try bleaching, but theres a few thicker ones on my neck I’d like removed
Up towards shoulder again
Above cleavage, I hate this because I have little scars in this area from when the hair grows back, theres more thick hair here, but lots of fine hair too
Above belly button, below bust
Below belly button
Lower back
Lower back
I literally have it all over my body. I’m obviously not going to take a picture of my back side, but I have it there too, between fine like some of above and some thicker darker hairs too. I also have some on my chin and upper lip. Some on my chin are thick and I tweeze them.
So, the areas that I want done first are my breasts (all over) and my butt, also above breasts, chin, upper lips (although upper lip isnt bad)
Is this possible?
Please help!