Can this amount of hair be removed? Pics inside

I’m so scared! :frowning: Okay, I’m a female in my mid 20’s. I dont think this is a hormonal problem as my younger sister has the same thing (just not as much because shes younger) this is ruining my life, its making me feel suicidal :s. I get alot of attention and I’m told I’m a very attractive woman, but I cant allow myself to get close to another man because of how hairy I am! I shave, pluck etc (I now know you shouldnt pluck after reading these forums) I feel I’m missing out on life, just things like wearing a bikini on holiday or letting guys near me, I dont think I’ll ever get married or have kids if I dont sort this out.

Anyway, would it be possible to remove this much hair??

Here are the pics, please dont be cruel :frowning: (I usually shave all of it off)

My bust (not sure if I’m allowed to post this here, sorry if its not allowed) see the dots everywhere? Theres little fine dots all over my breasts, some have fine hair coming out, some have thick corse hair (which I pluck) and some seem to have hair underneath waiting to come out)

Again, my bust, showing going up towards my shoulder, theres fine hair all the way up and wouldnt need it all removed, I’d try bleaching, but theres a few thicker ones on my neck I’d like removed

Up towards shoulder again

Above cleavage, I hate this because I have little scars in this area from when the hair grows back, theres more thick hair here, but lots of fine hair too

Above belly button, below bust :frowning:

Below belly button :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

Lower back

Lower back

I literally have it all over my body. I’m obviously not going to take a picture of my back side, but I have it there too, between fine like some of above and some thicker darker hairs too. I also have some on my chin and upper lip. Some on my chin are thick and I tweeze them.

So, the areas that I want done first are my breasts (all over) and my butt, also above breasts, chin, upper lips (although upper lip isnt bad)

Is this possible? :frowning:
Please help!

Yes, it can be done. It is more a matter of time and financial resources. I Your situation i would concentrate on what hurts most.

BTW: not all men are disattracted by hairiness of women, some even find this sexy.

And yes, you should check your hormonal status before going into electrology. If there is something wrong, it could massively increase the amount of sessions necessary to remove the hair.


Any amount of hair can be treated with electrolysis. Your treatments will just be longer since it removes one hair at a time (5-10 per minute on average). So yes, not a problem. I treated my entire stomach.

For the area above your belly button, you’ll actually get quicker results with laser (5 min treatment once every 2 months, and you’ll only need 6 or so) because the hair there is dense and coarse.

You seem to be the perfect candidate for electrolysis, I would stick with that. The key is finding a competant one

Concentrate on only the thick hairs first, because you will probably find that the fine ones will not trouble you, once the stronger ones are gone.


I’ve had my breast area and stomach done with electrolysis and it works very well as long as you are patient and willing to commit to a regular schedule.

At one time I had to shave the hairs, but now I don’t shave
them ever. The chest is probably 97% plus better than it was
and the stomach is at 85% plus, but I started it later.

Sorry, but I can’t provide photos of my chest unless they
pay me some pretty big bucks.


Unhappygirl: I have the same problem as you, and trust me I know how you feel. But if there’s a will there’s a way =) as cheesy as that sounds, as long as you’re willing to put in the time and money, you will get results. I’m doing my entire face right now, and trust me BIG improvement. I’m not done yet, hopefully by next year crosses fingers. Next area I wanna do its chest/breasts. Then maybe stomach and back, but I may do laser for stomach and finish it off with electrolysis. Either way, I want my ENTIRE body hair free, or at least A GREAT REDUCTION.
So hang in there hun!

Yes. Find someone good, try a few people out. Pay money. Win.

Yes, it can totally be removed.
I would recommend that you start with the area that bothers you the most first and then move on to the next area.
As for myself the hair on my lower back was the area that really bothered me so I started out with laser treatments on my lower back (it used to look like the pic that you posted)
I am very happy with the hair reduction, now it’s as soft as a baby’s bottom with the exception of a couple of fine hairs here and there that I’m getting rid of with electrolysis.
It’s not an overnight process but if you invest the time and money you will be very happy with the results :grin:

Is hair on the lower back of a female really coarse enough to be effectively treated by laser? In the top pic her hair looks too fine, and even in the bottom one the hair is not really coarse. Was your hair coarser than that ThankGod?

I think you would feel better if you got it removed. But I also know that my husband is not turned off at all by the hair on my neck and chin. I am currently getting electrolysis, and he still can’t understand why I am so self conscious about it. But he is supportive. So hang in there. You may find a guy that is not bothered by it. I can’t wait to have all this hair gone. Start as soon as you can, and work on the areas that bother you the most. I have hair on my stomach and around my nipples but since my husband is the only one who sees that, i just pluck it and if it grows back it doesn’t bother me. And if you are thinking suicide, please get help. I’m sure you are beautiful and just need some confidence, which you can get with electrolysis. Good luck and keep us posted!

I think that it depends on the individual if the hair on their lower back can be effectively treated by laser. I can only speak based on my personal experience with laser. To answer your question:
The hair on my lower back looked very similar to the photo that she posted. The hairs weren’t fine or too fine, they were dark and there were alot of em :mad: and I wanted them gone ASAP so I had it lasered and I am very happy with the reduction after the laser treatments.

It definitely can be removed.

I actually was just like you (in a way, i’m a guy).
Really really depressed. The hair on my cheeks was growing really high, I had a really thick beard, and it looked absolutely terrible. Like you, I was positive that there was too much hair to be removed.

I’ve already had my first treatment (complete removal on my neck and face so lots of hair for a really thick beard) and even after just one full clearance the difference is huge. No scars, no shadow, no redness and it only took 2 days to do (more like 1 and a half).

Now let me give you some advice. Electrolysis can change your life for the worse or for the better. Some of the skin damage stories on this forum are seriously terrifying. So here’s what I suggest. Go see a proven electrologist. Forget about whatever hangups you might have. I traveled 6 hours to go see James Walker(the second top poster on the forum) and it’s seriously changed my life. If you went to see James (or a similarly proven specialist), you can be guaranteed that he would PERMANANTLY REMOVE all of the hair in your pictures with no scars or any damage. Please consider this as a possibility. Not to sound vain or melodramatic but this could be one of the most important decisions you make in your life.

Also, just to give you another of my experiences, I did laser on my face about 3 years ago and it didn’t permanantly remove the hair and it caused new hair growth higher on my cheeks. I’m not anti laser, that’s just my experience.

Laser only works on coarse dense hair. If that’s the type of hair being treated and it’s being treated correctly with a good machine and settings, you will get permanent results. You can’t say “laser didn’t remove my hair”. It’s like saying that “electrolysis didn’t remove my hair” if you went to someone who wasn’t James and didn’t get results. It wasn’t “the laser” or “the electrolysis” that didn’t remove it, it was the “laser tech” and the “electrologist” you chose who didn’t. We need to make sure we’re comparing apples to apples, i.e. good electrolysis to good laser, not good electrolysis to bad laser treatments.

Oh gosh, that makes me feel terrible :frowning:

Thanks for the replies. I have never told anybody other than my mum and sister about this problem, I didnt even realise there would be others out there like me. I’m in South England, so I’m not too sure who to go with - London is way too far for me to get to. I was thinking about trying one of the home kits - one touch? on my chin (i hardly have any there, maybe 10 and chest. I’m guessing you guys would advise against this? I know theres danger of scarring etc. I think I’d want to get the electrolgist to work on areas I cant get to, or is this a bad idea?

As for laser, I really dont want to go down that road. I’m sure its worked well for lots of people, but some of the scaring I’ve seen is really scary, plus I wouldnt want to risk more growing back.

Oh gosh, that makes me feel terrible

Ah cmon, you know what I mean! I didn’t mean about the amount of hair! Seriously if you saw how hairy I am i’m sure you would be shocked. I seriously had hair(thick black hair) growing on my cheeks up near the bottom of my eyes (just to give you an idea). And my body, you don’t want to know.

I meant how I was depressed like you.

But also, as I was writing on another thread to a person in London, why are you letting the distance stop you from coming to see a specialist in the states? Seriously why?
Money is the obvious answer. Why not save up? Isn’t this important to you? Time is another obvious answer. If you’re working, you should take as much vacation time as possible. In fact, you could even go over the weekend since the areas you want to get done can be hidden by clothes. Seriously what’s stopping you?

I’m only writing this because this is what i’ve done, i’ve never been happier, and I want to help.

Actually, I was thinking, for the body stuff I don’t know if you’d need to see a specialist. I mean I don’t really know but if it were me I wouldn’t be as concerned with the after effects if it was on my body (where it could be hidden by clothes).

But I would say be careful with your face. I have read lots horror stories on here about scarring, and i’m pretty sure the self electrolysis kits are the worst.

Okay, I didnt think you meant because of being depressed, sorry.

You must be kidding right? I would imagine flights to the states from where I live would cost hundreds, then theres accomodation, how could I make a 6-8 hour flight once a week while also paying for an electrologist, my house, car, bills, pets … not possible unless you’re rich. Paying for an electrologist alone with all my school and house fees is going to be hard enough. I dont see how anyone could do that.

The main place I’d worry about is my breasts, I’d hate to get scarring there and the skin there is so soft so I’m really worried about that. I hardly have any on my face.

Okay, I didnt think you meant because of being depressed, sorry.

You must be kidding right? I would imagine flights to the states from where I live would cost hundreds, then theres accomodation, how could I make a 6-8 hour flight once a week while also paying for an electrologist, my house, car, bills, pets … not possible unless you’re rich. Paying for an electrologist alone with all my school and house fees is going to be hard enough. I dont see how anyone could do that. [/quote]

See this is a misconception. First of all, it’s not every week. For me its once every month. And that’s only if you want total removal and not just thinning of the hair. Second, if you went to James for example, he lets his clients stay over the weekend for free, so you wouldn’t have to worry about accomodation prices. And here’s the main thing, after just one treatment the difference you’ll notice will be worth the price alone.
Now, let me just say, this is my experience, and you would have to ask an electrologist if it would be the same for you with the areas you’re having done. Just for reference, I got my entire cheeks (lots of hair, thick beard) and my entire neck done(even more hair).

But regardless of these things, isn’t this worth it? I mean for me, if someone came to me before my treatments and said, what would you give me to permanently remove all the hair you want gone right now, I would have given just about anything.

Why should you think about this any differently? It’s the same thing just over a longer period of time. Why isn’t this worth whatever effort it takes to get it done right?
For me, I had to see a specialist (James) because I was just too afraid of scarring. Trust me, if you hang around this forum long enough you will see enough stories to scare the crap out of you. That’s why I was saying for the body you might not have to see a specialist.

Look, i’m really trying to help. I want to help you. It’s seriously one of those things where you become so happy about what you’ve done for yourself that you have to tell others about it.

Good Luck. I really hope it works out for you.