Can IPL on peach fuzz on face induce stimulation

have had 9 ipl ( dermalight) treatments on face and underarms. The results show some reduction under my arms and upper lip. I had a few slightly darker hairs (maybe 6) on upper lip and the odd one on chin. Electroylsis was not successful so I tried ipl. Majority of my hair is blonde peach fuzz. The woman doing my face also did sides chin etc as a favor even though hair is blonde. I have read that ipl can cause hair growth if done on blond hair. I have not seen this yet but now I am paranoid and examining my face in all lights looking for increased hair growth. Last treatment was 2wks ago. Should I be worried? I am going to go back to electrolysis but last time I definitely ended up with dark and longer blonde hairs in the treated area - how can I avoid this?

Electrolysis absolutely works. I don’t know what your practitioners skill was like and I don’t know the specifics about your schedule of treatments, length of the appointments, etc.

Light-based systems do NOT work on blond hair. Why are you spending your hard earned money? Why is she taking your hard earned money?

You are gambling with induced hair growth. For this, you should have some worries.

Electrolysis does not cause dark, long hairs to appear. IPL may have caused this or what you are seeing are hair growth cycles up front, in action. Get them zapped as they appear and you will see a difference as long as the person performing the electrolysis procedure is qualified and skiled.

You should run from that clinic. They should NOT be treating you with that machine at all. You definitely won’t get any results, but it is likely you’ll get induced growth. In fact, that’s the only potential “result” you can get in your situation. The “best” result would be not to experience any changes.

IPL and lasers don’t work on this type of hair. They only work on coarse dense dark growth.

You need electrolysis only, which works great in good hands. You should look for a better electrologist.

Hi thank you all. I am totally freaked out for sure. When will I know if induced hair growth has occurred?
I think it may have already happened but then I am now extremely paranoid.
How do I know if I have a good electrologist or not?
What things should I be looking for?
Thrlast person seemed to be tugging on the hair.
Also although I am not 100 percent sure but I seem to have denser growth under my chin and slightly thicker blonde hairs. Some are musky longer but most are short. Can I treat this with electrolysisand be sureu

One more question. Does the elos machine work or is this too likely to result in induced hair growth.
I think I am happier with just sticking with electrolysis actually but just curious.
I think having had 9 treatments I am very scared that I will have induced hair growth and to be honest I really did not have bad hair growth to start with just the odd one here or there. Wish I had known would never have risked this

No light-based system will work whether it has Elos technology or not. Light hair is a contraindication for laser and IPL systems- period! They should not have taken one dime from you, but maybe the sales rep, backed up bu clinical “studies” is telling them something different and they don’t know any better.

Hi thank you so much for getting back to me. I really appreciate it!! I think I have had some mild hair induction so in some respect I am lucky. But I am now very conscious where before I was not
Can I ask what do I need to be looking for in terms of finding a skilled electrolysis person
I have only ever gone to a qualified person but even this has not been successful

We always suggest that you try several electrologists in your locale. Here is a link from the American Electrology Association that can help get you going:

I doubt you got any reduction of any kind. Wait 2-3 months and it’ll all look the same.

Start sampling elecrologists in your area. Call around and ask what type of electrolysis they use (thermolysis with a newer machine like Apilus would be best). At your free sample treatment, watch that the hair slides out without resistance after being zapped.

Also, invest a few dollars in witch hazel and tea tree oil for aftercare.

Thanks LA girl. I am not going to do anymore ipl. I am trying to be positive and hopeful that all that has happened is no reduction. I really do not want induced hair growth. I feel like a fool as I really did not have a hair growth problem. Just normal growth of light blonde hairs. I just wanted that reduced because I always worried that perhaps these were visible in sunlight that is it.
Can the hairs be treated if I do end up with induced hair growth?

There is one place on my face that I think I have hair growth that I never had hair growth. That is actually under lower lip. They are blonde but there is a lot. Because of being under lip it is not really noticeable. The skin under my lip has superficial scarring due to ezcema. Is this area given scarred able to be treated with electrolysis? I did not have this area treated with ipl so I did not link the hair growth ipl until now.

Question. An area that was not treated by ipl was under lower lip now appears to have hair growth. I do not remember any hair here whatsoever. These are not really noticeable because of location only. Anywhere else would be very noticeable. Quite alot of blondes. This area is past superficial scarring from eczema. Can this scar tissue be safely treated with electrolysis? And effectively treated.
I think I am going to find it hard finding someone good in Nrw Zealand. If I cannot I will travel. Even though we definitely do not have al ot of money I just don’t want facial hair problems. I have 3 consultations nextweek and will post results on consultations thanks for all your help

If you didn’t treat the area with an IPL, that hair was either already there and you just never paid this much attention, or it’s new hair developing due to age.

Either way, any hair can be treated with electrolysis.

Just a question about electrolysis. Everyone I have contacted so far uses blend method. I only have fine peach fuzz is this method ok for removal of peach fuzz?
I read on another forum that it can cause other hairs adjacent to grow. Is this true? I am now feeling very cautious. Also. I have found someone with D.R.E in her credentials but it will involve considerable travel for me. The problem is in new zealand electrologist are trained as part of beauty therapy course not a separate qualification per se.
Thanks for all your answers. I really do appreciate your tume and love this forum

Blend is fine. Good technique is most important. Thermolysis is just faster.

No, electrolysis cannot cause any adjacent hairs to grow. It treats each hair one by one.

Just had a phone consultation with clinic in Christchurch. I was told that even electrolysis is not permanent. What??? I now know I am not being paranoid as my 18 year old daughter has said there is considerable difference than previously. I am lucky lol that so far theinduced growth is blonde. But in patches it is longer and even where shorter there are more. My daughter said it is not bad but noticeable in light or in shade up close.
I do not want to make this worse and so far what I am hearing from electrologists is that since it is not permanent it may not work. I am sorry to keep asking questions but I am at a loss and after this scare with ipl I don’t know who to believe. Are there any people who have permancy with electrolysis on my hair type for longer than a couple of years? Thank you in advance and sorry for being an incredible worry wort

Well… electrolysis is permanent on any hair structure, including yours. I specialize in peach fuzz removal. Actually spent the whole day working on my peach fuzz ladies. It is intense work requiring that appointments be more than one hour at a time, with appointments at least every two weeks for about two years, maybe 2.5 years. You will never eliminate every hair, but over this time period, you can get areas thinned with highly acceptable results.

Electrolysis is permanent. It sounds like they’re not confident in their skill. I would be wary of going to someone who feels that way, personally.

Btw, I had both laser and electrolysis done successfully and it’s been permanent now for 5+ years going depending on the area.

Hi LAgirl.
I think it is great to hear from people who have had it done.
Can I ask which areas where hard to treat and which areas have been permanent? Did you finish electrolysis 5 years ago.
I actually had around two hairs around my nipple I had them done maybe 3 to 5 times and they have never grown back.
Anyway just wondering about face primarily?

Btw hair treated around nipple aproximately 15 years ago :). It was only two but it worked :slight_smile: