Hi all,
Just reading through some of the posts on this site and am glad to know I’m not alone in my constant suffering with this problem. I too suffer from depression and serious self confidence issues because of my excess hairyness. I won’t go to the beach without my shirt on and am terrified of having an intimate relationship because I’m worried how my partner might react when they find out (like someone else on this forum said it’s totally different from being overweight or any other problem which is visable on the surface, in that case people know what they are getting into. With excess hair its only when you get intimate that they will find out and then its an unwanted surprise, with most likely an end to the relationship.) I really think its one of the worst problems as well because if you are overweight or there is something else you don’t like at least you can work on it or have surgery, with excess hair our current options are pathetic…but hopefully not for long!
Shaving everyday is useless and no comfort as the stubble is back by evening. Laser and IPL are incredibly overpriced, require multiple (embarassing) sessions spread out over many months and offer seriously questionable results for a very large investment of time and money.
Electrolysis does work but requires MUCH more time than laser, is MUCH more painful, is still very expensive, plus it requires many more embarassing visits to remove hair from certain “areas”.
So I have to ask the question: Just what the heck is wrong with the science in this field of study? Why aren’t they tackeling the issue of fast, PERMANENT, painless, hair removal? Surely if such a product came about what woman in their right mind wouldn’t use it on their legs or underarms to avoid shaving for the rest of their lives, or men for their backs, etc? i.e. you could market such a product to most people on the planet. Billions are just sitting there to be made for whoever makes this breakthough.
I find it laughable that in a society where anyone can get anything on their body nipped, tucked, or sucked, breast implants, collogen lips, botox, etc, etc WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO THE HIGH TECH SOLUTION FOR UNWANTED HAIR WHICH MANY MORE PEOPLE SUFFER FROM!?!?
Whew! Sorry had to vent there…but this is a share your feelings thread so I think that was ok? Speaking of which I also think it is important in these threads to discuss the issue of hope and hopefully a little faith in science which seems to finally be waking up to this problem. Pretty soon there will be more options than the pathetic ones we have today.
So I did some research and found some companies who are working on solving the excess hair problem FOR GOOD! Check out the “Restricted, experimental methods” thread on this site for more info as well. I just wanted to sum up what we have been discussing over there for those who think that there isn’t a new and better way to solve this problem coming up soon if we all band together and pressure these companies to continue working on developing their products. Perhaps just sending a short email stating what a real breakthrough would mean to you and that you support their effort would be enough. Or maybe even an investment in their stock if you care to really back them? But remember the stock market is risky business guys, be very careful and get independent advice from a broker.
I will mention first companies that should have products out sooner than the others.
This company states that they should have a product out for home use by the end of this year. The secret is in their patented gel that they apply before laser light is applied, apparently this should improve upon current laser and IPL’s often inability to treat lighter colored hair or on darker colored skin tones while also boosting the all around effectiveness of laser immensly. Apparently the big breakthough was finding a gel that could penetrate the hair follical and be safely activated by the light source to kill the hair but not the surrounding tissue.
These guys are essentially doing the same thing as Photoderma and currently have a six month clinical trial underway to determine the effectiveness of their “gel” and the light source to be used. According to emails exchanged with the company, if this trial is successful they hope to have a product ready for home use in 2008. It should be noted that both Quest and Photoderma have been a little reluctant to promise permanent results but this is probably to cover their own backsides and I belive permanency is their intention.
This is the mother of all hair killing companies. They could be the company that comes out with the miracle cream we all desire. ie. No lasers, needles, or waxing, just a cream that kills hairs permanently, painlessly. They claim to be able to do this in mice and other animals in testing by using DNA (or SiRNAs) to silence the gene that causes the protein in the hair follicle to grow. Sorry I’m not a science buff so this is a very general idea of how it works. Clinical trials were due to start early this year but last December they were bought by Merck (huge pharmaceutical company) and Sirna’s current pipeline projects will now have to be approved by Merck to get the go-ahead, if you want to send an email to anyone it should be to Merck begging that they continue Sirna’s “hairless” program. We need to convince these guys that there are people literally screaming for a simple effective solution to this problem.
This company is using sonic technology to transmit through the hair to heat up the follical and kill it. Could be time consuming as it appears to be a hair by hair process but would be painless and long lasting, if not permanent.
I just think it is important to get the buzz out about these companies. Tell your friends and others who suffer with the problem to get the word out and send an email or anything. I think the whole problem with excess hair solutions and why they have taken so long to solve this age old cosmetic problem is because people are embarassed to talk about it. We need to talk about it and let these companies know people are really suffering out there and can’t live their lives the way they want until some kind of breakthrough is made.
If we make enough noise big companies like Merck will use their billions of dollars to fask track products such as Sirna’s. After all, no company should want to come second in this race.