I had my 7th treatment on my stomach about 2 weeks ago , and about 70% of the hair has been falling out, though im starting to see new hair growing out. The treatment was PAINFUL AND IT WAS MY SEVENTH ONE, so why do i still have pretty think hair growing out?
I was treated by
gemini- laserscope
1064 nm
spot size 10
pulse width 65
fluence 60
after 2 weeks, you shouldn’t be seeing NEW growth if the hair was actually killed. since you’re female, how “coarse” is your hair there? i would assume it is not very coarse like bikini for example, which is already hard to treat, but especially hard with a Yag laser. your best bet is to switch to electrolysis on this area at this point. also, how far apart were your treatments and how old are you?
after 2 weeks, you shouldn’t be seeing NEW growth if the hair was actually killed. since you’re female, how “coarse” is your hair there? i would assume it is not very coarse like bikini for example, which is already hard to treat, but especially hard with a Yag laser. your best bet is to switch to electrolysis on this area at this point. also, how far apart were your treatments and how old are you?
Its pretty coarse, however not as coarse as my underarm or bikini.My treatment were about a month away at first , then 6 weeks and now they are 8 weeks apart. I’m 18 years old. the thing is I have paid for 8 treatments for stoamch, and underarms if I buy 2 more then I could go back for regrowth , and as many times as I like… would that be a good thing to do, I mean I know that i would need alot more treatments for stomach and underarms…should I just buy 2 more treatments for underarms? and go with electrolysis for my stoamch??
Another question is I would like to get my legs done too, but I need laser recommendation.what is the most effective/safe laser thats out there ? I have pretty white legs since I never tan or wear shorts. The hair is very coarse/ and dense as well.
best laser is an alexandrite like GentleLASE for you. If it’s free, sure you can go in as many times as you want, but at some point, you will stop seeing any more hair killed. that means it’s too fine, or that this laser cannot affect it (maybe due to the type of laser itself or the settings they’re using). you were also getting treatments pretty close together at the beginning, which would mean you would need a bit more treatments altogether as you were probably not getting DIFFERNT hair in the beginning. so, like 8-10 treatments total, but i wouldn’t do them closer than 12-16 weeks apart at this point.
how can i find out what clinic near my area uses this laser?
and please read the FAQs: www.hairremovalforum.com/faq.cfm
based on what information, and data do you suggest that GentleLASE Alexandrite is the best laser out there?
does it work on thin hair?
it is the most powerful with the largest spot size and shortest wavelength. this is based on recommendations of industry professionals. Alexandrites are most powerful for light skin and they’re the most effective on finer hair, however the tech needs to know how to adjust the settings and all lasers are not great on fine hair, but out of all, this one is best. just do your research and you’ll see recommendations by industry professionals.
and he’s back…
I do know that the hope of being hair free is something that I will take to my grave with me.Unless I win the lottery and hire my own personal electrologist, who I will spend 12 to 16 hours a day. Only if this will come true…
on this website , Do I search alexlazr, or gentlelase?which one is the one that your are reffering to?
Thank you jimmyjames for your erroneous facts based on your own personal and unfortunate experience.
As has been said many times previously on this forum, jimmyjames went to one of those franchise places that use IPL and had a bad experience, got ripped off, and no permanent hair removal. Unfortunately, it happens to too many.
I had my back done with a GentleLase laser over six years ago and it’s still permanently hair free. Out of thousands of hairs treated, there’s less than a dozen that remain that I simply pluck every couple of months until I go to an electrolysis practitioner to get those taken care of also. I had a really thick triangular patch at my lower back that has remained totally free of any hair; what a relief.
People need to do proper research and this forum is a great place to find data, both from pros and clients. Use jimmyjames experience to realize that there are establishments that don’t know what they are doing where you will end up losing more money than hair. However, there are other, more qualified places that can produce laser hair removal permanently.
on this website , Do I search alexlazr, or gentlelase?which one is the one that your are reffering to?
Alexandrite is a type of laser and GentleLASE is one model of an alexandrite laser made by the Candela Corporation. Once again, you would learn all this by reading the FAQ which I wrote for people like you doing their research here. I think it would be greatly beneficial for you to read them.
As others have noted, jimmyjames’ experience, or any individual consumer’s experience, is not a predictor of the results you might achieve. There are too many variables to make any accurate predictions.
While I feel it is important to allow jimmyjames to share experiences, just as anyone else on the forum, blanket statements based on individual results are neither scientific nor a good way to gauge what you might expect.
Lagirl, Thanks for writing the faq, and trust me I’ve read them so many times. The confusion that I had was , why was there a An alexlazer, and a gentlelase category under the product laser, when in fact gentlelase is an alexlazer, and by having a alexlazer category there are not being very specific!
lasers are classified by types : alex, ruby, yag, and diode. then later in the FAQs it lists all the various models made by different manufacturers. GentleLASE is one model of an alex laser made by Candela Corporation. There are others.
this sucks unfortunatley there are not laser centers that have this laser near where I live!
have you tried this link? where in california are u
I live in the bay area. I found one in san Ramon but thats still very far.I was hoping I could find one near my area. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" />