I’m in my early 20’s amd I worry about all the hair on my body, constantly. I really need to get this sorted out as I have to make excuses when I’m with girls, i cant go to the beach, and I have to sleep with a t-shirt etc etc…
I have white skin and thick black hair. Over the last few years, the hair on the back of my legs has spread to my buttocks. Its just as dense there as it is on my legs. And has continued up to my lower back a bit.
I also have bad stomach hair, i like my chest hair, but instead of having the usual line of hair extending down from my chest to my abdomen, i just have a large circular patch of hair covering my stomach.
I have some hair on my shoulders too.
I’ve read a little on the various treatments and lazer seems the best. If I was to remove hair for my buttocks, is it possible to remove hair from the top of my legs too. I’m worried that I’ll be completely bald on my butt and really hairy on my legs - wont that look nearly as wierd. Is there any way of blending between the two extremes. I really hope so. My legs are also just as hairy on bith sides.
ANyway, i really need cheering up, do i need to accept that i have a bad body hair problem which can never be completely eradicated, or is it possible for me to live a normal life.
Thanks for your help,
BTW, are there any other online forums - perhaps one for men. And is male hair problem focused on as much as those of wemen. All the sites I’ve checked, are female orientated, and seems as if my problem fits in the freak catagory, despite the fact that I now I’m not alone.