YAZ birth control pill

So I saw a naturopath today and asked for spironolactone and Yazmin (I was on spiro in the past but with desogen). I am happy that she is even open to meds since its obviously not natural!! (In addition , I am supposed to not eat gluten or wheat anymore or sugar…I hope I can do it).

If you are familiar with “muscle testing” -this is what she did and my body tested for YAZ even though I wanted Yasmin. I want what’s best for cutting down this crazy excessive hair growth to be honest, but I do believe in muscle testing. I’m wondering if I’ll have success from giving in to YAZ or if I should fight for Yasmin or even Desogen, since at least I know I didn’t have bad side affects from Desogen in the past.

I would like to consult the people I definitely trust here on this forum. Has anyone used YAZ and had it help slow hair growth? Did anyone gain weight from it? She will be prescribing it along with spironolactone. Oops- I guess that was implied above! Anyway… I go back Thursday. Thanks ahead for any input.


spiro should help with hair growth. it might take a few months to show effect. i don’t know anyone who’s tried YAZ. is that the pill that only makes you have 4 periods a year? that seems very unnatural to me.

YAZ doesnt make you have 4 periods a year , I believe thats another pill called seasonique .

oh yes, you are correct. that’s what i was thinking of.

Here’s a very information website recommended to me by a friend. It outlines differences and potential side effects of various birth control pills, so you can figure out which is likely to help more with hair issues:


Thanks for the page, very helpful. But I couldnt find anything on there about Othro-Tri Cyclen lo which is what i’m taking right now.

I would assume it’s the same as regular Ortho Tricyclen, but in lower dosage. I have to say that none of my friends have had good experience with it and I don’t think it does much for the hair. From my experience, this is one of the most marketed pills to doctors, so they prescribe it a lot, however not for the right reasons. I usually hear much better feedback about Yasmine, Alesse, etc.

you are right it does nothing for the hair, but it does reduce acne abit, I should go back to my doc, and ask for a different bc. I have mild acne, and alittle hairy…

I have taken ortho tri cyclen (was switched to the “lo” version 2.5 years ago) for about 5 years now and never saw any skin changes; I know ortho tri cyclen used to claim to clear a certain percentage of acne; however a couple years ago they changed their claim to “may help with some PMS symptoms like cramps, breakouts etc”

I think there’s little chance that it has enough hormones to reduce hormonal hair growth in fact I think the reason they created “lo” was to prevent ovulation and implantation with the lowest bodily hormone changes possible, I’m not diagnosed PCOS but I did have my hormone levels checked recently and am in normal ranges. I have never seen any impact from birth control on hair. Ortho tri cyclen low however has been effective controlling birth to this point :slight_smile:

The thing is I really wanted to do a low dosage BC, and that’s why I continued with it, because I tried diane 35, and my body was not accepting that one well, (gained weight, felt depressed, vomitting,). The main reason why I’m taking BC is for my skin, not to prevent pregnancy. I also know my problem is hormonal because I have a good skin regimen and a week before my period that’s when I break out a lot. Ortho tro cyclen lo has been okay so far, but I would like something a little better, I guess now I have to try something like YAZ, or Yasmine. I probably go with YAZ… has anyone here tried yaz?

I have several friends who have used Yasmine and all liked it a lot. Don’t know about YAZ, but the fact that they’re advertising like crazy (like Ortho-Tri Cyclen) turns me off

I have used Yaz for a month now and have not noticed anything yet as far as less hair growth ( I’m also on my second month of Spiro so I hope at least the spiro kicks in soon to help). I’m sure it is too soon, Though. I don’t believe there is any difference between YAZ and Yasmin other than the fact that YAZ is giving you more hormones cuz it is a 24 day active pill vs. the standard 21 day pill that Yasmin is. Your period may just be a bit shorter. The progestin used in both is a new one called drospirenone. Interestingly, both Yasmin and YAZ say on their websites that they are the ONLY pill that offers this drospirenone , which has very low androgenic properties, but maybe thats cuz they came out simultaneously or something and didn’t know about the other…just seems odd and unlikely.

I have been breaking out really badly all over my face and on my back and it won’t go away. It did start a month before I started the pill and a week after starting to apply Vaniqa. The confusing thing is that I stopped the vaniqa 3 weeks ago and the acne has not gone away.Either the Vaniqa takes a very long time to get out of your system or the YAZ has contributed.

Treatments that are KNOWN to work for women with hormonally induced hair loss include:

Spironolactone 200mg (minimum dosage to stop shedding and possible regrowth, out of the system w/in 2 mos if you want to get preggers) (saw palmetto seems to be similar but not quite as good)
low androgen bcp (Mircette, Yaz, Yasmin)(aids regrowth)
Revivogen DHT removing shampoo
Nisim shampoo and serum (regrowth aid)
Copper peptide (increases hair counts) conditioner
Iron (if ferritin is below 70)
Exercise (helped me reduce shed from 50/day to 15/day!)

I am doing all these to combat sudden hair loss at age 31. Good luck!