
Has anyone tried taking the new birth control Yasmin?

I have always been pretty hairy but after my pregnancy the hair on my face thickened A LOT! I was shaving daily to get rid of it.

My OB/Gyn suggested I take this birthcontrol pill. I am so happy with the results. I have only been taking it for about three months. My hair growth is a lot slower and a lot thinner.

Thanks for the report, Charlie! Yasmin is not heavily marketed in the US-- it’s been available for two years. One of the active ingredients, drospirenone, is a spironolactone analogue, which means it works as an anti-androgen. These types of drugs can help reduce face and body hair over time.

Yours is the first report we’ve gotten from this specific drug brand, so thanks!

I started out on Yasmin and was okay for about two months (no side effects). I noticed 2 small patches of hair disappear from my bikini line and my leg hair in general grew back much more slowly. However, after the second month I started getting a racey heart to the point where I had a hard time getting to sleep at night. So I stopped taking it and have now switched to Diane-35, which is a birth control pill/anti-androgen that you have to get from either Canada or Europe…it is a stronger anti-androgen, I believe, than Yasmin. I suggest you go to this website: www.obgyn.net/pcos/pcos.asp
Go to forums, then PCOS medication. Do a search on Yasmin and Diane-35 and you’ll get a ton of info on other women’s experiences with these drugs (although keep in mind that their reactions might be different given that they have PCOS).
Good luck.

I just started takign Yasmin 2 weeks ago. No side effects yet and no hair disappearance either.

I was on Yasmin for quite a while. I didn’t notice any reduction in hair growth, but I also didn’t know that it could do that at the time, so I wasn’t really looking for it. I somewhat expect my OBGYN will put me back on it because she’s supposed to be putting me on some sort of birth control and that seems a likely candidate thanks to all of my hormone imbalances.

Anyone know how Yasmin reacts with Spironolactone?


I am planning to go on Yasmin soon. I have my appointment on Dec-10 … Please let me know if this helped you. I have heard many horror stories about this medication, which is also bothering me.

In my case, I am seeing a single coarse hair on my chin for a past year … and it appears around my cycle!! Though I do not soom to have any adverse hormonal problems, but my hair follicles might be extremely sesitive to any changes during that time.

I have never been on any BCP previously … but I need to use one now.

Any feedback will be very helpful.


I have decided to give it a try for 3 months. I am starting on it tomorrow Dec-18. My gyne uses yasmin and is very happy with it … so that did give me courage to try it. I will try to provide my feedback on it every week - emotions and hair!!

It was my 3rd day today on yasmin, and as far as the effects on my physical or emotional being - there are none. I feel exactly the same. Thank lord!

Almost 2 weeks that I have been taking yasmin regularly – and I feel just the same. Ah, though my coffee intake has reduced drastically. I think it is related to medication. I drink 3 cups day … early morning, mid morning and late afternoon.

Previous week I used to walk thrice as usual - to cafe to make some coffee for me, but was unable to get thru my 2nd cup.

Now, 3rd is totally eliminated and I dilute my 1st and 2nd cup with water … I need that kick to get my job done.

Besides this change, I am as physically and emotioanlly active as I was before yasmin.

I cannot imagine how scared I was to start on yasmin.

For any hair growth related changes, I guess most people say it is usually 3-6 months before one can note those.

At the moment, I am happy to be positive about yasmin after reading many negative posts about it.

I am back to my normal coffee routine, so basically yasmin has not affected me at all.

At the moment, there is no change in hair growth as well.

It has been 6 weeks I am taking yasmin, and I love the pill. I have no mood swings, no side effects at all.

I do not know if it is the weather that my hair growth is slow or is it the pill? I have always had reduced rate of hair growth in winters, so I guess I will wait for summers to answer on hair-growth pattern with this pill.

I took yasmin for about 9 months total and it didn’t reduce hair growth. But I’d say it is a good birth control pill as it got rid of my cramps and PMS and my period was on average shorter. I did not experience any side effects att all. But sadly, the reason I took it int he first place - to reduce body hair growth - this did not help.

a birth control pill can prevent new growth. whatever you already have you need to remove with one of the permanent methods if you want it gone.

Someone has already asked above , but I didn’t see any response…

Does anyone know if Yasmin can be taken at the same time as Spironolactone? They both increase potassium so it seems unlikely but I hope they can be!! I thought I had seen posts from ppl taking both here but I may be wrong.

(I hope I’m not posting too much and/or asking too many questions…I’m just trying to piece everything together and I have an appointment on Tuesday that I want to be researched and prepared for!)

Many thanks, Alli

Alli, Yasmin and Spironolactone are prescribed together quite often for the excess hair, hair loss, and acne. You need an OC to keep from getting pregnant while on Spiro anyway, and Yasmin is the OC most prescribed with Spiro. I don’t take it, as I can’t get pregnant anymore, but I’ve considered it for the estrogen boost, which I’m a little low on. It will not hurt your potassium level or any of that. By the way, neither drug “increases” potassium; they just spare the potassium while your body excretes sodium (which is why you might get a pickle or popcorn craving once in awhile!) Relax, doll!

Alrighty? :slight_smile: