
I can’t believe that I accidentally found this place.

Anyway, this is my first post and I will try to make it short as possible. Basically, I have a major hairgrowth problem that’s been going on since I was probably 13 or so (I’m 23 now). It’s ridiculously embarrassing for a young woman in today’s society to have any body hair, especially the amounts that I have. It’s all over the place, light, fine, and long.

It bothered me from day one when I noticed new hairs growing and I had no idea why. Finally, about 4 years ago I went and saw my doctor. He supposedly worked at a laser hair removal place yet had absolutely no good advice to offer. He didn’t examine the hair, frankly I’m glad because I can’t stand anyone looking at the mess. He checked my thyroid levels and said they were fine. Called me back a week later and told me to go to the hospital and get some blood tests + a 24 hour urine collection test done. I did all that and all he had to say was that everything was “normal” and there wasn’t a whole lot he could do for me.

I accepted it and let two more years pass before it really got to me. I picked up my insurance book, found a list of endocrinologists and called one in the area. Three months later I finally got in. I explained the problem and thankfully he knew more than my previous doctor. He also scheduled a bunch of blood tests which came back “normal.” He mentioned that my thyroid gland is slightly enlarged but completely fine. He put me on Yasmin and said that it was the ONLY pill that may work.

So I went to a Walgreen’s pharmacy to pick up the Yasmin prescription only to find that it wasn’t covered by my insurance and cost $68(!!!) per month. Ridiculous. So I went back to the doctor’s and the girls at the front desk were shocked as well. They talked to the doctor and changed my prescription to Necon 1/35. I went back for another appointment a couple of months later only to be told that the Necon won’t do anything but control my periods (which is good since they weren’t 100% regular). The female doctor that I had an appointment with that day prescribed Spironolactone and told me that should cover the Yasmin issue.

I’ve been taking these pills for about 8 months… don’t really see a difference. And on top of all that my prescrptions need to be renewed in two months but I no longer have any insurance. So now I can’t renew my prescriptions without an appointment but being a jobless college graduate I also cannot afford to set another appointment and do a bunch more blood tests that don’t reveal anything new.

So… now I’m thinking of trying to get the Yasmin through a clinic (like PP) because I know I could get it cheaper at such places. However, I was informed by another woman that some clinics don’t carry Yasmin, and if they don’t than she suggested that I try Yaz instead.
I don’t know much about either of the pills, except that Yaz is apparently a lower dose… but will that work for the problem? Plus my endo strictly emphasized that Yasmin (brand name only!) will be the only one that might work, the generic or any other form of bc isn’t the same.

Anyone taking these pills or know anything more about whether or not they actually are similar? Do they work? There is only one PP clinic in my area so if they don’t have the Yasmin or for some reason I can’t get it there, I am screwed and I really, really, really don’t want to stop taking my pills. I fear that stopping them might trigger some bigger issue.

When taking Aldactone (Spiro) and any other birth control meds, be sure to supplement with b vitamins, pro-biotics, stomach enzymes, magnesium, selinium, tyrosine , and zinc, because in addition to testosterone, it also flushes the body’s stores of these vital nutrients as well. Your doctor probably doesn’t even know this, and that’s why he or she did not tell you this. (Well, either he or she doesn’t know this, or doesn’t think enough of you to tell you, which do you want to say that it is?)

If you think this is a small thing, do some research on the effects of deficiency in these nutrients, and you will find an interesting list of symptoms that you don’t want to have (not just because they are bad, but because they lead to you being prescribed even MORE drugs, which all have their deficiency making side effects, leading to even more problems… she swallowed the spider to catch the fly, but I don’t know why she swallowed the fly…)

Yasmin is expensive, so free clinics often don’t carry it, but call around and see if other free clinics besides your local PP does. You’d only have to go once every 3 months to pick it up, so it may be worth to travel (if you don’t have a job, it should be free). Spiro is a pretty strong drug. Whether it has an effect may depend on the dosage you’re taking. Take a look at some past spiro threads here and see what other girls are taking. Make sure not to be taking the dosage that TG folks here take. That would be too much.

Btw, what areas bother you most? Do you have facial hair?

The areas that bother me most are, well, all of them. Yes, I have facial hair but it’s not different from my body hair. Basically the hair is ALL over my body… it’s fine, light, and about 1cm long. It bothers me most around the face, forehead (yes, I even have blonde hairs on my forehead which distorts my hairline, which is really gross and disturbing to me), back of my neck, front… pretty much everything. The hairs aren’t dark, but they’re long, and they’re all over the place… so I have to shave pretty much most of my body, except my chest (because the hairs on there are shorter and less noticable) and my back because that would just be extremely inconvenient.

As I’ve mentioned, I’ve had all those tests done and all of them were “normal.” So I don’t know what the cause could possibly be. I looked up some new info yesterday and the best techical term for what I have is “acquired generalized hypertrichosis” since the hair is everywhere. Apparently this “condition” is typically caused by an underlying malignant condition… but I don’t have any health issues, never have, and if I do than I don’t know about it and I can’t go from doctor to doctor looking for something that mightbe wrong, you know? Usually there is a present or potential malignancy somewhere in the body… but as far as I know the only problem that I do have that I haven’t managed to resolve are pilar cysts on my scalp… they’re a genetic condition and I don’t see how that could cause a body hair problem. My mother has the same cysts and she doesn’t have a body hair issue. I don’t know… I’m just thinking things that could be the cause and really, there is nothing majorly wrong with me.

I take a 50mg Spiro every day with the Necon. Since my doctor was originally going to prescribe just Yasmin I figured I could stop taking the Spiro. My doctor did not mention anything about other vitamins, just said that I would have to get my potassium levels monitored regularly… Unfortunately after I got on the pill I also graduated from college and lost my insurance (can’t find a job at this point)… so I never got my potassium tested. Since I got on Spiro I did notice a lot of urinary issues, which really annoy me. I know that one of the side-effects is less frequent urination, however, for me it’s the opposite. Spiro makes me have occasional bladder urges, like really bad ones where I HAVE to go (even if I really don’t). And if I consume a lot of liquids throuhout the day it’s pretty much guaranteed that I will have at least a few of those urges. I’m 23 years old, I shouldn’t have bladder control issues. It’s really an annoying problem so that’s why I am almost looking forward to getting off this pill in hopes that this urinery problem will go away. I figure Yasmin wouldn’t cause the same issue… I just hope that I can find this pill at the PP clinic. If not, than I will have to call around other clinics (don’t know of any right now) and ask for that pill.

I really don’t want to get off pills completely because of the hair issue (and also I need bc pills as well). But if I can’t find the Yasmin I don’t have any other options until I get a job with good insurance… and in this economy only God knows when that’s gonna happen; probably not any time soon :(.

1 cm long fine blond hair is definitely not the worst problem you’ll encounter on this forum. Is it noticeable to other people or mostly to you because you know it’s there? Most people here have dark longer and thicker hair covering their bodies, which is hard to remove without leaving shadows. I know it may not make you feel better, but relative to others, your problem is a lot less severe. 1cm and fine light hair is usually considered normal, even if you may have more than an average female. It’s sort of like comparing chest hair in men. Some have 300% more than other men, but both examples are normal growth.

Ovarian cysts is something that can cause hair. I’m not sure if they can be related to scalp cysts.

The condition you describe is also sometimes a result of a poor diet. Many anorexic and bulimic people get a layer of light hair all over their bodies.

Take a look at the sticky post in the laser forum that outlines various potential causes for hair growth.

Well, when I first started noticing it growing was on my arms around 14… and the only reason it bothered me was when people started commenting and making jokes about it. It made me feel extremely self conscious so I started waxing, but it got too time consuming so I began shaving after that.
Than I had my hair up in school one day and was sitting with my head down near a window, and a guy bent down told me that I need to “shave my neck” which was really, really embarrassing, especially for a 14 year old girl to hear from a guy. I just about died when he said that. Than same thing happened when I was wearing my hair up my mother told me that my face looked “furry” and how it’s because I always wear my hair down (she has messed up logic and believes in such myths that covering your face will cause more hair growth). So what did I do? Put my hair back down immediately. Basically I can say that other people do notice, and since then it’s gotten worse… the “fuzziness” spread everywhere. It first started on my arms, neck, stomach, and lower back… but now it’s obviously all over the place except my hands and feet.
So if I let it all grow out other people would definitely notice since the hairs are really long. I have tested the visibility by taking photos and you can definitely see the hair in a picture taken from close up/zoomed in in bright lighting, which is soooo disturbing to me. From certain angles the hair doesn’t look as bad because it’s light in color, but when I look from my perspective I can definitely see them, especially on my neck and back. Very embarrassing.

I thought that I had a nutrition problem as well since I did not eat properly when I was younger. But I eat a relatively balanced and very healthy diet, I am not over or under weight (5’2", 102 lbs). So I don’t think that’s my issue at all.

My main issue is that it is long and noticeable, especially in sunlight, and obviously very embarrassing. There was a point in time where I noticed that my arm pit and pubic hair were getting thicker and spreading (possibly because I was tweezing and waxing)… which led me to believe that it was a hormonal issue, but it apparently isn’t according to doctors and tests.
I will check out the thread you mentioned. Thanks!

A good book for anyone to read for the vitamins and minerals needed to add to any drug one is taking is Suzy & Samuel Cohen’s DRUG MUGGERS: How To Keep Your Medicine From Stealing The Life Out Of You! published by DPI, Dear Pharmacist Inc, publishing. It can be ordered online at dearpharmacist.com