Worrying about permanent scarring

Hi I have been doing electrolysis for 2 months now and i had three session so far. but after second session these dots happened and im not sure they are deep dots. i dont know if my technician did something wrong but i think i accidentally treated my skin a little harsh while i washed. its been 2 weeks since i have done last session and my chin is kinda still hurts a little. and i have another appointment in 2 days but im not sure i should go or just wait till the dots heal. and my big concern is this scarring is permanent. i really dont know what to do (english isnt my first language i hope you can understand)

another picture from other side

I zoomed in and I cant note very much in the way of skin irregularities.It appears to be just hyperpigmentation. Some skin types can be susceptable to hyperpigmentation. It’s a good news bad news situation. The good ( no fantastic , Great even ) news is that this will with time 100% resolve and leave no trace.Now here’s the not so great part, it can take a really long time, in sever cases a year or longer to do so. This doesnt appear severe to me. Dont panic, it’s not likely to be as long as that, but hang around for a few months before fading completely. Now,you should know this has the potential to occur whenever you have inflamation because inflamation is the cause of the pigmentation. Inflamation however is a vital part of the healing process of the skin . One of the contributors here, Michael Bono was fond of saying that without inflamation there is no healing. The big thing to realize is that this can be caused by anything that causes inflamation, Acne, hives plucking, waxing. Once the inflamation has stopped occurring,at the end of treatment, the remaining spots will fade away completely. So while potentially disconcerting, I can truly tell you it will all come out perfectly.

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Ah thank you so much for your answer. It really relieved me. Actually I don’t care about inflammation and time, I can tolerate these spots as long as I know they will disappear. So should I continue electrolysis for other parts of my face except these parts?

no there’s no reason to avoid them. We know that further hyperpigmentation can occur, but we also know that it will go away eventually too. It’s just a temporary manifestation of healing, that just happens to get some people uncomfortable if they dont fully understand the processes at play.

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okay so im getting electrolysis to these parts too. thank you so much for your comment again :heart:

hi its me again. do you think this is normal? this is one week after electrolysis.

that all looks very normal.

thank you <333

hi can you check my last post if you’re available thank you <3