working on yourself

I have always found the issue of working alone interesting
Below is a link to some images
session photos on chest

By far the biggest problem assuming you have an half decent machine - thermolysis means you have a hand free for tweezers - is magnification - i reckon that the following items are essential

a powerful magnifying mirror on a posable arm - an old desk lamp one for example allows for YOGA style positions necessary LOL
a bright halogen desk lamp - that creates a sharp image light
a pair of good reading glasses - I use an old pair of my mothers they allow me to work at around 8 inches from the lens
a hand-held magnifying glass
AND FINALLY A HEAD BAND MAGNIFIER with a selection of magnifying lenses - these are cheap and readily available in DIY and tool stores - mine does 1.2 1.8, 2.5 3.5x

A tray for your tweezers
tweezerman points wide grips are nice and mean you can work easily with both hands as they have a wide round grip
tweezerman slants for most of the time wide grip as the points can do more damage than an incorrectly used needle :stuck_out_tongue:

Next good sterile practices

It never ceases to amaze me that electrologists (competent ones thats is) go to great lengths in this area - and yet they have mostly disposable needles and gloves.

Yet there is mary with her new carmen one touch that is not disposable - I HAVE A SPARE TIP SHE SAYS - happily prodding it through her gunky foundation and the probe oi vey - whadda probe that is LOL whats that a size F10 ballet

IT HURTS SHE SAYS - AHHHHHHHHHHHH - IT HURTS - NO I HAVE SPOTS - BETTER SCRATCH THEM THEN MARY - now i have POCK MARKS - and my face is sore and i have white heads and other heads.

stop now

ok faces clean and scrubbed
makeup gone
bit of hair growth for (non laser) electrolysis
clean face with a bio scrub or similar - or simply buy some alco-swabs - see tattoo parlour suppliers - wipe area to be treated - a bio hand scrub if you do not wanna wear gloves - if you do then fine - they are cheap as chips <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> 100 for a few bucks.

and when you finish massage a nice cooling aloe vera gel into the treated area.

how simple is that then sterilise before and after your equipments - use ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL PURE STRENGTH

now try again <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />

see how much easier was that x