Working on telogen hairs

Here it is implied that anyone who does not have a CPE, or a Apilus Platinum is not doing a quality job.

I didn’t get that from the page to be honest. I have also asked my electrologist (who is an LRE) about the difference between LRE and CPE, and she explained the difference and told me that if I was going to start with a random electrologist who I haven’t heard anything about, it’s not a bad idea to start with a CPE simply because it shows they did extra testing/training (I forget the exact requirements.)

What is nice is this website tells the client that THEY are the ones who need to be informed and do research.

I absolutely agree with you, Brenton. Erika is a brillant webdesigner; this post, however, is discriminatory against electrologists who do not have a CPE or an apilus platinum. The equipment do not determine the technique, skill or strategy of the electrolysis practitioner.

Michael, what do you think about this contradiction between text and photo by Fino Gior: ''Why does hair regrow? There are many reasons for hair regrowth. Sometimes an insertion is not accurate and misses the dermal papilla, resulting in regrowth. If the insertion is accurate, but only destroys the dermal papilla and not the lower two-thirds of the hair follicle where the germinative cells are located, hair will regrow. A hair treated in the telogen, or resting stage, will probably not be affected by electrology treatment. Most important: if you feel the hair coming out after treatment, nothing is being accomplished, only tweezing. Find a new electrologist.’’

And here is a link to Fino’s before and after pictures:

On the photos, you can see Fino working on an area with virgin hairs that maybe has 70% telogen hair? It’s obvious he’s doing a wonderful job with very good results. Is it possible that he has the wrong idea?

Fino was writing before “we” understood the location of follicle stem cells. He was simply “going along” with the thinking at the time. Today, we know differently. (Practical data from hair transplantation “nails it” absolutely!)

In Fino’s defense (he is a cherished friend), he was still getting results AND working on telogen hairs … and killing the hell out of them. Our target is not visible and nearly everybody has “taken a crack” at understanding what it is that’s actually happening. (I start “that chapter” with a drawing and story about Montgolfier … the man who invented the “hot air balloon.” It’s worth re-read if you have the time.)

My simple idea is simply to destroy ALL the possibilities … so, my target is the ENTIRE follicle. GET IT ALL!

BTW, yes, I did the laundry.

Yes, that is exactly what I mean. This is one example of that a wrong idea doesnt necessarily mean wrong practice

The point of the Montgolfier story was this …

Originally he observed black smoke lifting clothing that was hanging on the clotheslines in Paris. So, to make his balloon rise, he produced the blackest smoke possible: burning oil, meat and other nasty stuff.

His balloon WORKED so he concluded that his theory was correct … Thus, everybody flying “lighter-than-air” tried to make the blackest smoke possible. Of course now we know it was the heated air, not the smoke particles, that did the trick. Hot air balloons today create very clean “hot air” and they work just fine.

(I wonder if somebody called him a “Rock Star?” Yeah, probably not. The Parisians CAN be insulting, but they probably wouldn’t go “that far.”)

haha, I like you! if my electrologist doesn’t work, I might visit santa barbara