Women, why some parts waxed on guys ok, not others

I was just curious if there was possibly a consensus among the women on this: are some parts of guys ok waxed, but others not?

For example, chest, back, and Brazilian are ok, but legs aren’t.

(I’d be interested in hearing your thoughts, but in particular, I’m trying to understand that particular combination.)


Good question Soph… It is true that some women find male removal of hair in some areas O.K.; while objecting to removal in other areas.Why are you women selective?

Shaven legs on a man is just…well… effeminate.

yup - but sometimes you hear the excuse that they are into cycling or swimming. I never bothered with either excuse.

i think completely hairless men looks sort of abnormal. i personally expect a man to have hair on their legs.

L.A. Girl:

So you think the rest of the bodyt should be shaved with hair only the legs? That would seem strange to me.

No, I didn’t say that. I was just talking about the legs. I personally prefer a bit of hair on the chest, stomach, and underarms.

Seems as if you like men not to shave/wax at all? Chest, stomach, underarms, and legs…

I’m with lagirl. I like body hair on a man unless it’s really excessive. I’m not into that hairless business on a guy
at all.

One of these days, hairy men will be back in vogue and THEN what are all these poor electrolosized guys gonna do? :o

I like smoother bodies, but will make exceptions… Then again, I am “special”.
As for hairy underarms, Yechh - you just can’t really get the pits clean if they are hairy. :wink:

Underarms are hard to clean with hair - but don’t you think having shaved underarms with hair everywhere else would look odd?

In regard to your above post CoffeeGal:

Most guys are probably not seeking electrolysis these days for large areas. I would change that to “laserized” for the sake of accuracy.

Most men do not like hair on their backs and shoulders so if they get permanent hair reduction or electrolysis OR both in combination, I don’t think they will ever regret that they did this. I don’t think back hair was ever in vogue or ever will be.

Not at all - you don’t see armpits unless the arms are up in the air which is not the normal position for them. Shaved pits for all.

don’t get me wrong. I don’t prefer hair shirts or pants on a man. I just prefer a bit of hair on those areas, something that I think make a man look manly. and I prefer trimmed chest and underarm hair to an inch or two if it’s naturally long.

Yes Dee, that’s right, “laserized”. And wild back hair… no. I agree. But men who look and feel like women? Uh-uh.

Reduction – no sweat. No one wants to be a furball. It’s that all-over silky look on a man I don’t understand,
never will.

I agree with Lagirl and coffegal, I prefer men with at least some hair, too. I was reading the mature topics forum and was getting nervous that lots of men seemed to be shaving or getting laser everywhere!

Hairless backs are good, but I also prefer some hair on the chest (however when I was younger I preferred hairless chests). For me the male brazillian is kind of a turnoff.

:slight_smile: Chuckle.

I think Brazilian anything is a turn-off.

the IDEA of getting a Brazilian is a turn off!

But men who look and feel like women? Uh-uh.

Hey, quit picking on the trans-girls. :wink: