will this home ipl system work?

Been getting salon ipl, laser for the past 18months, its kept the bodyhair under control, but instead of going back i’d like something handier i can use, i understand it might not be permanent as such, but if it keeps the hair under control ill be happy enough. My question is this, would this home ipl unit have the power to do that, and work? Cheers, here is the ebay link to it, its an espil bsl-10, they claim 25joules of power http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Espil-IPL-BSL-10-Hair-Removal-System-FREE-Eye-Glasses-/250853729842?ssPageName=ADME:B:BOC:GB:1123

No, home ipl machines lack sufficient power to have any permanent effect.25 joules doesnt tell you anything, since you dont know the spot size.


Says on the page 20mmx30mm, i just thought this one had a bit more power than the others

Alas, no.

I suspected as much, is there any that have temporary results even? Would be happy enough if it lasted a few months

Try it and see what happens?

I wouldn’t bother. The “temporary results” would be similar to waxing at best IMO. I guess if you would be happy with that?

You’d have to be willing to write off the money you spent as a loss if you bought it and tossed if after a few uses…

If i could get 3months hair free out of a machine that cost me 80 i would be happy enough. Purchased it, definately has more of a kick than the previous ones ive owned, some pain, burning hair

Well, I dont hold much faith, but I will say good luck , and remind you that success or failure, it’s a good idea to come back and tell us all how it went say 6 months to a year from now.


Ill give it a bash, but im not hopefull either as my hair is very stubborn, only one machine has gave me any success, cynosure elite. Used a soprano ice 3weeks ago and the hair didnt even shed!