will my hair re grow, in time if i stop treatments

i have had about 10 treatments at 36-37 jouls at 1.5 basic!!
i have about 30 percent in hair loss and now i look like i have Leprosy with the spots and stripes of missing hair.

if i was to stop treatments will the hair grow back on my face in time? and how long do you think it will take to grow back?


it’s hard to tell. what is your age? patchiness is also attributed to lack of practitioner skill. they must be missing a lot of spots each time. how long does each treatment take? there are several people who have reported this problem, especially using a certain chain clinic.

you didn’t provide laser name, spot size and pulse used, so it’s impossible to judge the joules.

i am 30 yrs of age, i have had about 600+ plusesin the last two and 400+ in the first 8 treatments, i am told by the clinic that it is 36-37 joules and at 1.5 basic? i am not sure of the laser name but it is a dioade laser and i am irish male with blond hair and a reddish beard

they are having my spray MELADINE http://creativeinc.biz/ on my face do you know anything about this product and its effectiveness?

but if i do stop reguardless of the effectiveness of the laser or the tech. will the hair grow bach in a few years?

ok, the main problem here is that most of your hair probably doesn’t have enough pigment to be treated. reddish hair on blonds is hard to treat. most of it is not affected. i think a lot of what you have left can’t be affected. technically, no, i don’t think a lot of it will grow back, but some will since that area is highly stimulated by hormones and develops hair over time. i would send a message to sslhr on this board and ask if he ever saw a patient a few years after treatment on the beard area and how the regrowth was. i doubt all of it will grow back in, but some will like i said - it will be new hair you develop over time.

meladine is not considered very effective. run a search here on “beard” and also “meladine” using the search function and read others’ experiences.

there is also electrolysis option to even things out. you can read the electrolysis part of the forum for info on that.

how long has it been since your last treatment?

I am just now reading this thread and it is impossible from what you are describing to tell what will happen. Based on your description I would have guessed that you probably wouldn’t respond. That you are responding says something. It is just hard to know.

I think you have two options. A) continue treating or B) stop treating.

If you chose to continue, you really need to go to someone who has experience and get a second opinion as to whether you can get good results with laser. Or you could talk to an electrologist about treating with electrolysis. Without seeing your hair it is impossible to say one way or another. Though my guess is that electrolysis is probably a better bet if you wish to continue treating.

Or you can stop treating and hope that in a few hair cycles (6 months to 1 year) that the hair that is currently gone will return. But there is a good chance that it will not. Laser hair removal does cause permanent destruction of hair follicles.


What do you mean by “Laser hair removal does cause permanent destruction of hair follicles.”? If you are insinuating that Laser can not produce permanent hair removal, then this statement is not correct and also contradicts your sentence prior to it. Laser CAN produce permanent removal, but the conditions have to be right to do so.

In harrytx’s case, the diode will probably not have much long term success, mainly due to the color of his hair and the pretense that Meladine will resolve that problem. Electrolysis would certainly be a better alternative.

MeDioStar laser is the type of laser that has been used on me at 1.5 basic and 36-37 joules?

is there anyway to get the hair that is not dead or in dormit phase to start growing again or faster? will rogain work on the face or if i take shots of test?

1.5 basic doesn’t mean anything. we need a spot size and pulse setting.

the spot size is 12mm the wavelenght is 810 nm.

what is the pulse setting?
is it the joules if so it has been 36 joules in the last few treatments

pulse is basically how fast the energy is being delivered which is very important. 36 joules with 3 ms pulse is a lot stronger than 36 joules with 100 ms pulse. it would make a world of difference.

i am pretty sure the pulse is 170ms with break, what ever that means?..

i have noticed that i have alot of the hair still but it is a lighter color and much thinner… will it get dark again and thicker hair?

170 is very high. the lower the pulse, the more effective. GentleLASE alex, one of the most effective lasers, has a stable pulse at 3ms.

noone can really answer your other question. too many variables.

i am pretty sure the pulse is 170ms with break, what ever that means?..

i have noticed that i have alot of the hair still but it is a lighter color and much thinner… will it get dark again and thicker hair?

Sometimes, it will regrow due to genetic reasons

What do you mean by “Laser hair removal does cause permanent destruction of hair follicles.”? If you are insinuating that Laser can not produce permanent hair removal, then this statement is not correct and also contradicts your sentence prior to it. Laser CAN produce permanent removal, but the conditions have to be right to do so.

Sorry but I am not really sure I understand what you are asking. I don’t see how the two statements contradict each other nor can I see how my statement that you quote “[insinuates] that laser can not produce permanent hair removal.”

If laser hair removal causes permanent destruction of hair follicles, then by definition it has caused permanent hair removal. Now it may not have removed all the hair but the hair it has removed has been removed permanently. All I was saying was that he could wait to seee if the hair would come back but there was the possibility that it would not come back because it was permanently destroyed.

is this your beard?

i had very patchy results after about a dozen treatments. i also experienced regrowth being lighter and thinner.

after 8 months of discontinuing laser i have seen a little regrowth. the biggest change is that the hair that was thinner is now as coarse and thick as it was before.

this kind of makes it worse since the patchiness is even more evident. even with a close shave the beard shadow of my thick black hair on white skin is perforated by bald patches that are prominent enough for people to ask “did you shave notches in your beard?”

you can try rogaine, this seemed to make my hair more coarse but im not sure it helped it fill in much at all. from what a few others have told me, their patchy beard regrew at 8 months or not at all. hopefully i will be an exception.

there aren’t any clinical studies that show how effective laser is after several years. in fact all show SLIGHT regrowth even over a period of 6 months-1 year. im of the opinion that most MALE hair probably returns very slowly especially in androgen dependent areas like beard and back.

i think a lot of the hair that appears to be gone may in fact just have been shrunk to vellus hair, i.e. the follicle is still capable of producing dark terminal hair in time.

yes it is on my face, i have noticed that the hair is finer like you said, i am hopeing thar it will darken up!!

you said it has been 8 months since your last treatment?
if so, please explain the diffrence in your beard now and 8 months ago?

I posted a long story on another page about my regrowth. basically the thinner hair all became thick again. the bald patches are the toughest. they became less defined over time and a few sparse hairs have grown in them.

its weird usually the bald spot has one thick hair right in the middle of it, like it somehow wasn’t affected by the laser even though it is smack dab in the middle of a circular bald spot.