I have had LHR with the GentleLase on my underarms and bikini area with good results, and I’m considering getting my legs done also. The problem is, my leg hair ranges from light brown to medium/dark brown and is much finer than underarm and pubic hair. Will it work or will I be waisting time and money?
Thanks in advance!
The problem with LASER is that no one can say with any surety what your results will be. Even if it worked well in one area, it may not in another. Even if you got no post treatment trauma in your first through 100 treatments, that doesn’t mean you won’t have a bad reaction in another treatment later.
Having said that, if you got good results with the other areas, your legs should go fine, as legs are one of the easier areas to remove hair permanently no matter what method is employed.
The problem is, my leg hair ranges from light brown to medium/dark brown and is much finer than underarm and pubic hair. Will it work or will I be waisting time and money?
I am not saying it will or it won’t work on those light hair. However, I am pretty sure that the result will be less efficient on those lighter hairs than the one on your underarm and bikini area.
Thanks for the replies. By less efficient, do you mean it will take more treatments? Because if the hair doesn’t have enough melanin, I’m having trouble seeing why it would be killed after 2 treatments as opposed to one.
Thanks for the replies. By less efficient, do you mean it will take more treatments? Because if the hair doesn’t have enough melanin, I’m having trouble seeing why it would be killed after 2 treatments as opposed to one.
What I mean is, each hair follicle will absorb less energy (heat) from Laser. With less heat being absorbed, it is less energy to kill the hair follicle. You are expect to pay a lot more for legs from my knowledge, if your laser clinic charged by per area based. Less melanin means absorbing less energy (heat), however, if you have light skin, it is possible to increase the power level used by laser for treatment.
And, if you don’t mind me asking, do you want to have completely hair free legs, or just reducing the hair would satisfy you? Also, how noticeable are those hairs (without using a magnifying glass/mirror to look at them)?
Well, I would definitely prefer to have the hair completely removed so I don’t have to shave anymore, but if I got an 80-90% reduction I would be happy. Any less than this and it wouldn’t do me much good because I would still have to shave every day.
The hair is visible up close, but not from far away. I guess I’m not sure how to describe it. It’s not like a guy’s leg hair or anything, just typical fine women’s leg hair.
Hello, if the hair is not visible or noticeable from some distance, I think you can save your time and money by not doing any hair removal. It really isn’t much point to remove very fine hair that you can see them with naked eye (some distance). However, to achieve 100% hair removal, both Laser and electrolysis could be very difficult.
Both Laser and electrolysis would take some time to complete. If your leg hair are quite fine, then, again, Laser won’t be as efficient as on the underarm or bikini area.
However, to achieve 100% hair removal, both Laser and electrolysis could be very difficult.
Why would you think electrolysis to be very difficult to achieve 100% removal? Isn’t that what it is designed to do?
Why would you think electrolysis to be very difficult to achieve 100% removal? Isn’t that what it is designed to do?
Since the original poster mentioned those hair are fine and light. hunting for those not noticeable hair is very difficult in many situations, even with electrolysis.
Which would explain why electrologists have lights and magnification lamps. They may chose to leave a few fine hairs for the reason that they may not be very noticeable, but they would be able to still see them if they have evolved into the 21st century.