I’ve been posting A LOT about my problems with ingrowns on my shoulders (and also some on the chest) due to hairs getting thinner after IPL treatments. Now I think that another reasons that I get ingrowns, besides the fact that the hairs are so weak/thinn, is that the hairs also grow so unormaly slow after IPL and laser and that this gives them so much time beneath the skin before they actually penetrate it - and this gives them a chanse to grow wrong. Does this sound logical?
So I wonder if I stop IPL now and resort to waxing my back ,as I did before, will the hairs become “more alive” or grow faster again so that ingrowns will not occure like this? Has anyone got experience from this?
Becuase now I am just in the beginning of regrowth and already have maybe ten cyst like ingrowns and I can’t imagine what will happen when the regrowth realy hits in! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" />
It seems like nobody else reports any of these problems when their hairs get thinner due to LHR and that for most this means less ingrowns.