You say this is after 6 sessions. Did you take a before shot to see if you have made any progress at this point? How often are you going? (Some people seem to need to go weekly at first) When your electrologist removes the hair is it truly zapped and sliding out or can you feel it being plucked?
I tried electrolysis when I was 18 and the lady definitely plucked. And I saw zero results. I am giving it another go 18 years later now and a week after my first session I have a ton of irritation still but only one whisker has regrown so far. I know this isn’t the final result yet but it is promising - I have the kind of hair that comes back super fast so a week of no hair is an amazing outcome, short term or otherwise. I know everyone is different and we’re not all going to follow the same progress as we are treated but I have a TON more hair this time and saw much different (better) results so it’s possible - in my non-professional opinion - that it might help to consider a different plan of attack, either in terms of how you are treated (or by whom) or how often.
In my case I think I am going to shop around due to being alarmed at how much irritation I have - I am going to see the same lady again and see what she has to say but I am also seeing what other places around me have to offer as well. I never knew how much more there was to this besides “stick a needle in there and zap it!” Methods, types of machines, types of probes…
I’d start by having a frank talk with your person though since he/she knows exactly what has been done to you - tell her you expected to see some sort of change by now, ask if that is just unreasonable in your case, ask if there is anything she might try that is different - for example in my case we plan to use blend on on super stubborn hairs - based on some reading this might be a good plan if you have been plucking for years because it can attack distorted or deep follicles better - there are so many opinions out there though. Research, research, research, and shop around if you need to.
I don’t have a single magic answer for you but I know how rough it is. PCOS can be a completely soul crushing affliction to have. It is so hard to be confident and face people when you feel like a side show spectacle. I really believe there is hope for us going this route - it may take time but I really think there is hope. I have done many laser sessions and the hair keeps coming back so I think this may be the ONLY way - but it will be worth it.
You’re not the only one out there so hopefully that helps, too!
One thing to suggest for shaving - what are you using? I have a lot less irritation with a men’s braun shaver vs a blade. Might help in between sessions. Your skin might be more tender from the electrolysis, shaving on top might be extra rough now? Not sure what you are using.
I hope you can get some answers you feel comfortable with. Even just voicing your concerns with your electrologist might put you more at ease