It’s been a while since my last post so before I get into my question, a quick update for anyone reading this.
I started my electrolysis journey with that appeared to be a male pattern beard after stimulating hair growth affects of laser. It’s a little over a year later and I never thought I’d have the kinds of results I have. My electrologist has been aggressive with the current but it has truly paid off as there is much less hair and whatever is left is soooo much finer!!! The struggle is still not over because we’re still working through what is left but I no longer do anything to the hair between appointments – imagine that after having to remove the hair every 1-2 days!
So for the newbies, don’t lose hope! I wasn’t sure how much I believed it would work in the beginning but stick to it. I finally have my face back
So, on to my question. I had the unfortunate experience of waking up with stomach pain back in September and finding out I needed abdominal surgery. Not fun. It’s been a few months and I’m all recovered but a few weeks ago, I started losing chunks of hair from my head. Turns out it’s a side affect of the anasthesia during surgery – your hair freaks out and sheds 3-6 months later (similar to how women lose hair after pregnancy).
Anyway, this has been a terrible experience and I’ve been extremely worried out about my hair. Doing anything and everything to help it grow back (which it should eventually do).
My question is: I’ve read that people have had great success with high doses of biotin for hair growth, but will that reverse the work I’ve done on my face? Will it re-stimulate hair growth or will it just make the existing hair we’re still working on killing grow faster between sessions? Any experience with clients using biotin?