Why so few Coolglide success stories?

Well, Ive spent another night reading posts till my eyes fell out but totally enjoying this forum. :blush: The major contributors are so very helpful, kudos to all of you wonderful souls!
So it seems for my skin type 2 (no tan, so it is the ideal conditons to treat) and dark hair , alexandrite would be the best but all that is available in my town is the Cutera XEO Coolglide Yag. They gave me a good price, are certainly convenient, and are only lacking some professionalism as far as I can tell. I have two more treatments prepaid with them though i can likely still get my money returned as they had mentioned it when i got welts after my first treatment (reason unknown- seems to not be a problem following)

I really want to do LHR this year as I have set the time ,money, and no sun and feel the need to do this soon as it is a race now against the grey!

My question is that I don’t find many ( any ?) 6 month post success posts listing Cutera XEO Coolglide. Would it be better for me in the long run to deal with the hassle and extra expense to go out of town to find a clinic with alexandrite or are my chances of success still very high with Coolglide??

I am a little concerned that continuing with Coolglide will only thin out my hair and make it impossible or very difficult to treat with other lasers and if it doesn’t work may ruin my chances for LHR. ?? Or perhpas I am wrong and should just do these treatments and take it from there?
LOVe your input! THANKS :wink:

Have you tried running a search here? http://www.candelalaser.com/patients/index.cfm?task=practSearch

I guess it depends on how far you’d have to travel. As you know, yags are not as effective on finer hair. They can yield good results and the Cutera CoolGlide is a decent yag laser. I don’t think the hair thinning out is a big issue, hair gets finer with LHR no matter what. I don’t think it makes much difference which laser you used to start out given that the settings were good. It’s not uncommon to switch from yag to alex to get what’s left (for those who can handle good alex settings).

Honestly though, if I were fortunate enough to have a lighter skin type like yours, it would be worth it to me to travel a bit to get good alex treatments from the start. It will probably shorten your LHR journey in the long run. If you find a good machine like the GentleLASE or GentleMAX (alex side) and use good settings from the beginning, depending on what part of the body you’re treating, you would only have to travel every 2-3 months. So, it’s up to you but I say it’s worth the travel if it’s not ridiculously far.


