Why no responses

I noticed many threads get answered, why not mine? So many people claim to be going through the same thing, but no one responds to anything I say here.

Can someone please at least give me a site where there are other females dealing with this, and seeking a support group through their struggle? Oh, meaning something more than online chat. This is cool, but if anyone is really struggling with this such as I am, meeting up in person may not be what you want, but a phone call is enough to at least bring alone some sort of personal touch. Of course not exchanging numbers right off, but eventually. Some must not really be stressing and not living life as much as they say they are.

Sorry, just a little frustrated because when someone has cancer, AIDS, health issues etc. they can find real time support from others in their situation. But here I am trying to continue doing this alone, and I’m really getting frustrated having to face this alone. Thanks a lot if anyone decides to share another board with me!

Maybe you haven’t gotten responses because you are asking in the wrong place. If you want to bond and befriend and socialize with others who suffer from unwanted hair, try organizations like PCOS or Soulcysters.

Is your hair issue a result of a metabolic disorder? Have you had blood tests to determine cause?

I wish you the best.

you also didn’t provide a location. that might help.

The reason why lack of location in the profile information is the number one pet peeve on this site is because it makes it less likely that the people who could help you will ever know that the information they have is at all useful to you, as they don’t know that you are in the same geographic area.

Some casual reader of this site, who just happends to have completed the exact area you want done, with the best electrologist in the world, who happens to be down the street from you, but not advertising in the phone book, has no idea that you could benefit from their input, as they don’t know you are in the same general area. No matter how many times this point is repeated here, people still ignore this point.

So much on this board, didn’t see where to include a location etc. I’ll look and do so. But I did include that info. in my first message that I left here on the boards.

Oh, and thanks again about informing me that there are groups!

Sometimes there are ladies who have paranoid husbands who do not want their wives to even give the remotest hint of their location…

Don’t be too hard on 'em!

Please look for some PCOS forums where you can find support groups in your state.

Texas also has a wide range of hair removal clinics, many mentioned on this forum. try running a search for your city.