Why is tweezing in between treatments counterproductive?

I have had electrolysis done in my bikini line for years. Unfortunately, I have enough hair for it to be a long process, and unfortunately too, I can’t afford going to the electrologist every week (I used to, but not now, my budget doesn’t allow me to).
I can’t really afford to shave in between treatments, as I get horrible red bumps, ingrown hairs and overall, irritate my skin and it looks more evident and awful how I look there. The stubble is ugly!

So I tweeze… and I can imagine that that makes the treatment last longer han it should, but there’s so much hair to remove anyway, that I always have a lot of hair to remove in each session, even if some tweezed on didn’t grow back totally yet.

So why is tweezing considered counterproductive?

We have a saying in electrolysis.

Only tweeze the hairs you want to keep.

Any hair you pluck will not be available for treatment when you go in next time, and will never be treated until you have the luck to be in your electrologists office on a day when that hair is visable and you have not plucked it. In brief, you are making sure that your electrologist is not being allowed to get all the hairs, because any one you pluck gets to hide for weeks to months as you take it out of the growing cycle.

[ May 13, 2003, 03:52 PM: Message edited by: James W. Walker VII, CPE ]

Thanks James for the explanation!
I only have one doubt.
You say:

“Any hair you pluck will not be available for treatment when you go in next time, and will never be treated until you have the luck to be in your electrologists office on a day when that hair is visable and you have not plucked it”.

After years of going to the electrologist, is it still possible that a lot of hairs were never treated?

Thanks again!

I will answer your question with a question:
Is it possible that you could play roulette once a week for six years and never hit on the black 7? Any gambler can tell you that the answer is yes, you could play black 7 every time once a week, and not hit on it.

Just understand that the hair can only be treated when in anagen growth state, and the electrologist only knows to treat a follicle by the fact that a hair is sticking up above the skin’s surface. From what you have described, you have removed more hairs by plucking than your electrologist has each week. The difference is, the ones you are removing will be back, and your electrologist can only effect permanent removal during a small window of opportunity, and you are slamming that window shut by ripping the hairs out before they are out of phase.

Just do what you said you will do from now on in your other post, clip the hair in between treatments so that your treatments can finally end.

I have ladies who come to me with facial hair, who won’t stop plucking for months, or years, and they are surprised that when they finaly let me be the only hair removal they use, we finish very quickly.