Hi, I’m new to this forum, I desperately wanted an answer to my question and this seems like an excellent forum :).
I got fed up of shaving my legs because the result only lasted a day or so. So I started buying waxing strips, (Veet ones, because I believed them to be the best quality on the market and presumed they’d give me the best result).
On all of the packets and all the information on the web says that waxing should last a couple of weeks, up to 3 weeks it says. However, when I wax, the hair grows back within about 2 DAYS! This is almost as bad as when I shave!
I don’t have particularly coarse, thick hair, but I am really upset that I still have to remove hair as often. I didn’t expect the results with waxing to last 3 weeks, but 2 DAYS? COME ON! I must be doing something wrong?
At first I thought maybe I was just snapping the hairs, not removing them at the root, and so this would be why it was like shaving, but it stings unlike shaving! (not meaning to put people off, I have a very low pain tollerance and even I can stand it), AND when I look at the strips after I have waxed, if I looke closeley, the hairs stuck to it appear very much longer than they do when theyre sticking out of the skin on my legs, and the bottom half of the strands look floppier. This indicates to me that I am ripping them out at the root because the portion that I can’t normally see is coming out on the strip!
Does anyone have any advice or ideas? Am I doing something wrong? Is it to do with something else like hair cycles? Do I just need to do it every day until eventually the hair growth slows? (heard that waxing eventually does this).
Thanks so much, all I want is smooth legs! x