Which electrolysis is best?

Hi all,

I have received two electrolysis treatments on different parts of my body, both if which were Thermolysis treatments.

Unfortunately, ALL of the hair that was treated has grown back…very saddening.

What style of electrolysis provides the greatest guarantee to kill hair on the first treatment? Galvanic?

Thank you!

The fact that you can present that tells me you dont have enough knowledge on things like hair growth cycles. Electrolysis is never a "one and done"deal it is performed over a series of treatments for a minimum of 12-18 months.
As for what modality provides the greatest probability of a killed hair? The modality your practitioner is most comfortable and killed at and recommends, is the correct modality. They all kill hair.


I suggest you to change the electrologist.

Find one who will make real consultation with you and to explain:
-What is electrolysis and how it works,
-Electrolysis modality and how they work;
-Type of skin and hair;
-Hair grow cycle and importance of following the schedule;
-Electrolysis “side” effects and skin reactions;

He/She should make test on your skin using Thermolysis and Blend and to asses the skin reaction and the pain tolerance.
…and more things.