I’m still on this journey with electroloysis.
I’ve been clearing my face for 4 years now. It is about 85% better but I get phases where new hairs keep coming. I’ve had blood tests done to check my hormones but they seem to be fine, so I’m not sure what’s wrong. Can stress cause hair growth?
Well I am now seeing a new electrologist because of my location. I go to her to get my face cleared. I have noticed with this electrologist that my healing time is sooo much less severe. She has newer equipment and my face barely looks like I had anything done just a few days later. Is she under treating me or maybe she doesn’t have to put it as high because the hairs are less dense now?? She’s a bit slower but she only zaps the hair once and it comes out. The last lady use to zap it three times per hair. With my last electrologist I used to have times where my face was very bumpy and scabbed about a month sometimes! I’m thinking I might have been getting over treated for years and not knowing it. Well I’m starting the nape of my neck with this new lady next week. What are your thoughts, is she just better? I’m not sure what method she’s using, but I’m holding a bar in the hand. She told me she doesn’t use blend much though so I’m unsure.