In your situation I might go with Electrologist #2. The sound you describe is the sound of moisture converting from liquid to vapor in a millisecond. If you hear that once in a while that is not much to worry about. If you hear it all the time, there are possibly things to worry about. All could be well, however, one could be having shallow insertions, or the intensity may be up higher than it needs to be.
As said previously on the board, one should lean towards undertreatment rather than overtreatment. Each hair has its own treatment setting, and when working we either have to set the machine for a nice medium that will work with most hairs, and leave us to go back for others at a higher, or lower setting. This is called removing the hairs one level at a time. If a person sets the machine for the highest level hairs, and then treats a lower level of hair, you could have a blow out of that follicle. If one has the machine set for a lower level of hair, and treats a higher level hair, one need only give it multiple zaps of teatment energy, or change the setting.
As you have seen, Apilus and Silhouet-Tone machines can provide comfortable treatment, without leaving you needing a week’s worth of recovery.
I caution you however on putting makeup on the treated skin in less than 24 hours after your appointment. Although I have not had more than one client have trouble when doing this, it is still not recommended. If Electro #2 is not leaving your chin in need of a week’s worth of healing, you might want to go with her for that as well.
On the other hand, you sound like you are in your first clearance, and with that, if you have a really high number of hairs per square inch, it could just be that this is what you will have this one time through, because you are getting so much more hair cleared in your sessions.
Both you and your electrologist need to prioritize what your goals are so that what is most important is stressed, and the rest is put in order of secondary importance. I can clear a person out bare if that is their highest priority, but if looking like we are not working on the skin at all, is a higher priority, I must adjust our attack plan accordingly.
In aggressive mode, we may have lots of swelling the first time through, but we will clear out the area in a blizzard of falling hairs. If we go for no one knows what we are doing 30 minutes after the treatment, we may need to deal with a thinning technique that has the hair slowly disappearing over a period of about 8 weeks.