Where do we begin?

I don’t know! I only know that I ask a lot of questions — because I’m interested in everything. I was that annoying kid in school that pestered the teacher (they dreaded me, and then eventually liked me — it usually took some time).

I also think that what you are doing and calling “flash” is probably a bit different than what somebody else is actually doing. However, if you are getting “the dead bodies” then I’m with you. (I’m afraid to ask, but on what “part of the body” do you need blend? Hopefully not “Anthony Weiner.” I couldn’t resist!)

It is more about healing and side effects, isn’t it? And about psychology: as soon as i feel more familiar with a given approach in a certein region, my results will be better than with a different approach?

Hi Mike.
This has a 2 part answer.
Here are your clues:
PART ONE - It is not quite an Anthony Weiner however his surname is a colloquial synonym for it.
PARTS 2 and 3 - It rhymes with totem.

Oh dear, that!
How can anyone do that without local anesthetic?

THERE HAVE BEEN A NUMBER OF NEWS ARTICLES ABOUT having SOME wine every day (as is common in France) that allows them to live longer and without the high percentage of heart disease and stroke we have in this country. YES SOME ALCOHOL IS OK. TOO much water can KILL YOU and too much of almost ANYTHING CAN DO IT TOO.

TOO MUCH IS STILL TOO MUCH. I can not spell it out for you any clearer.


Sooo I feel like I’ve stumbled on quite a bit of stuff here I dont understand, but the general gist is that Hair Free Forever is not the best place to go? Thats really too bad, they put on a great front for those of us new to electrolysis.

Had I not done a ton of research about electrolysis, finding THAT site first would make me want to immediately go there…I mean they even give you personalized estimates as to when you will be completely done! lol none of the electrologists I have ever talked could do such a thing, since everybody and every situation is different :wink: