Where can I find some before / after photos?

I’d like to see some before and after photos, hopefully to find my skin type and similar hair growth.

Does anyone know where I can find these?
I’ve seen some web-site centers but have not found any really good ones.

Try these:

Photolysis HR before and after

Omnilight FPL - before and after - back

Omnilight FPL Before and After - Chest

Lyra-i Nd:YAG before and after photos.

Lightsheer Diode Before and After

Epilight Hair Removal before and after - chest

Epilight - Before and After - Back

[Q4 Quadralite Before and After](http://www.dermamedusa.com/gallery/gallery.php?page=Quadra Q4&num=4)

Hope this helps.
