When to get second shoulder treatment

When should I get my next treatment on shoulders when to get second treatment . It’s been three months. I feel like 80% of the hair has grown back. Disappointing. Is this normal for first treatment?
I spent hours getting the first long hairs removed.

This is now. Imgur: The magic of the Internet

You should do your next treatment within the next few weeks.

If your lower arm is the original hair density, then it appears more like a 50% reduction. This is what I would expect from a first treatment if you didn’t shave for months prior, so it’s a great result so far.

If you let the hair grow in without shaving, you should see up to another 50% reduction for the next treatment, and another 50% for the next until the hair is gone. Each treatment will take less time. This is just how electrolysis works.

No actually. The bottom half my arm is hairy much more hairy. I don’t think I had a 50% reduction at all.

How many hours do you think I’ll need to clear both shoulders if they look similar.

It’s difficult to say because I’m not sure of the boundary of the treatment area or how fast your electrologist works. In any case, my estimate would not mean much for your electrologist since we all work at different speeds. She might be slower or faster than me.

I can use the image you provided as a very rough guide. Just to treat the hair from the obvious treatment line halfway up the upper arm all the way to the raised t-shirt line, not including anything on the other side of that arm or the other arm and shoulder, I estimate around two hours of work just to treat the hair that is currently present.

If we can completely clear the area every two to four months, the working time should reduce by 30-50% each clearance in my experience. You could do the rough calculations for total hours required by looking at the entire treatment area and comparing it to the area in your photo, but this would only give you an indication of how long it would take me personally to treat you.

In cases like this, I would anyway recommend starting with laser since the hair density is already so strong and you’ll likely see a very decent reduction which would save you a lot of money.

Did your electrologist explain hair growth cycles and how often to come in for treatments? If you’re achieving complete clearances every 6 weeks then that’s a good baseline to go by. By end of first 6 months of treatments you should see significant reduction in hair and amount of time it requires to achieve full clearances. By 18 months you should be finishing up.