I just got waxed on Tueday in my under arms. I want to star electrolysis asap so I’m wondering how long I should wait to make an appointment. I live in Nj and it looks like it’s 100-120 an hour by me. I have about 5 people close by. Barbers Resnick ,Rae jean Wertheim, Susan Rosenberg , milla vera and coutant villa-Ruth only some have reviews. Does anyone recognize any of these names? Should I have a consult with a few of them? I currently have 500 saved up. My underarm hair is very fine and only level 1-2 so I don’t want to do laser.
I dont, but I have a client who is the New Jersey area going to Princeton, who has seen someone local that seemed to be doing good work after leaving me. I’ll email them and get a name as to who they are seeing and pricing.
I’m quite a bit cheaper that $120US , I am priced at $85 canadian an hour, which may be why they got so much work done by me last summer because they didnt have travel costs and were up here for the summer anyway.
In general if you are trying out practitioners, try out as many as you can to get a feel for their expertise. Then choose the one you are personally most comfortable with. You’ll spend a lot of time together !
How long should I wait before trying out someone?
I’m not sure why you would wait. Use the money you have to buy a small package and do some initial wor, while earning .saving for the next package when that’s done. Most electrologists do free consultations so the initial “trial” shouldnt cost anything at all.
5 hours ( @100 an hour) is probably about right to get an initial first clearance on the nderarms.
When I do a consult ( and I know not everybody does this) I try and help the client budget their treatment to best effect, to match with when they will have money to get it done, their tolerance, and with the cycles of growth. Its not always possible to “clear it all” within budget , but the progressmade is for keeps…those hairs are still dead. If you have to taake longer to get it done becase that’s what you can afford at the moment, that’s ok too.Dont feel pushed to “kill it all now” if your pocketbook cant withstand it.
I talked to one women on the phone and she called the underarms a large area and said she normally only does 15 minute appointments and it seems like she works on smaller areas. She said I could come in and let her see the hair and then talk about maybe doing a longer session.
It can be a large area but it depends on the client the history of the skin, whether its been lasered waxed plucked and just on the number of out of cycle hairs, genetic factors and a myriad of other factors. For some pain can be an issue, and some electrologists do space out their work and keep appointments short , but only some electrologists work this way. I couldnt fathom a guestimate on your underarm sight unseen and not having provided a sample treatment to test for tolerance. Some clients can withstand an hour session on underarms no problem others struggle with shorter sessions. It all depends on those mmyriad of
factors, and only your electrologist can tell you how she works.
You will never go anywhere doing 15 minute appointments for your underarms.
Too bad you waxed, but electrolysis can still catch the new hairs that come to tje surface over the next couple weeks and beyond.
I would find someone who can clear BOTH underarms every single time. you can go once a month to get cleared until there is no more hair to be treated. A skilled thermolysis electrologist can move along qucikly with deadly precision.
Toward the end, in about a year to 18 months, you may go to get cleared every 2-3 months.
It would have been better if you had let your hair grow, untouched by any temporary method, for 3-4 months and then had it all cleared in one session. Thereafter, you would repeat, clear the next group of hairs, in 2 or 3 months and so forth until there are no more hair follicles to treat.
Don’t fool around with 15 minute treatments. Get the hair off fast.
I was turned off by her surprise about wanting to do such a large area. She also charges 40$ 15 minutes and 100 for an hour so I don’t see why I would pay for 15… The other lady I called didn’t seem very friendly. I’m gonna try a few more places tomorrow.
100 - 120 hours for underarms? Nonsense. As everyone has stated, waxing was the worst thing you could have done … if you want electrolysis. It’s like this: you plan a trip in your car, and the night before, you remove all the wheels.
Drive up to Great Neck and see the operators at Advanced Electrolysis. They estimate the time for underarms at no more than 11 hours total (for the whole job). Check it out:
Watch these three videos for fun too:
But get to Advanced Electrolysis …
Would it be better for me to just wait 3 months and then start electrolysis? Would I be able to shave while waiting?
Wait 3-months. Don’t shave, if you can stand it. But if you “must shave” … stop shaving 2-weeks before your appointment.