What's wrong with my chin? (w/pics)

This is my chin 5 weeks after clearing. As you can see, it looks odd. It doesn’t ~feel~ rough, but from what you can tell visually, are these scars/rash/etc and is it permanent? Oddly, it’s more noticeable the further back you are and from there, it looks like a shadowy marbled texture.

She has a lot of experience and uses the blend method in conjunction with a telescopic lenses.

The chin area wasn’t ~as~ densely populated as the untreated hairs further down. And, we didn’t do it all in one go, either. However, this oddness is only in the areas we worked on the most. There was about 1-2 week break in between sessions. My fear is that these are collapsed tissue i.e. indented scars? Or, is this some sort of odd reaction my skin is having.

Can you confirm and/or deny?
Can supply more info if needed.

Some place way back in Hairtell I went into great length about this observation … have a look.

(And “Hairtell Folks” we need to write up all this and put this in a permanent doc. so consumers will not have to ask the same questions over and over. Ideas?)

Meanwhile, Sunray, it’s about the “myofibroblast” and the upper lip and chin (lots of those puppies dwell there):

That brings me some relief. Though, I also did have a lot of work done on my upper lip and nothing of the sort formed.

If I may, I do not mean to undermine your knowledge, but how certain are you that this is myofibroblast? My electrologist does not know what the cause of this is, despite treating many a people, which leads me to think she doesn’t want to admit that these ~might~ be pitted scars. Again, no disrespect intended.

Will wait for further input from others in the meantime.

Glad to have you here SunRay, let’s do the best we can for you.

A couple questions:

  1. Did you experience a lot of post-treatment scabbing on the chin?

  2. Was there post-treatment oozing a day or two after treatment?

  3. Was the chin cleared off, or did she remove the hairs in gradual stages; and in what period of time? (This looks like a beard; is it?)

  4. How long ago was your last treatment?

(I’m 99% certain that all this will be just fine, but let’s continue this conversation a bit more.)

  1. Did you experience a lot of post-treatment scabbing on the chin?
    At first when we started, but as we cleared more and more, scabbing (in general) has gone down by a lot. Granted, I was maintaining good hydration levels as opposed to when we first started when the scabbing was at its heaviest. As I understand, though, scabbing is normal.

  2. Was there post-treatment oozing a day or two after treatment?
    Oozing… if by that you mean weird yellow puss stuff, then sort of, yes.

  3. Was the chin cleared off, or did she remove the hairs in gradual stages; and in what period of time? (This looks like a beard; is it?)

She gradually cleared them off in stages, the last session in that area (5 weeks ago) I had asked her to finish it off by getting all the finer ones. Based on my feeling and the time she spent finishing, there were a lot more finer hairs than I thought.

  1. How long ago was your last treatment?

5 weeks.

Trivial(?) Details: I ride a motorcycle and my helmet kind of compresses my chin for roughly 30 minutes a day.

You probably got a bit “fired” (that’s the technical word for it, by the way); but with this post-treatment 5-week period there is still a LOT of healing activity. Those “Myos” are pulling and puckering up the skin at the moment. I’m pretty sure this will all even out in time.

The clearish/yellowish “ooze” is blood serum leaking out (lots of electrologists incorrectly think it’s “lymph fluid.” Yep, even the zapper-textbooks have this wrong too.). It’s not necessarily a sign of “overtreatment.” It depends on other factor … I wouldn’t worry about it.)

I don’t think the pictures are that clear. Did you do some editing with the light?

Okay, I’ll give it time.
In the meantime, am open to more interpretations.

No. On that note, these pictures are originally much bigger to the point where you can magnify it a greater deal, but photobucket resized them.

I don’t know. I see many clients with heavy beards and I always take BEFORE PICTURES from different angles to document what their skin looked like before treatment begins. Most often, it is not perfect and looks dented and uneven before we start. It is just a charactaristic that is natural and when the hair is gone, it stands out even more. Did you take pictures pre-electrolysis?

The picture below is an example of a persons skin before electrolysis was even started. She was a daily shaver, sometimes shaved twice a day. Some people have that orange peel skin effect occuring naturally and they have uneven skin, in general.

As I said, I think your pictures lack clarity for me, so I don’t know how to comment. Here is your picture: ( more pictures can be seen in OP by clicking on the link above)

Skin is not perfectly smooth on most people. Not trying to offer excuses, but pointing out what occurs naturally that may have not been noticed when the hair was covering the skin. Here is another example of a case BEFORE she even had electrolysis

The skin on my chin didn’t have all of these cracks/indents/irregularities – prior to that, it was quite smooth. It wasn’t until after we cleared the chin that they (these irregularities) showed up.

That said, what I’m asking is what it looks visually akin to, e.g. pitted scars/rash/myofibroblast or what have you, since I do not know what abnormalities look like in regards to electrolysis.

Okay, well you know what your skin looked like before treatment and I believe you.

For the density of the hair that you had and given the very coarse structure of hair you had on the chin, above the hair that you still have below the chin, I can understand if you have some irregularities where you were treated. You will have to see if this evens out over time.

I reduced the saturation in your photo. Once again, the myofibroblasts are trying to pull the wound together and thus create this “orange peel” effect. These little “buggers” can keep this up WAY after healing has taken place. You will not know the outcome of this for at least 6 months. I would not worry about it.

Here’s why none of us can be “absolute”: We did not see the “aftermath” of your treatment, so nobody can assess if there was any overtreatment or infection. “Orange peel” can happen with even the most perfect treatment (especially on the chin and upper lip.)

It would be patently wrong for anyone to state “much of anything” at this point. You are simply going to have to wait it out. (Go for a long ride? Vrooommmmmm!)

I see, thanks though.

Mr. Bono:
Understood, I’ll give it more time.
Thank you for your insight.

Other info:
Just in case, the link in the OP does contain more pictures with different angles – some clearer.

Thank you for pointing out the link information. I edited my post above to reflect that as well, Sunray. Please come back to this thread later down the road and let us know how things are looking.

It just dawned on me that, in all my electrolysis sessions, there is one thing I did differently than for any other, and right before this became an issue: immediately following the last clearing of my chin, as a suggestion, I draped a very moist washcloth with Epson Salt over my chin and for a couple days thereafter for 10 minutes each. I didn’t think anything of it, but around that time is when these irregularities occurred. I’ve had many sessions on my chin, all of which healed nicely, it wasn’t until I used the epson salt for the healing of that one session did a reaction occur.

Considering this is the ONLY variable, what kind of reaction occurred, if you can make a hypothesis?