What should I do...?

Hi everyone,

I’m new here (stumbled upon you a few weeks back when I tried to search for hair removal success stories…) and this is a massive forum, so bear with me if I’m a bit out of place.

Information about me:
From Denmark (in Europe)
Am 20 years old female

As my 21rst birthday is coming up I would like to treat myself with a gift that I will benefit from for many many years. Permanent hair removal!

Am I a good candidate for permanent hair removal? Humiliating pictures posted beneath…

So so sorry for the gross pictures… :((

The thing is in Copenhagen the clinics don’t use laser-laser as in your “GentleLaser” (which I fell in love with reading a success story about), they use Ellipse IPL. I was hoping it could be effective on me due to my hair thickness and skin colour?
I also found one clinic using lasers from Syneron, anyone who knows whether that would be a better option than IPL?

A bit of shedded light would ease my worries endlessly :))

Ps. I posted a sister post to this in the “Share Your Feelings” forum as you aren’t allowed to ask questions there.

To be honest this forum sucks for laser. It’s mostly centered around electrolysis With the occasional post by a couple of people who’ve had laser. If you can get a good deal you’ll probably get some reduction.

Yea, we have a huge problem here at HairTell where we don’t like people throwing their hard earned cash away. We suck!

No you dont suck…i was just stating a fact, and what i said about laser is just my personal experience

With IPL it’s generally a gamble on how good results can turn out. I would at least try to find a diode laser if you don’t have Alexandrite/Yag types. But overall, women do get good results with (non IPL) lasers at correct settings because lower leg hair is “easiest” to kill with laser.

I agree.

With all the laser specialists in this billion dollar industry, one would think there would be one or two that would want to share their time with a hair removal forum like this. We hear complaints that this site is electrologist heavy and laser specialists do not want to argue with electrologists here, getting into turf war tiffs, but in actuality, if the truth is told, there are no disputes. There are limitations with both modalities and those limitations are exposed here freely.

I like laser reduction for lower legs, underarms and bikini areas especially, IF the person is a good candidate. I have seen some impressive IPL results on the lower legs, but some think that IPL therapy is like long term waxing.

Hair needs to be punched and punched good, whatever the modality used, heat needs to be impressive enough to disable hair follicles.


Your leg hair would be perfect for laser hair reduction. I would get some consults!

Dfahey you are such a darling! You just get it! Wish there were more like you out here! And therein lies the problem. There arent enough of you around!

We need both lhr, and electrolyisis, as both serve different purposes! I would like nothing better than to access a professional electrolysist, but for face its not so realistic and there is just no one round here. Sadly it seems like a dying profession especially away from major centres. I wish that wasn’t the case. So those of us who dont have acess to the few good zappers have to risk, and be grateful with the small amount of possible hair removal from the mushrooming ,often money seeking, LHR businesses. With even the small amount of reduction of hair i have had with LHR i am greatful as i would have paid a fortune to have that done with E besides the travel costs and FINDING someone who could do those kind of marathon sessions. Thats ALOT of variables ! My hair treated was fine and mostly treated with ipl. Both factors that would have been discouraged by the very few posters for laser on this forum. Im glad i did it anyway. What choice did i have? Maybe the hair will return but for now i am more pleased with that investment than the many hours and money ive spent searching for zappers and the many i saw that have been not so professional. The last zapper i saw in his fancy franchise charged me a small fortune and was TOTALLY into the money, not the results. That Was a huge turn off !
I think it would be fantastic if you, Josie and the other pros on this forum were to be sure to train others so when you retire there are still some pros around! Course ,that is your choice!
I also don’t think it’s realistic for people on this forum to give newbies the impression that womens faces are a simple , fast straightforward clearance. Even Michael stays away from women’s faces becuase he has admitted that it is not that simple a case! The last e i saw told me she has been working for years and years just on a womans chin. Sure she maybe just another incompetent zapper ( seems to be many of them) but maybe she was just brutally honest.

Stopituptidy, you were very lucky to be able to see Josie and get such great results, but she is booked solid, lives in Spain and is only one person. For the millions of us out here looking for some hair reduction sometimes LHR is realistically our only option. We will take what we can get. In the end yes you can take some bad risks and lose money with LHR and you can also risk and lose money with E! I am speaking from experience!


There is an electrolysis school 20 minutes from my home here in Columbus. I would love to help future zappers, but have never been asked to pop in and help students one on one with their insertions. I would do this for free.

Some of us here on Hairtell offer pearls of wisdom about electrolysis care to others frequently. It makes some electrologists uneasy and I have had private messages basically tell me to “cool it”, which may be the proper thing to do, as this is not a schooling program website.

I realized something this past spring when I attended an electrolysis continuing education one perfect Sunday. As I sat around the lunch table, I realized that the younger electrologists I was talking to, were all doing laser in a spa setting or a medical office. Very few were performing electrolysis on a daily basis. One told me that she barely does electrolysis because laser takes care of most problem areas just fine.

If you don’t have skilled electrolysis experts actually removing hair on a regular basis, how will they remain skilled, especially if they are fresh out of school with less than a million insertions under their belt.

I do a lot of light colored accelerated hair on faces and I sit for hours. In the same day, I am treating specific hairs on the eyebrows or removing thick breast hairs. Toe hairs is the next job of the day. People want the hair off fast, whether it be for large and small areas. Not all hairs are coarse and dark, so not all hairs can be seen by a laser, but laser is easier to do and more lucrative, so it is only natural that the younger electrologists are shifting gears toward laser, but how are they fulfilling the needs for the clients with a full spectrum of hair structures and color?

Yes, when retirement is on the horizon, I wonder where the next generation of electrologists will be? Some genius better invent something fast that is better than electrolysis for hair that laser can’t affect because I don’t see too many younger electrologists honing their skills enough to do complicated cases that require speed and a strategy that punches hair for good the first time.

I have plenty of work, probably due to a shrinking field of highly skilled electrologists who will work on a client for more than hour, with the understanding that large areas can be affected or women’s faces with copious amounts of blond hair can be tamed.

I hope my observations are all wrong, but the words extinction, horse buggy whips and T. Rex keep dancing in my head.

God I hope there will be a next generation of legend electrologists coming through!

What I wouldnt give to learn this trade and become a “legend” at it. I dream of becoming an electrologist and clearing the larger body areas that the small beauty clinics just arent interested in doing. Unfortunately my little country doesnt offer any courses for it unless I suffer through a long beauty therapy course which then only offers a tiny module covering electrolysis :frowning: I only want to learn how to kill the hair!! not apply makeup and do hot rock massages! So frustrating. Someone start a school in NZ!!

Honestly, you would be better off taking a vacation to visit some of your favorite electrolysis “Legends” and if you are lucky, some of them will actually see you, teach you a think or two and when you go home, you will actually KNOW what you are doing.

I take that over any one’s star on my belly.

Yes but I cant open a clinic on that alone which is what I would like to do. Still working on convincing the husband and kids to move to the US for a few months to do a school there …